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Yep, so long as the relevant bits aren't diseased or cancerous, and so long as you don't have HIV or hepatitis.

With most of us I imagine they're not going to bother with the heart.
This is a very good question!
I was recently thinking that if I sign my donor card and get killed in the car etc. would the hospitals even want any of my parts? Younger, healthy people are such good donor candidates, I wouldn't want to pass off my older, worn out parts to some unsuspecting person....LOL
This may sound weird to some, but it is true.

I very much wanted to be an organ donor many years ago. On the way to DMV to mark my Driver's License that I am a donor, a strange person (angel maybe), huge, tall, grey hair, very nicely humbly dressed and clean cut advised me not to--he knew what I was going to do without me mentioning it:confused::confused: Why: his reasoning was that if I ever got invovled in an accident and taken to a hospital and fallen in hands of unconsciounsous medical staff, they may not do their best to save me, if they have a patient/s in need of parts who are paying a high price.
THIS IS NOT A HALLOWEEN STORY~ AND I am not trying to scare anyone, but I got scared and I did not do it. I wanted to do it before my OHS, but I was sure that I shall come out from it safe.:)
If you watch Discovery Health, you will know, IN CALIFORNIA, they must wait 12 hours after declaring you brain dead, and before harvesting organs. It's very difficult to keep someone's organs going on life support for that period if they have bled out from a head wound or some auto accident.

Also, "they won't try to save me if I'm an organ donor" is an urban legend, a myth, it's baloney.

And having "DNR" tattooed on your chest is not sufficient to prevent the paramedics from giving CPR or defibrillating--in Texas, at least, a written, properly executed out of hospital dnr form (on the state promulgate form, no less) with proper identification is required.