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Bubba is very sharp too. Good people skills. And he kin spel reel good.

Of course he does. Semper Fi.

People must learn to READ. It's a basic concept taught early in childhood. If someone can play XBOX, Nintendo, Play station, own a computer, etc, they should be able to READ. Sorry, it's a peeve of mine. :)

I agree.
But ... how many times have you given your e-mail address to someone and the person calls back and says it doesn't work?
I deal with at least one person a day who confuses an addy for an URL.
It's kinda scary out there..... And tonight's the full moon. I can't wait to get to work tomorrow. :eek::eek:
I agree.
But ... how many times have you given your e-mail address to someone and the person calls back and says it doesn't work?
I deal with at least one person a day who confuses an addy for an URL.
It's kinda scary out there..... And tonight's the full moon. I can't wait to get to work tomorrow. :eek::eek:

I can't stress enough. Learn to read. Really, txt msg dsnt gt tit.
whut'd BUBBA do???? :confused::confused:

ban all yo' somabitches an' let God so't it out. :p:p:cool:

Thet's th' Marine Co'ps way! :rolleyes:

Salute an' Shet mah mouth. :eek:


Good to see ya redneck. How's it hanging?

What should a shield be tested against?
The number one priority of any tactical operator when selecting an entry shield is performance – Does this shield protect me against the threats (rounds) I am about to face? All Type (Level) IIIA entry shields should be tested against the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard-0108.01 for Ballistic Resistance Protective Materials. This standard mandates that any material tested for Type (Level) IIIA threats must protect against two rounds:

•.44 mag at 1,400 ft/s (+/- 50)
•9mm FMJ at 1,400 ft/s (+/- 50)
In addition to identifying the rounds and velocities with which Type (Level) IIIA shields are tested, the NIJ Standard-0108.01 also covers the following:

•Pass/fail test only. This standard does not issue any ballistic certifications
•Five test shots per round (9mm FMJ/.44 Mag). The number of shots are consistent regardless of the number of specimens submitted for testing.
•Dry testing only
•No backface or V50 test requirements
Bubba might be a little extreme (LITTLE!!!!) but I’ll throw my three cents worth in.

Ross, I know you were fishing for Mods and I ain’t agonna take the bait. If nominated I will not run and if elected I WILL NOT SERVE!!!!

I’ve been in this place since late 2004. I came here just like most folks. I was suddenly facing the unknown of potential valve replacement surgery and was looking for both answers and reinforcement. I found both along with a lot of “common crisis” friends.

This site has had an ebb and flow over these years. After my surgery in 2005 I posted my experiences and passed some of those on to the grasshoppers that appeared along the way. If you don’t count my January – March bout, I’ve been one of the fortunate ones to have an easy recovery post-op. Over the years my own experiences have dulled somewhat, causing me to limit my replies to specific trials I’ve encountered along the way.

We have had people come and go. Some didn’t have a choice in the matter, such as my Bonnie Gal, TBone and others. We have even lived thru a few deaths that didn’t even happen. Those still here have survived and probably become stronger thanks to guidance and a firm hand from both Hank and Ross. As Ross said earlier, this is Hank’s living room. He started it and like a father watched it grow. Along the way it has experienced some growing pains but we have always come out better than before. I have had the good fortune of meeting Hank in person and he is full of life and love for VR.COM.

Although I seldom posted to the War Room, I did peek in most every day to see what was being typed. Some posts, especially the “personal attack” kind, rubbed me the wrong way but I just bit my tongue and read on.

We have attracted a diverse group of folks here with one common bond, either they are someone they love dearly have experienced or are facing valve replacement surgery of some sort. Sometimes we cross over the “politically correct” rules. As a Christian and a former military member, I am sensitive to the fact that not all in this world walk my path to salvation. I don’t try to push my personal savior on anyone. But even I was surprised that a simple prayer request could turn into an all out “what I believe” discussion. I’m sure some PM’s were sent from both sides to both Ross and Hank.

