surgery tomorrow!

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I was anxiously waiting on results of your surgery actually. This was similar to a friend of mine who just had theirs succesfully. Long time lurker, and brand new member.
I am now posting in the post surgery section for updates on my surgery.

Today was the one week mark. I am feeling pretty damn good. I got released from the hospital Friday morning, so I spent a little over 3 days in the hospital post surgery. I am already walking at least a mile a day, and sometimes climbing a few flights of stairs just for something different. I am able to maintain controlled breathing, but it is frustrating how more labored simply walking feels after surgery like this, but it's getting better and easier each day so far. I am able to do almost everything on my own, besides lifting things and reaching high. The toughest thing is just remembering not to use my arms for any pushing and pulling, which is awkward at first getting out of bed or sitting down. My range of motion in my arms is pretty limited right now. My sternum doesn't hurt when I'm stationary, but it is definitely sensitive and my wound feels tight on my skin, kinda hard to explain. Not taking much for pain anymore, as I don't really feel the need for it. Maybe 2 percocet/day, but I think that'll decrease even more throughout the week until I transition to OTC stuff. I can take deep breaths with minimal discomfort. There's still some tenderness is the ribs, and the backs of my shoulders near my armpit is still pretty sore, I guess from how I was positioned during surgery.

But everything is going about as good as it possibly can right now! I can't wait to see how I am months down the road.

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