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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
I have a question about sushi. I know a lot of people are turned off at the idea of raw fish, but I personally like it. My question is, how much vitamin K is in sushi rolls? I was looking at a list I was given from the hospital after my VR and it listed seaweed as having an EXTREEMLY high amount of vit. K. However, I had sushi rolls about two weeks ago, and my INR went up, not down. Does anyone have an explaination for this?

Errrr....I like sushi too and just had an outing to a sushi bar on Friday night. Must confess that I never even gave a second thought to the seaweed. It's not on either of my lists.
I can't find seaweed or sushi on my seventeen-page list of Vitamin K content.
Food should be thoroughly cooked -- or not cooked at all. None of this in-between stuff.
Pickled herring is sort of sushi, isn't it?
In my circles, we used to have what we call tiger meat on a fairly regular basis -- raw and very fresh ground round; that sort of stopped after the E-coli scare a few years ago.
Vit K content

Vit K content

I have this list that says that seaweed has 1700mcg of vit. K while cabbage only has 52, and turnip greens have 182. Seaweed is by far the highest on this scale I have. But then again, it also says beef has 104, and I would think that cabbage would have more than beef... I'm so confused...

I have to admit that I have not been very good at keeping a regular diet. We tried for awhile, but my hubby and I get onto kicks with certain foods, then loose interest in them after awhile. There was a period where cabbage was in every other meal we had, and now we hardly have any at all. I had one doctor tell me that as long as I didn't go over board (5 cob salads in one week) then it would be okay. Is this really true? I feel like maybe it is my diet that is making my INR levels so difficult to regulate (that and the docs trying to regulate it). Any advice would be wonderful. Once in awhile I do like to have sushi, but is this out of the question now???

We are very fortunate that we have as a member an expert on Coumadin, Al Lodwick. He has a website It answers a lot of questions about regulation of Coumadin. Plus he usually checks in here from time to time, espceially the Coumadin Forum. If you send him an email with your questions, he'll get back to you, I'm sure. He's a really nice fellow.
Niki, your list sounds different from my list; is your available on the web somewhere? My list is a compilation of information gathered from four sources; it simply presents the information available, but does not claim to be complete. Cabbage is listed at 98 for 2/3 cup of fresh, boiled cabbage.
The INR levels are definitely dependent on consistency of diet, exercise, and many other trace elements, which Nancy I think listed in a wonderful post earlier.
Vit K list

Vit K list

I just looked at the source for this list of mine. It's from 1986! While I'm sure the vit K content hasn't changed in the last 16 years, knowledge sure has... Jim, do you have a link I could go to for more info on K content in foods? This list of mine isn't very extensive, and I'm not sure how accurate... I am so bad at watching my diet. I mean, I always buy the "low sodium" options of things at the store, ever since being told to cut back on sodium, but I can't seem to get consistant on the vit. K. I'm consistant within a week, but not from week to week. Do you all find it easier to always include a dark green salad if you aren't having something else high in vit K, or is it better to not eat it often, so that if you need to lower the INR you can do so with food instead of changing your dosage? I really don't feel as if I was given very adequate information...

Thanks all for your help. I will probably email Al with some of my questions as soon as I compile a list of them. So Al, if you're reading this: be ready! ;)
This is the source of my list:
For information on the Vitamin K content of foods, go to When I printed this out, it was seventeen pages, very useful information, much, much more detailed than the little Coumadin booklet.
I was hoping that you had something better than this.
Consistency is certainly difficult when it comes to diet. Absolute consistency would mean always eating the same thing, which would be rather dull. I seem to prefer to eat little most days, and then pig out once or twice a week, which is not all that consistent.


Thanks so much, Jim! This should be very helpful. That is, if I start paying attention. I'm a lot like you. I will go for a long time with eating very little, but then I get a craving and want a lot of it... Unfortunately, I guess I won't be able to give in to those cravings anymore. Today hubby made a cesar salad to go with dinner (we had company) and I wanted seconds SO much. But I resisted. Didn't want to throw things off too much.

Thanks again,


It is high and should be a no you realy have to know any more?