Scuba_898 Surgery: October 22nd, 2009

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Scuba, Wishing you all the best for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. This is a busy week so you are in good company! Looking forward to reading your updates when you are able.

I think you had your surgery on Monday (had it not been moved up?). If not wishing you all the best tomorrow and if it was on Monday, wishing you a speedy recovery. No matter what day it is, we will look forward to an update!
sorry i took a while to post. got home yesterday. everything went good though. doc saids i still have fluid in lungs and heart, not enough to worry though. I had a BAV repair, aorta root and ascending aorta replaced. will talk more later. just wanted to let yall know i made it through.
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Hey scuba, welcome home!! Great to see you posting so soon and glad to hear that everything went well and that they were able to repair your valve. Take it easy now and rest up. Continued good wishes for a quick and smooth recovery.

Glad to see you came through OK!

I tried to find you today, but Agape (one of the RNs) said you had already gone home. Turns out you were *way* down at the far end of the hall from me.