This Just In: Jane E's Surgery This Thursday, June 25

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skeptic49 Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
I just got an email from my friend Jane E...many of you may remember her last post about a month ago "Muddled" when she asked for help making sense of her numbers and her situation. Anyway, she will be having surgery to repair her aneurysm this Thursday. One of Jane's friends will be keeping the rest of us posted on Jane's progress. I'll post what I receive.

Here's Jane's email that I received today:

I suppose I should have written too but I am up to my eyeballs and have been. I finished work on Friday. So THAT's done.

Well surprise surprise, I am going into Abington Hospital on Wednesday for heart catheterization and then Thursday's the big day. They are more concerned about the anuerysm than any symptoms. Still considered elective since not an emergency but they like it that way. The aorta went from a tame 4.0 to 4.5 since the fall so they expect it will continue now.

They are going to put a synthetic graft on the aorta. What's exciting is they may try "valve sparing" which is new to BAVs. If it looks okay when they go in I may just have a repair. Won't know til I wake up. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. If it works I could keep my valve for life. They have reasonable expectation to do a smaller incision-- 3 inches? on the sternum or horizontal depending on how everything looks from the catheterization. So much unknown. I am getting pretty edgy today. Tomorrow should be awful.

I wrote her back to give some encouragement and support:

Hi Jane,

I'm relieved to read that you are scheduled because that much change in the aneurysm in such a short period of time is definitely something that needs to be fixed.

All will be well...all will go well I'm sure. I'll look for email updates from your friend. If you don't mind I can keep the VR folks up to speed on your progress because I know many of them care about you besides me.

I'm sorry I'm not nearer but of course anything that I can do I will do.

I'll be with you in spirit. You know that.

Try to relax and slide into this calmly and gently if you can. You've done your homework. You have a great surgeon and hospital and you are out ahead of this. You've done everything right and you will be just fine. No sense getting in a tizzy...have a belt or two and rejoice that you are not some emergency being wheeled in to the ER on your back.

We'll have plenty to chat about once you get to the other side.

Love ya!


Please keep Jane in your thoughts this week.

Thanks Jim. I just hope that this valve sparing deal works, because I see no reason to open someone again when it could have been done right the first time. I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like a damn guinea pig at the hands of these people.
Best wishes, Jane, as you undergo surgery later this week. We all wish you the very best, and hope that your surgery is 100% successful and that you have an easy, uncomplicated recovery.
We'll be waiting for Jim to update us.
Until that time, God bless and Godspeed!
Thank you all. Jim told me that he was writing for me so I thought it was only polite to show myself once more. All the detail was making me pretty neurotic but I have achieved some calm.

As for Ross' concern I am with ya, but I would like to go as "natural" as I can. If there is too much calcification or anything off they will pop in something biological. The cardiologist of the team will be present and serve as a second set of eyes as to the viability of a repair. Coumadin was definitely not for me (note I said me not other people.) If they do the valve sparing it could be for life (or not.) I know the biological has a definite need for eventual replacement so I am gambling that this procedure will last. The surgeon says the artificial graft will actually hold the valve a bit firmer and will give either the repair or the replacement better stability--helps all around.

My surgeon, Addonizio, was at UPenn, and taught there, so he's not your garden variety suburban hospital guy. Obviously he makes more money in his own kingdom and has autonomy. I am completely at ease with his team too.

Thank you for your prayers. I am actually a bit psyched. This is a new beginning. You have all helped me during the decision part and for that I am so grateful. Now on to that Jello diet and the sale at the GAP early August.

Jane E
Give her my best and tell her I am praying for a successful surgery and smooth sailing recovery.
Thanks again. I am feeling 0.....kaaaaaay. But jittery. I am loading up on steroids because I am allergic to the dye for the cath. Always something fun. Sending all kinds of last minute messages and phone numbers. I am single so this is quite a job. My teen son is pretty crabby this afternoon so I think he is worried. AND!!! My geriatric kitty needs care too. Somehow I have it under control and even sewed the button back on my kitty cat slippers, got a hair cut, a trip to Dairy Queen and a pedicure. There will be some FIERY red toe nails on that operating table. Blessings to all of you. The light you shine really does shine far. Vente cups of karma to you all. Jane