Vit K content
Vit K content
I have this list that says that seaweed has 1700mcg of vit. K while cabbage only has 52, and turnip greens have 182. Seaweed is by far the highest on this scale I have. But then again, it also says beef has 104, and I would think that cabbage would have more than beef... I'm so confused...
I have to admit that I have not been very good at keeping a regular diet. We tried for awhile, but my hubby and I get onto kicks with certain foods, then loose interest in them after awhile. There was a period where cabbage was in every other meal we had, and now we hardly have any at all. I had one doctor tell me that as long as I didn't go over board (5 cob salads in one week) then it would be okay. Is this really true? I feel like maybe it is my diet that is making my INR levels so difficult to regulate (that and the docs trying to regulate it). Any advice would be wonderful. Once in awhile I do like to have sushi, but is this out of the question now???