Went for echo today

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
Northern Ontario, Canada
I finally met with my surgeon and cardiologist today for follow up, they say I'm brand new now, everything is just great on my echo, so now only scheduled to see them in 1 year. They gave me the green light to start living my life to the fullest again. I one happy camper. Thanks again to all my wonderful friends on here that helped me get thru this. Hopefully I will be able to help others now.
Great news. Was this the first time you saw our cardio or surgeon since your surgery? Reading your post, that is the impression I got.

I guess, as long as you are doing so wonderfully well, it doesn't matter. :)

Stay well and enjoy every day!
yes it was my first visit with surgeon and cardiologist, when I was discharged from hospital they told me to schedule appointment in 3 months to see them, but I was feeling good so didn't really mind seeing them just in 3 months.
I'm just past mine, too, about 2 weeks ago, my first annual check up post-surgery, so I know just how you feel. I didn't see the surgeon yet though, and we (cardio and I) decided that if he doesn't need to see me, I don't need to see him. All my cardio said was that everything is "perfect" Never thought about being cleared for shovelling snow (although leaves need raked first) would be such good news!

I had an echo, appt with cardio and separate appt. with surgeon at about 4 weeks, maybe 6 weeks, but that's the first since then. Now onto annual followups.
Congratulations and many more good reports

What a good high feeling even to read someones doing fantastic:)

zipper2 (DEB)

Great news! :) Sounds like you were spared much of the post surgical depression I went through. I hope you continue to come here to VR and cheer people up with your positive results; if you experience a bump in the currently smooth road, we'll of course be here for you.
