Three Weeks Since Surgery!

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Apr 15, 2011
Washington State
Surgery went aortic valve and aortic root aneurysm repair...mitral valve closed back to normal when those were fixed. Heart rhythm went into a-fib and they're treating it with medication so far...say it is irregular but strong, and not rapid. After a week at Sacred Heart (Spokane), spent another two weeks at St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute learning sternum precautions and building up energy. Home yesterday. Good to be here. And glad I went to rehab first! Best wishes to everyone.
When I was on the Cardiac ward post-op, getting ready for discharge, several of my new walking buddies were heading for a rehab hospital. They'd had an Occupational Therapist check out their digs, and certify that there were too many stairs for them to handle for a while. (Me, I had a lot of stairs, too, but I wanted to go home. It was fine.)
Glad you made it over the peak of the mountain and are recovering now. Get rest when you can, being able to get quality rest was the hardest for me. I wish you the best in your recovery.
Thanks for your messages. "Walk, eat, sleep" seems to be very good advice. Fortunately I'm able to rest whenever needed and as soon as our weather improves, hope to start a little outside walking, with the help of a four-wheel walker with seat the rehab people recommended.
Congrats Addy, I am a new OHS patient and an Occupational Therapist. I have more empathy for the incredible fatigue my heart patients have. I have a great neighbor who walked with me the first 2 weeks in my neighbor hood. I felt so much braver and more secure having someone with me in the beginning. Cardiac Rehab is very monitored so walking in the neighborhood is different. The kids and I need to work alittle more with our 2 labs so I can take them, one at a time, for a spin around the block. I am glad you are on the other side, much less anxiety.
Thanks, Wanda. I can relate to "incredible fatigue." Being retired, with my retired husband here at home, I'm able to rest as needed, which seems to be frequently. Today I'm going for a walk outside, with my four-wheel walker w/seat close at hand. Hubby coming with me. The monitored Cardiac Rehab won't start for another week or so.
While in the rehab hospital I developed great respect for the therapists--physical and occupational. I admire you for being in that field.
Addy, glad to hear you are doing well! I had my aortic valve replaced and aortic aneurysm repair three weeks ago tomorrow also. I am walking at home and plan to start cardiac rehab next week. I hope your a fib issue works out, I had one in the hospital but have not had any trouble with that since. I do understand the fatigue, though. My daughter walked me 1.5 miles today (she's 10, but destined to be a drill sergeant or a trainer) and I had to lay down for over an hour. I guess that's a sign I need to do the rest and eat part more. :)
Welcome to the "Other side of the mountain". Wishing you a bump-free and speedy recovery. I was not given an option of going from the hospital, straight to rehab, think that was a great way to go. MY surgeon did insist I have another adult with me, 24 hrs a day, especially when walking..for the first 2 weeks at home. My 30 y/o took emergency leave from her job, to be here with me, while her husband cared for their 5 children...........I was lucky to have a loving family. All my adult children have done a part, in helping me recover....driving me till I can drive, shopping etc. I could not have done this without them and the support of loving friends. I start Cardiac Rehab June 7th....
Life is worth every moment of discomfort ,we all have endured and I would do it again, without blinking an eye, but with alot less fear and apprehension .
Best of you and your loving family.

Go Team 2011 !!!
Dx BAV with stenosis 3 proximal arteries 75% + occluded 11/2010 Surgery at St Agnes, Fresno Ca. 4/14/2011 AVR with Edwards "Magna" Bovine Tissue Valve and a Triple bypass
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Wow, walking a mile and a half...that is amazing. Our daughters can be something, can't they! Both my daughters (who are way grown up and moms of teenagers) have come to stay for a few days. My husband is 86 and we don't want him to get too tired out.