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Procedure that my mom is leary of...

Procedure that my mom is leary of...

My mom asked me to post this on the forum to get your opinion.

The doctors have proposed to her (after she declined this procedure two days ago) that if she agree to get the procedure called "The Swan" in which they can go into her heart and check the pressure and numbers then they may be able to move her to stepdown today or tomorrow. She had this procedure done about 2 weeks ago and she says it hurts (she would rather they put her to sleep but the doctors do not want to put her to sleep).

What's your take on this procedure? If its necessary for the doctors to do this to see what's going on in her heart, I believe she should brave it and go through with it but I haven't been through what she's been through, so I can't convince her.

Thank you in advance.

bbbdirector's daughter
Here are the results from a Google Search for "Swan procedure"


From the first link, it appears that a Swan procedure is a Right Heart Catheterization which is the Gold Standard for diagnosing Right Heart pressure problems such as Pulmonary Hypertension.

I'm wondering what your mom found to be "painful" about her last procedure. Most people feel little or no pain from a normal Heart Catheterization since they anesthesize the insertion site (usually the groin but not always) with something like what dentists use before drilling a tooth. There can be some 'pressure' upon insertion. When they inject the 'dye', there is a Warm Flushing feeling. None of these procedures have bothered me in the past. That said, my local hospital has an Excellent Cath Lab staffed by Doctors who 'live there' and are Very Good at what they do. I would think that the Cleveland Clinic would also have well trained interventional Cardiologists.

I'm sorry she had such a tough time with the procedure before, but honestly I think IF that is what the doctors at CCF need to do to give her the best treatment possible, depending what the cath shows.. I think as much as she doesn't want to do it, it would probably be best if she would.
IF they don't want to put her to sleep to do it, I would talk to the doctors about at least giving her enough meds like Versed to make her relax or just pretty much not care.