Stressed abit

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Well hubby's hours got cut back 12 hrs and next could be layoff
but we won't go there.:eek:

My question is should i go to work?My cardio says to find a new Dr if i do
and yes i understand i can't but i have to ,look whats happening!

I have too more appts both on Dales work days,i have to attend alone
and 1 appt is 27th of may which im going to see if i can change to june 18 and 19th as appt here as well.

Need to travel 4 hrs and stay into 3 days for sure and it's going to lead not impossible,but expense will be (blah) we don't need right now.

My job's open yes applied for disability as told by my Cardio,but we have to wait into June appts to get info to them they,ve requested.

I know work will kill me ,so to speak but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do.

I just don't see any other way easier if i don't return and i know i will lose my Cardio and right now don't care about the wait of disability
I'm stressing out with something small but i needed to vent cus i can't wait for all like disability to fall into place right now

Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated right now,cus all i want to do is return to work and my doc's say no.But i know my jobs there.

This is a finacial strain that could take for bad if i don't go back.

What to do,what not to do? Thanks gang.

zipper2 (DEB)
Now that's a tough situatio. I have no ideas for you, but hope all goes well and you can work something out. I'm praying for you.
Thanks TBone just words are comforting,i'll get over it one way or another

zipper2 (DEB)

If your docs are behind your getting disability, I would go all out to get that accomplished. Is it a long drawn-out hassle to get disability where you are? Maybe you have a lawyer friend who could help expedite? Really doesn't sound like you should try to go back to work. Sorry about the cutback in hours for your husband. Hopefully things will get better soon, or at least not worse. Will pray for you all.
Thank-you SB but you know temptation's there right now
and thats the easy part:eek:

Thank-you i will try not make stupid decisions on the brink of moment.

Thanks also for your prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)
don't do it deb, tighten that belt instead ! Could you get modified work or light duty instead of the old job back? Or go part-time? Or as a last resort, find something else? What does your cardio say about other types of work?
Is there any jobs you could do online at home? I don't know what your skills are , but my brother teachers online math. Also I have a couple friends that type medical or legal reports at home. As for disability I hope you have luck with that, but I don't know how it works in Canada, but my disability is VERY low compared to what I made working, actually I couldn't survive on it if I wasn't married, right now it covers the mortgage, which is a help, but that pretty much takes my whole check. Altho I do remeber there are expensive I don't have like driving to work, lunch, bridge tolls parking that I don't have now.

It stinks, I hope your husband gets his hours back soon.
Deb I don't have any answers for you, but know I'm thinking about you. I'm starting back to work on Monday and have found out that while I've been off we've had cuts as well. Too bad we weren't two of the 13 that just won the lottery in Edmonton. look after yourself, things always have a way of working out.
Sorry to hear of your situation. I dn't have answers, but think your health comes first. I hope the cuts are temporary and you can manage through this. Best wishes and good luck.
Thanks Jackie and Wayne yes i know my health more important,it's like fight the temptation or give in and die(no win battle)right now for me.

Jeanette no talk of other work at present time, even different work.
Lyn yes online job,but too computer aliterate I am (LOL)
Buffy good luck to you starting back to work Monday and yes wasn't
that a wonderful lotto win for Edmonton (WOW):)

Ive sent e-mail to secretary to either change the 27th May appt to June18@19th appts or vice versa,so i don't have to make 2 trips there in
less than 2 weeks.
I know she'll e-mail back in the am with a solution for me.

zipper2 (DEB)
Deb, There is a hostel attached to the U of A, primarily for oncology outpatients in therapy but I know they provide beds for people who have multiple day clinics and appointments with the surgeons and specialists. Have you looked into this? It's free for the patient and I'm sure the social services liason at the hospital will do all they can if you but ask questions about meals and transportation as well. It's very important that you have as many solutions as possible over the problems you can't see your way clear of and I have faith that someone will be there for you.

Take Heart, my neighbour. There are smart people around, we just need to know how to ask the questions to ferret out their answers.

eta: Do you have disability insurance on your household mortgage? This would be the time to call it in if so.
Oh Deb -- I agree with Bina that health comes first and the rest will work out. You are due for some good luck,
I know this is a tough call to make, and would say that if the work you
will be doing is physical,to only go back as a very last resort. Mostly
thinking of how your cardio is so set against it,and you haven't even
recuperated from your last surgery yet...way too soon IMO.
I can empathize, but with me I have one doc who says I can work if its
part-time and another who says "no way" :confused:
I am sending you good thoughts and wishes - Dina
I hear the U.S. Marines are looking for a few good umm women. :D

Seriously though, I know where your coming from. We are fading very fast here at home. Lyns pay cut and hour cut have us eating crackers and cold cuts. Well it's not quite that bad yet, but it's very close.


I am not very good at giving advice about how to deal with the down turns that we are all feeling. I wish I had some good words for you, but I have few.

You seem to me to be a woman of great courage and great stamina. I followed you through the days before your surgery and found you to be a strong and oh so fantastic woman. It seems to me that you are now faced with some obstacles that you are probably hard pressed to deal with.

It may be that at this time in your life it is more important for you to focus on completely healing. I am not unaware that this is something that will adversely impact your finances. But, then you might have to deal with the long run in order to heal and find a future.

I wish you the very best.

Really sorry to hear this Deb :(
I hope that you're able to find a solution...I'm at a loss for what to offer, so I'll just say I'm thinking of you and hoping things work out for the best.

I did get an e-mail from cardios sec.and a phone call.

Appts all moved to June 18th and 19th.....So i don't have to go wed.

Pam i won't be at UofA my appts are at Cedar Somewhere lol and right
across is Grey Nuns hosp,go there for tests and then Garneau Lung Lab i think on College Plaza,112th st.then Cedar again for monitor,so im no where near UofA hosp.My cardio is across from GN hospital.

Melissa thanks for your wishes and Dina i know i haven't recuperated yet
from surgery and work would likely (shifts) alone would throw me in hospital.
Like Bina says health first,i likely couldnot survive work or the fact finding another cardio for that matter:eek:

Ross US Marine Corps HHHHMMMMMMMM!! wonder if i could earn one of those parachuterigger badges;) that would be awesome:)

Blanche your so sweet as usual and i will try to behave(promise)

For now temptation holds, but my hubby says no to any of it and says
alittle patience will be worth it in the end,he doesn't wanna have to spend his shortened hours in hospital with me cus we both did that not long ago.
so when frustaration strikes i will vent here ok.:p
Thanks everyone and i do have some good news,don't want
to start a new post but my parents are moving HOME from 8 hours away drive
When i say home i mean closer here to us and i am so happy as they are both elderly and need to be closer,By Sept they plan to be closer (here.)
I am so excited,they don't wanna live with the kids when asked but want to live closer to the kids their exact words,i've prayed for this for along time and prayers are answered.So not everything is negative;):)

thanks everyone again youll be hearing from me bad days LOL

zipper2 (DEB)
That is good news Deb that your parents are moving closer - how much closer? Meadow Lake? Hafford? Raddison? ToonTown? I know...... Maymount or N.B.?

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