Don’t even think about bringing up a political theme. The “tongue bombs” would start to roll from both sides with no solution in sight.

So with that said, all HEART and no FUN would make VR.COM a dull place. Let’s help those that need our help. Let’s give our advice and opinion when asked. But let’s also find the room to celebrate a new grandbaby, offer prayers (or whatever you belief may dictate) to those that ask for it (for whatever reason), pass along the jokes, stories of our life beyond the HEART and offer a monitor or shoulder for someone in need of something. When it gets out of line, let’s reel it in a little bit. I almost always type in DRAFT first and try to read it objectively from another person’s view. If you say to yourself “someone just might take that wrong” then you may be right. Even the smilies can’t convey what you actually mean.

May God Bless,

Bubba might be a little extreme (LITTLE!!!!) but I’ll throw my three cents worth in.

Ross, I know you were fishing for Mods and I ain’t agonna take the bait. If nominated I will not run and if elected I WILL NOT SERVE!!!!

I’ve been in this place since late 2004. I came here just like most folks. I was suddenly facing the unknown of potential valve replacement surgery and was looking for both answers and reinforcement. I found both along with a lot of “common crisis” friends.

This site has had an ebb and flow over these years. After my surgery in 2005 I posted my experiences and passed some of those on to the grasshoppers that appeared along the way. If you don’t count my January – March bout, I’ve been one of the fortunate ones to have an easy recovery post-op. Over the years my own experiences have dulled somewhat, causing me to limit my replies to specific trials I’ve encountered along the way.

We have had people come and go. Some didn’t have a choice in the matter, such as my Bonnie Gal, TBone and others. We have even lived thru a few deaths that didn’t even happen. Those still here have survived and probably become stronger thanks to guidance and a firm hand from both Hank and Ross. As Ross said earlier, this is Hank’s living room. He started it and like a father watched it grow. Along the way it has experienced some growing pains but we have always come out better than before. I have had the good fortune of meeting Hank in person and he is full of life and love for VR.COM.

Although I seldom posted to the War Room, I did peek in most every day to see what was being typed. Some posts, especially the “personal attack” kind, rubbed me the wrong way but I just bit my tongue and read on.

We have attracted a diverse group of folks here with one common bond, either they are someone they love dearly have experienced or are facing valve replacement surgery of some sort. Sometimes we cross over the “politically correct” rules. As a Christian and a former military member, I am sensitive to the fact that not all in this world walk my path to salvation. I don’t try to push my personal savior on anyone. But even I was surprised that a simple prayer request could turn into an all out “what I believe” discussion. I’m sure some PM’s were sent from both sides to both Ross and Hank.

Don’t even think about bringing up a political theme. The “tongue bombs” would start to roll from both sides with no solution in sight.

So with that said, all HEART and no FUN would make VR.COM a dull place. Let’s help those that need our help. Let’s give our advice and opinion when asked. But let’s also find the room to celebrate a new grandbaby, offer prayers (or whatever you belief may dictate) to those that ask for it (for whatever reason), pass along the jokes, stories of our life beyond the HEART and offer a monitor or shoulder for someone in need of something. When it gets out of line, let’s reel it in a little bit. I almost always type in DRAFT first and try to read it objectively from another person’s view. If you say to yourself “someone just might take that wrong” then you may be right. Even the smilies can’t convey what you actually mean.

May God Bless,


You ate that damn canned possum didn't you?

In reality, you know I love you as brother as I do most everyone here. I got my eyes swiveling about the ChouDoufu character. I'm looking to retire and move to Mexico with my mistress. Lookin for that "Special" someone who will tend to the flock. Wouldn't want to mislead them any. Kind of sucks having laser dots on your forehead and chest all the time.
What should a shield be tested against?------------------------[/url]


No matter what we invent, until someone comes up with a real solution to preventing shots being fired in anger, we will continue to kill or be killed.

