Update on my Dad

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Joanne it's time to stop. Your worrying more then they are. He's gonna be fine, but not if you worry yourself to death. He doesn't want to attend your funeral. ;)
Ross, thats what I needed to hear, really...I am going to go grocery shopping. I need to get out for alittle bit...Thanks Ross;)
MY understanding of the Weight Lifting Restriction for Valve Patients is that Blood PRESSURE is the concern, NOT Heart Rate.

Note that Valve patients are usually told they can continue Aerobic Exercise but to LIMIT their Weight Lifting.

100 lbs is WAY over any restriction I have seen.

Didn't Arnold Schwartzneger BLOW a replaced valve by overdoing his exercise routine?

JoJo - Be sure your Dad tells his Cardio about how much weight he has to lift in his daily work routine!
Thanks Al, I believe the cardio is aware what my Dad lifts for work but I will remind them to tell the cardio again.
Hi Again, I just talked to my dad and his cardio and the surgeon that did the cath both know my dad lifts for work. My husband got a little tough with me today, he told me I need to snap out of my depression. So, I am watching the Giants with him.
ok Jojo....now your near and dear to my heart....a Giants fan ! Im a NY transplant also watching the game, jumped on here now that its halftime.

Like Ross said, try not to worry sounds like your dad is being smart and following doctors orders. The worst part of this whole process is the pre-surgery time period. You kill yourself with worry with all the "what ifs" and the uncertainty of it all. If it helps, my roomie during my surgery was 77 years old. He had a valve replacement, three bypasses and a hole in his heart repaired. Walked into the hospital on Thursday, surgery Friday, walked out the following Wednesday. Needless to say I was blown away when he told me what he had done AND how well he did at the hospital. He was up and walking around (someone slowly of course) the next day !
Hi Again, I just talked to my dad and his cardio and the surgeon that did the cath both know my dad lifts for work. My husband got a little tough with me today, he told me I need to snap out of my depression. So, I am watching the Giants with him.

Good idea! We males need you whether we like to admit to it or not. Time away from us makes us selfish upon your return. We want your attention then. ;)
Well I am at work. Havent talked to my parents yet. They will be heading over to the Coumidin Clinic this afternoon and I hope they hear from the Cardio doctor today as well.

If all is good, my dad will return to work tomorrow.
My Dads INR was 1.5 this afternoon so my dad has to continue is Lovenox shots in the stomach to get his blood back to normal and also take his coumdin, my dads next appointment with the cardio is Dec 2, so unless the cardio calls my dad, thats when he goes next to discuss surgery, its TWO weeks away and that upsets me, but thats when he is available, I guess if it was an emergency they would be seeing him sooner?
My mom called the cardio Friday while my dad was in the cath recovery and left a message with the cardio. I am just nervous...My dad is also going back to work tomorrow...I am real nervous...
Thanks Nancy. I am starting to really think the docs know that he will be ok right now with working and stuff before surgery because if they didnt they would have called or contacted my folks by now. I know the cardio has the results, the cath was Friday.

I said to my parents earlier, if you feel ok with waiting till 12/2 to see the cardio then ok. I have to respect that. My husband says I need to lay off abit. I am a PITA...Pain in the HINEY!!!

DO you think doctors know how long someone has before the valve gets like SUPER bad and affects other organs and such? Like a time frame estimate but they just dont tell the patients too much about that???
I think that good cardios know just when things need to be taken care of asap. Right now, I guess, your dad's surgery is classified as "elective", in otherwords, not an emergency.

You should try hard not to add your stress to your parent's stress. You don't want them worrying more about you than about your dad. He has to be the focus now.

It's a fine line, I know. You love your parents very much and don't want anything bad to happen.

But I would imagine that they have a great deal of their own stress at the moment.

Try to be positive and soothing when you talk to them. That will help more than anything.

You are a fantastic daughter! Very kind and caring.
Update, my father went to the Coumdin Clinic this evening with my mom. His INR is back to where it should be, 2.2. He can NOW stop the Lovenox and still of course continue with the Warafin.

He saw the cardio for a little bit, he told my dad the surgeon they are suggesting, Dr Passik (sp?) and the surgeons office will call them for an appt which will most likley be the THursday AFTER Thanksgiving. THe surgery will probably happen after Christmas, the cardio said, not an emergency but needs to get done.

So thats about it. My parents seem good. My dad healed up well from the cath procedure and is back at work. Please continue to pray, thats what is helping me and my family.

THank you
Thanks Bina, yes right now we are all a little more relaxed knowing what needs to be done. I know there will be MORE worries and stress down the road, so gotta save up my energy for then. I do know deep down inside this will all work out for my dad.
It seems that for now JoJo your Dad is being watched pretty carefully by his doctors. So try to enjoy the upcoming holidays & enjoy time with your folks without dwelling too much on what is going to happen.

Stay strong & supportive of your Dad & just let him & your mom know that you are there & ready to help them however you can. I'm sure that he will be fine & come through his pending surgery with flying colors!!