Scheduled today!

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
Houma, La.
I think im posting in the right side now... anyway, I talked to Dr. Duncan today at the Texas Heart Institute, and scheduled for Oct. 12 for consult, and he said he could do my procedure on the 13th. Really nervous now, but glad im moving forward on this.Im sure ill have alot of questions between now and then. Called my insurance and they said everything looked good, and was in my network, so thats a plus. Just really getting more anxious now, but feel good about not waiting another 6 months. Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words, and support.
Glad you have a date. I hope the time goes fast for you. They say the waiting is awful. (I went in through ER, no time to think) Best of luck to you Danny.
Now it goes from if, to a count down. That's a big change.

Stay cool and know it is for the best.

It's easy for me to say 'cause I'm not there yet.

Keep talking to us, we are in it together.
This is really good news Danny! I know the wait will be unbearable, but the fact that you have a date you are shooting for I think is better than just the 'who knows when kind of waiting'. Of course it makes it all more real too. I can understand why you are nervous. I'm sure there isn't a single person on this forum that wasn't nervous about such an invasive procedure. October will be here before you know it and you will climb your big mountain and then find yourself going down the other side. You know how to reach me if you want to talk....

Danny, get some anti-anxiety (Xanex) from your doc, it will take the edge off and make it much easier (believe me I had to wait from 6/9 to 7/30), I continued to work but took it very the day of the operation I was at peace and ready. Just get your questions ready, keep busy...the time does fly. And remember to let us know what is going on....

Congrats on scheduling a date!

Congrats on scheduling a date!


I have not been on the forum all day and just read your news now. This is a big step forward and I am very excited for you! We are all here to help you through these next 4.5 weeks. Just visualize yourself on the day after the surgery and how good it will feel to get on with your life and not have this hanging over your head any longer. And October 13th is a great day - it was the day that my twin daughters were born! So it is a very lucky day for David and me and it will be a very lucky day for you too!

Stay strong and think positive - you are going to do great, my friend!

The waiting is the worst, especially the time untill a firm date has been agreed upon. Now you have time to get all the questions answered and to prepare mentally. I was terribly scared at times but a few days before the operation a calm set in when I realised that I must now leave it all in the hands of the experts, the team of surgeons, anaethetists, by-pass pump people and the host of nurses and other technical people, both in theater and ICU, and later in the ward,(right down to the friendly girls from catering) all highly trained and experienced it doing just one thing at that particular moment in time--getting you fixed and safely over the mountain. I still get emotional when I think of these wonderful people! Johan

The waiting is the worst, especially the time untill a firm date has been agreed upon. Now you have time to get all the questions answered and to prepare mentally. I was terribly scared at times but a few days before the operation a calm set in when I realised that I must now leave it all in the hands of the experts, the team of surgeons, anaethetists, by-pass pump people and the host of nurses and other technical people, both in theater , ICU, and later in the ward,(right down to the friendly girls from catering) all highly trained and experienced in doing just one thing at that particular moment in time--getting you fixed and safely over the mountain. I still get emotional when I think of these wonderful people! Johan
Sounds Good to me Danny !

IMO, you have made a Good Decision and will be in Good Hands (both Surgeon and Staff).

Hopefully you will find that sence of Calm as you enter the "Acceptance" stage of the Grief Process.

'AL C'
Thanks for all the kind words. It really means alot, and i feel like im doing the right thing.
Glad to hear that you talked to Dr. Duncan & are now scheduled for Oct. 13th.

The waiting part is so very hard. I waited almost 7 months before I had my 1st surgery. It was murder especially since there were no forums such as this to get advice, ask questions, support, etc.

So between now & then, prepare yourself by getting things done around the house that you won't have to bother with once you're home.

And you are doing the right thing! Wishing you all the best! :)
Hi Danny,
So glad that you have a date! October is a good month and we will be here for you every step of the way.

Hang in there.
Thinking of you!
Danny, Welcome to the September/October cluster. I remember the great feeling when the decisions about the valve and the date were made. I slept really well that night but soon went back to my more troubled sleep pattern. If you find you are anxious and not sleeping, you may want to talk with your GP about medications to help with both. I think that the more relaxed and rested you are going into surgery the better you may weather it.
Oct.13th way to go and the wait is worse but keep busy,positive
additude and know this will make you better and you will so do fine and were
all here to cheer you on,so be happy and time will fly positively.Sides we will all be there with you on 13th;)
DANNY,Congrats on scheduling a date!


srinivas Heart History:
13/6/2008 2D Echo Diagnosed Ascending Aortic Dissection ,Bicuspid aortic valve, Moderate AR at the age of 38(2008)
9/6/08 CT scan shows Aneurysmal dilation of aortic root and ascending aorta with dissection extending upto brachio cephalic trunk and mild aneurysm
16/07/08 Operative findings & repair. Aortic aneurysm approx size 10 cms diameter.Aneurysm extd upto 1c m from innomiate artery. Mod. Bental DC Bono surgery procedure done to repair my anueuysm with#25 mm St.Jude medical valved conduit(SN 84094003.REF25CAVGJ-51400 AOROTIC VALVED GRAFT) At CARE Hospital Bangara Hills,Hyderabad,India. Surgeon: Dr K.s. Neelakandan gave me re birth! Dr . Sridar,Dr.Amreesh, Dr.Jagannatham completed the formalities.
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, Im nervous as hell, but this will be fixed soon. Thanks.
I agree with Linda on the anti-anxiety medicine. Not something you want to get hooked on but given the circumstances it will help. Especially if you are having a hard time turning your mind off when it is time to go to sleep. Your PCP should be able to help you with that.