We design something to stand up to 9MM so they come out with something bigger. We design the flack jacket so they aim for the head. We design something to protect the head better and they come up with something else. Gosh, I even read an article recently that someone (or had someone) shoved 1 pound of explosives and a detector up his A$$ and called his handler by cell phone to set it off while he was standing next to his target. It was not detected by common means. Thank you drug trade.

The Marine Corps came up with the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to protect or Marines from improvised explosive device (IED). They do the job they are designed for but now because of the weight and such the Marines or not as mobile as they once were.

Just like finding a final solution to protecting this site, you will just continue to chase your tail. You make it harder for folks to communicate, they will just move on and we will loose what they may have been able to offer. There are bad folks out there that have no other goal in life but to see how much havoc they can inflict, either on a web site or out in real life.

Solutions????? I have none to offer. If I did have that answer I could be a millionaire overnight. We can make the site more restrictive but what does that accomplish? Sure, Hank and your job might be made a little easier but how many deserving information-seeking folks would we loose. I guess we have to decide what we (meaning you and Hank) are willing to live with. Continue on as we have in the past until our next crisis, or loose site of the intentions and accomplishments of VR.COM.

Good Luck and May God Bless,


No matter what we invent, until someone comes up with a real solution to preventing shots being fired in anger, we will continue to kill or be killed.

We design something to stand up to 9MM so they come out with something bigger. We design the flack jacket so they aim for the head. We design something to protect the head better and they come up with something else. Gosh, I even read an article recently that someone (or had someone) shoved 1 pound of explosives and a detector up his A$$ and called his handler by cell phone to set it off while he was standing next to his target. It was not detected by common means. Thank you drug trade.

The Marine Corps came up with the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to protect or Marines from improvised explosive device (IED). They do the job they are designed for but now because of the weight and such the Marines or not as mobile as they once were.

Just like finding a final solution to protecting this site, you will just continue to chase your tail. You make it harder for folks to communicate, they will just move on and we will loose what they may have been able to offer. There are bad folks out there that have no other goal in life but to see how much havoc they can inflict, either on a web site or out in real life.

Solutions????? I have none to offer. If I did have that answer I could be a millionaire overnight. We can make the site more restrictive but what does that accomplish? Sure, Hank and your job might be made a little easier but how many deserving information-seeking folks would we loose. I guess we have to decide what we (meaning you and Hank) are willing to live with. Continue on as we have in the past until our next crisis, or loose site of the intentions and accomplishments of VR.COM.

Good Luck and May God Bless,


Oh wise one, where were you 6 years ago? Thank you for saying so much of what's on my mind.

The question remains, who's going to watch the flock? I don't exactly see people tripping over each other wanting to do it, in which you'd think there would be at this point in time.

My story is old, no one cares to hear it anymore. The new and better have it all covered. Just wish I'd I've come upon this planet sooner, but I was too busy being dirt.

Bob I couldn't have said it better. Ross, it's like the old saying "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't." I haven't seen anyone on this forum that could do as good a job as you do. If people have a problem with a certain subject, don't read it! It's like tv, if you don't like what on, turn the stupid thing off.:confused:

My hat's off to you and Hank. You both do a great job. Keep up the good work! !:):)
unknown mod....

unknown mod....

There needs to be a rotating modership... With the mod always being unknown. And changing randomly.

If people have a legitimat complaint it shouldn't matter who will be recieving and dealing with that complaint. This will keep the forum from becoming a mod and friends environment where opinions other than their own are not welcome.
If someone wants to libel themselves by saying things about the school board members or other politicians, that is allowed. The top of her forum has a clear statements that says something like, "These are opinions. These opinions do not necessarily represent those of the owner."

once again, we need to understand that the underwebs is worldwide.
the world does not run according to one country's laws. some countries,
like the one i'm currently inhibiting, have very strict libel and slander laws
originally written to control newspaper publishing, and extended to the
webs. that "the other guy said it, we just print it" excuse won't fly.
editers and publishers are held accountable. get into a heated argument
on government policy, bring up the head of state, say something
even mildly critical, and you could end up serving time. that applies to
the poster and the moderator and the owner, if based here.

of course, since vr is based out of a us server, us law applies....for now.

