Surgery went great today!

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Mar 12, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Melissa had her surgery today and everything went very well. She has been up a couple of times and is feeling pretty good. Her tumor was larger than they thought but everything still went without a problem. They did use five sternum talons (sp?) to close with and she is hoping that they make recovery a little moe comfortable.
Thank you everyone for the support you have given her/ us through this journey! It has been very comforting to hear about the experiences of those who have been through very similar times.
God Bless and we will keep you posted on her road to recovery!
Just a little speed bump in life, carry on in the journey. It makes big difference if you catch these abnormalities at the right time. Take Care and may the Gods continue to be kind.
Melissa had a great night and they are already going to move her out of ICU! They had her standing up and doing some shoulder exercises every 2-3 hours during the night. She is a fighter and is already working very hard to get back to our everyday lives. At the rate she has started out at it will be a fast recovery!!!
God is good!!!
Melissa had a great night and they are already going to move her out of ICU! They had her standing up and doing some shoulder exercises every 2-3 hours during the night. She is a fighter and is already working very hard to get back to our everyday lives. At the rate she has started out at it will be a fast recovery!!!
God is GREAT!!!


It's so good to read how well the surgery went and how well she's doing.

Now is the time for the supporting spouse to get some rest and start breathing again! Take care, and thanks for posting.
Melissa had another really good day today! She felt much better after they changed one of her med's. The doctor said another 2-3 day's and we will be headed home! The doctor also asked if they could use a video of one of her TEE tests as an educational tool. I'm not sure what to think of video of Melissa's heart in a classroom but she felt like since her case was rare it would be great if they could learn from it.
Thank you all for your support and prayers!
God Bless.
God bless happy to read her success story......thanks for all the updates......
