The Importance of Girlfriends !

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
This festive season has been a sad one with the loss of 2 of my girlfriends, one being "our Debora" and the other my dear friend Jenny from Motor Neuron Disease. (Jen & Debora met each other when Debora was in NZ .)
This has really brought home how special girlfriends are, and because of this I am posting this thread. So guys,get in touch with all your girlfriends, from school , college & all the women in your life and tell them all just how very special they all are.
Love to you all
Sorry about the loss of your girlfriends. It is nice to be reminded of the blessings of having have good faithful girlfriends; and I consider myself lucky to have a girlfriend for 47 years who lives nearby and others across the Nation for 25 years; and now making new friends here. :)
sorry to hear about the loss of your two girlfriends, but you are right, it is important to be reminded to keep in touch - something I am not good at, so maybe I will make an effort today and e-mail a few of them.
Yes, it is so very important to say what needs to be said when there is time to say it ... I was fortunate to be able to be with my best friend David when he left this world and I am so grateful that we said the things that we wanted and needed to say .... on a heartbreaking note, my brother and I were estranged for years (not enough time to expound) but at his funeral one of his co-workers said, " I did not know Bobby had a brother" ..... that will haunt me the rest of my life .... say what needs to be said, now......
My son that was just here visiting from Arizona is bi-polar and we did not know where he was for 2 years. On our 41st anniversary last year he called to say Happy Anniversary. I almost didn't answer the phone because I did not recognize the number. He flew out here for 10 days this month. He is working a good job and hopefully will be okay. We never know. But, I got in lots of hugs and I love yous while he was here. Do I love him any less or more than my other 2 children? No. But, I realize he is troubled and needs us more. Sorry to ramble. I know this is a subject about girlfriends. I was just so happy to see him.
Interesting thread. Had to really think about this before I replied.
I totally agree that friends (boy or girl) are important......very important.

But what's the meaning of friends when you reach out to them they decline your invitation? Would this mean they weren't really your friend to begin with even if you have known them for decades?
To those who I thought were my friends......true friends, have shut me out since I have had surgery.

Sorry Wendy for hijacking your thoughtful thread - but I just had to ask.
"But what's the meaning of friends when you reach out to them they decline your invitation? Would this mean they weren't really your friend to begin with even if you have known them for decades?
To those who I thought were my friends......true friends, have shut me out since I have had surgery.

Sorry Wendy for hijacking your thoughtful thread - but I just had to ask.[/QUOTE]

Well maybe that situation fits in the "clear conscience" category ?
You do your very best and that is as much as you can do, if people won't make an effort, then you know where you stand and maybe it's time to move on ,very disappointing, but you can look back on the situation with a clear conscience ?
I do have a particular friend whom I have known for 49 years....she is a NUT....a total
hypochondriac, and she is the one who is always there for me. (and I, for her).
Other friendships may come and go for different reasons, and that's okay too.
Life is full of changes, it's all about how we accept and deal with those changes.....
Wendy, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of another of your friends.
I love my friends ...dearly.
Over time though, I've learned that there are 3 types of friends - friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime.
This helps me to understand why some friends are just not meant to stay in our lives for a long time. Some do, but not all.

Hugs, Yolanda
My best friend from school and I married twins and became sisters in law. Sadly Bernadette passed away 6 years ago from breast cancer, but before she died she wanted to locate a group of girls we had been friends with during school. We all went out for lunch and had a great day, the rest of us have continued to catch up every 3 months for lunch. If it wasn't for Bernadette these girls would have been out of my life for ever.

I thought about you Wendy when Deb probably knew Deb better than any of us, she often taked about you. I remember how excited she was when she was planning her holiday to New Zealand.

Losing Debora was a real blow...if you ever met her or spoke with her on the phone you will know how vivacious and full of life she was...

This thread has prompted me to send a card to my best girlfriend to remind her I care...
I feel the need to share a story from my surgery. Everyone here knows about the depression that hits us post surgery. While I was still in the hospital and was told I needed to have a pacemaker, and that I wasn't leaving the hospital for at least another week I got depressed. I was so depressed that I thought some really horrible things. The day of my pacer surgery at 7am my best freind walked through the door. He lives a thousand miles away and flew in to see me just for the day. Just to see him brightened my day to no end. It was awesome to see him and it really relaxed me. I was so relaxed when I went into surgery I was laughing and joking with everyone in the or. What really hit home for me was he was waiting for me when I came out. He almost missed his plane home. I honestly think that if he hadn't visited I might not be here today. It's almost like he knew I needed support. I have told him several times since, that it meant the world to me.