Sending prayers to our Melbourne members

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There are some really awful wildfires in the Melbourne, Australia area causing much damage and loss of life. I would like to send prayers and well wishes to our members in that area (as well to those affected, members or not). I hope all is well with you and your families.
I second that Gina -- I was just watching it on TV and it is horrible! I hope everything is okay with our Melbourne members and their families and friends.
It's been just awful!!! Melbourne is fairly OK (although one of the outer suburbs lost 6 houses), but the rest of the state is still battling 31 separate fires - 10 of which are quite major. So far 126 people have died and 750+ homes have been lost. It's just impossible to comprehend the devastation..

I hope our Victorian members and their families are all safe. My heart goes out to all those affected.
I live in Victoria and it's been a horrific weekend here. Saturday was the hottest day recorded in Melbourne's history.

I am in total shock about the devastation the bush fires have caused in this state. The human toll and stories emerging is heart-breaking.

I just want to express a sincere sympathy to all those families and friends who have had to struggle through this hell.
I read about it on the news and thought about the members, hope everyone is ok, sending prayers and best wishes to all.
Thank you for everyone's's a very somber, sad time here in Victoria. We were on high alert with the fires one km away, but it moved direction. Others have had so much devastation. Hardest part is hearing all the sad, sad stories. Also hard to comprehend that most of these fires were deliberately lit...and re -lit after the fires were under control.
Mu husband's family is caught in the middle of one fire right's burning in their bottom paddock but they've chosen to stay on and fight. We can't convince them otherwise. I was all prepared to evacuate our family...we can re-build our home but I can't rebuild our three little ones or Chris. It's a very sad time.

Hugs, Yolanda
My prayers go out to our Aussie members and to their country.
I just saw this on the local news site ..... this is awful, just awful:(

HEALESVILLE, Australia (AP) - Entire towns have been seared off the map by wildfires raging through southeastern Australia, burning people in their homes and cars and raising the death toll to 84 on Sunday in the deadliest blaze in the country's history.
Searing temperatures and wind blasts created a firestorm that swept across a swath of the country's Victoria state, where at least 700 homes were destroyed and all of the victims died. More victims were expected to be found, officials said.

"Hell in all its fury has visited the good people of Victoria," Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said. "It's an appalling tragedy for the nation."

The skies rained ash and trees exploded in the inferno, witnesses said, as temperatures of up 117 F combined with blasting winds to create furnace-like conditions.

The town of Marysville and several hamlets in the Kinglake district, both about 50 miles north of Melbourne, were utterly devastated.

At Marysville, a winter tourism town that was home to about 800 people, up to 90% of buildings were in ruins, witnesses said. Police said two people died there.
"Marysville is no more," Senior Constable Brian Cross told the AP as he manned a checkpoint Sunday on a road leading into the town.

At least 18 of the deaths were from the Kinglake area, where residents said the fire hit with barely any notice.

Mandy Darkin said she was working at a restaurant "like nothing was going on" until they were suddenly told to go home.

"I looked outside the window and said: 'Whoa, we are out of here, this is going to be bad,"' Darkin said. "I could see it coming. I just remember the blackness and you could hear it, it sounded like a train."

Only five houses were left standing out of about 40 in one neighborhood that an Associated Press news crew flew over. Street after street was lined by smoldering wrecks of homes, roofs collapsed inward, iron roof sheets twisted from the heat. The burned-out hulks of cars dotted roads. A church was smoldering, only one wall with a giant cross etched in it remained standing.

Here and there, fire crews filled their trucks from ponds and sprayed down spot fires. There were no other signs of life.

From the air, the landscape was blackened as far as the eye could see. Entire forests were reduced to leafless, charred trunks, farmland to ashes. The Victoria Country Fire Service said some 850 square miles were burned out.

Rudd, on a tour of the fire zone, paused to comfort a man who wept on his shoulder, telling him, "You're still here, mate."

Police said they were hampered from reaching burned-out areas to confirm details of deaths and property loss. At least 80 people were hospitalized with burns.

On Sunday temperatures in the area dropped to about 77 F but along with cooler conditions came wind changes that officials said could push fires in unpredictable directions.

Thousands of exhausted volunteer firefighters were battling about 30 uncontrolled fires Sunday night in Victoria, officials said, though conditions had eased considerably. It would be days before they were brought under control, even if temperatures stayed down, they said.

Residents were repeatedly advised on radio and television announcements to initiate their so-called "fire plan" - whether it be staying in their homes to battle the flames or to evacuate before the roads became too dangerous. But some of the deaths were people who were apparently caught by the fire as they fled in their cars or killed when charred tree limbs fell on their vehicles.

Rudd announced immediate emergency aid of $7 million, and government officials said the army would be deployed to help fight the fires and clean up the debris.

Australia's previous worst fires were in 1983, when blazes killed 75 people and razed more than 3,000 homes in Victoria and South Australia state during "Ash Wednesday." Seventy-one died and 650 buildings were destroyed in 1939's "Black Friday" fires.

Wildfires are common during the Australian summer. Government research shows about half of the roughly 60,000 fires each year are deliberately lit or suspicious. Lightning and people using machinery near dry brush are other causes.

Victoria police Deputy Commissioner Kieran Walshe said police suspected some of the fires were set deliberately.

Dozens of fires were also burning in New South Wales state, where temperatures remained high for the third consecutive day. Properties were not under immediate threat.
Sadly the death toll is now up to 173. I am in the centre of Melbourne and okay but my in laws nearly lost their house. It is just absolutely sickening to see all the devastation and hear of how children have lost their lives. Thanks to everyone for your support.....
I am so thrilled to hear from you. Sorry about your inlaws area but thank God they are ok. The whole thing is just heartbreaking.
Hello everyone,

I am truly so sorry to hear about the Aussie fires! My heart goes out to everyone. Saying prayers, and hoping all our members are okay!

God bless, Kathy
I think it's more that our politicians are likening it to an act of terrorism - and frankly I'm inclined to agree. You light fires after the hottest driest season in our recorded history, with the ferocious winds we've been having and you have to expect things are going to get out of control and people are going to die. Seems like an act of terrorism to me.

surfsparky said:
Mu husband's family is caught in the middle of one fire right's burning in their bottom paddock but they've chosen to stay on and fight. We can't convince them otherwise. I was all prepared to evacuate our family...we can re-build our home but I can't rebuild our three little ones or Chris. It's a very sad time.

I hope Chris's family are all OK. I'm with you - there's not much point saving "things" at the cost of your life. When we were in Stawell and facing threat from the fires a couple of years back, my partner and I had a very heated discussion about the decision to stay or leave. He's adamant he would stay and fight - I would rather leave it and let insurance replace anything that was lost. It's still something we can't agree on, although maybe now he's become a CFS volunteer he'll change his mind (and my heart has been leaping into my mouth everytime his pager goes off!!).

Meanwhile we're all incredibly gratefull that SA has managed to avoid any major fires so far (touch wood!). The police have been monitoring known fire-bugs, so hopefully that's been part of the reason we've escaped unscathed.