***oh, and i'm afraid i must withdraw. i've just started seriously
training for the marathon held here at the end of december. after
that i'm planning on monthly bicycle tours to vietnam, cambodia,
laos and myanmar. not enough free time. better get bina to do it.
There needs to be a rotating modership... With the mod always being unknown. And changing randomly.

If people have a legitimat complaint it shouldn't matter who will be recieving and dealing with that complaint. This will keep the forum from becoming a mod and friends environment where opinions other than their own are not welcome.

Are you volunteering? Remember, there is no pay for the abuse. You do it because you want too or because your insane. I haven't figured out which just yet.

Sounds like an excellent idea! Could not have said it better!


I SECOND THAT OPINION!! I think Ross does a damn (opps!) good job, running this operation. THANK YOU ROSS

Yes, lets keep it simple, and use common sense folks.

Sarah Palin Hello Kitty underwear???? Yeah, right

While I don't have the ability to moderate, mostly due to a very busy personal life, I can understand somewhat what you go through. I was once a chemistry professor and had to manage up to 12 other graduate student lab instructors, each dealing with a vast variety of students. It's difficult to keep such a thing orderly, but it's possible as long as the students and other instructors are willing to respect my rules and wishes without too much rancor. I could use a college analogy, but a college is way too political and complex to be compared to a forum.

My best analogy to a forum is a restaurant with a particular food theme, say Italian. What the people have is a restaurant owner (Hank), and a manager people see more often (Ross), plus various cooks and servers (people with "have been through that" sort of knowledge) and the customers (people seeking that "have been through that" sort of experience). The main food is Italian food, mostly pasta, pesto, cheese, and other Italian-themed menu items. This roughly corresponds to the various areas of OHS and other heart-related concerns. Now for the nitty-gritty: The customers don't just sit there silently eating their food; they talk about all sorts of things unrelated to the food they're eating (though they may comment on how wonderful the alfredo sauce happens to be to one-another). The people don't really have a say in what's served on the menu, but the manager doesn't restrict what people talk about in a respectful manner. In this case, Ross, the manager, also corresponds to the bouncer, one with lots of muscle (like the current John Coffey avatar you, Ross, currently are using). When customers in a restaurant get out of order (i.e. cussing in front of children, shouting, disturbing other customers, or otherwise being disruptive to the smooth running of the restaurant) Ross has the power to warn then bounce those who are too disruptive.

Since this forum is free, I guess the analogy would be closer to a free soup kitchen or a Salvation Army facility, but the roles remain the same. Remember that Hank is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, as a service to his fellow human being, as is Ross. Neither have to do this, and if it gets to the point this VR site has deteriorated into something they can't stand the sight of anymore, it will be taken down. Don't give them the reason to burn out on this free service they provide for us. So for the sake of "keeping the restaurant open" let's behave ourselves, enjoy the sharing of our diverse lives and experiences, knowing we're knit together with the fact that our hearts are or were a little less than perfect, and with the help of modern medicine, with a little grace of God thrown in we are here or will be here to talk about it. Just like in the restaurant analogy, where the food served is Italian, with some variation such as a hamburger or hot dog selection for fussy kids, the main theme is Italian, not Chinese or Mexican--and it would just annoy the manager and owner to suggest otherwise. Same for VR, the main theme is hearts in need of fixin', with allowance for other subject-matter within reason--yes to keep things "FUN" as gadgetman suggests. We're a society knit together by something really special, let's not ruin it, but we can still enjoy ourselves.

Again, thanks Ross for your active involvement with the forum, and thanks Hank for putting up with all of this for so long. We're grateful to have this site here, and we're grateful you don't charge us for membership here.

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