Somewhat new here with questions

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I have been on the boards for two years lurking.

I was dx'd with BAV with stenosis. At that time the cardiologist said it would be a few years before I would need the surgery. That was in 2006.

Nov. 2007 I had a brain aneursym repaired with coils and a stent. It was done through the groin and very successfull.

New Year's Day, I was coming home from LI, NY on the train. I was walking up the stairs with my luggage and felt short of breath. I walked for a minute and then wanted to stop and rest. Well I fainted and next thing I knew the EMT was standing over me. I was alone so I am not sure of the event. I went to the ER. The next day to my cardio. He said it was time for the surgery. Sent me for heart cath. The radiologist doing it said there were no blockages but he could not get into the valve. What does that mean>

I have heard great things about Dr. Girardi in NY Pres Cornell. I have heard this from 3 of the cardiac care nurses. I was wondering if anyone had heard/used him. If there was anyone else in the NY, Pa, NJ area to recommend for this.

This has been some really tought 6 years. I lost my husband on 911 and am facing this alone. Well I have to depend on friends and family. I hate doing that.,but I have to do what I have to do.

Thank you all so much
Kathy, glad you found us, but sorry for the circumstances. If you go to search and put in Dr. Girardi, you will find many threads in which he is mentioned. Fainting can definitely be a sign that it is time. That was Dick's first and only symptom. No blockages in your arteries is good- have you had an echo or a Tee- that will show more about the valve.
I'm so sorry about your husband. You have had a rough 6 years and it is time to take care of this problem and go on with your life in a good state of health. Please stay with us, there will be many along to help.
Shame on you for lurking for so long. tsk tsk.

Your surgeon is well respected by quite a few here. No problems there. Sometimes they simply cannot enter the valve, usually because the opening is too small to try without causing damage. That may be the case with you.

Find the best friend you can to go through this with you. I don't want to see anyone go it alone.

Glad you decided to post.:) Welcome to the ?active? forum. As you know there are many here with good solid information and knowledge (I?m not one of them:rolleyes: ). Wishing you the best and just let me know if you need a good laugh.:D :D :D That seems to be my area of contribution:D
Welcome Kathy. I'm so glad you found us! There's nothing you can say here that at least one person won't relate to, more likely dozens will.
Hello and WELCOME Kathy,

Like Cooker, I'm sorry to say that I'm not one with good solid information and knowledge to help you.

But there are so many members here that are more than willing to give you guidance.

Don't be shy, ask what ever is on your mind.

Take Ross's advice and get your best friend to help you through this, but we will always be here for you.
Hello ((((((((((((Kathy)))))))))))))))))),

Welcome to VR.Com You were smart to lurk and even smarter to finally jump in and ask for help. I have an issue with my mitral valve and am still in the "waiting room" so I can't offer you any technical advice but I did want to send you a great BIG HUG and lots of prayers and postive thoughts. I'm sorry that you have been through so much these past few years. I hope better days are ahead for you.

Take Care!
Welcome to a group of wonderful people. I am sorry that anyone has to go through this and even sorrier for your loss. These people here will really save your sanity. A good friend will take care of you physically and lend emotional support, but here you can vent, whine, complain, etc all while getting the answers that you need. Please ask any questions you have - and yes, go read cookers posts when you need a good chuckle.
Hello Kathy,

I am sorry for your pain. As I am in the waiting room I can not offer any advice. Like others I will pray for you (consider it already done) and be willing to listen to what you have to say or vent on. The VR family understands you and some will offer you great advice. Glad you jumped in!

Great Big Howdy from Middle Georgia!:)
There are several people on the site who've had their surgeries done at Columbia Presbterian. If that is what will make you feel more comfortable or secure, go with it. Columbia has an excellent reputation, and excellent surgeons.

I had mine done in NJ by a top-knotch surgeon who does many and varied types of valve and other heart surgeries, including very difficult cases that other institutions would not take. I felt he could deal with just about anything he found.

Ross is right about bringing a friend along for the ride, if you can. However, even if you can't, you have a lot of people here who will listen, and know how needing this surgery can make you feel.

Best wishes,
We can all use our friends on this forum! So sorry for such a rough six years and hope your surgery ahead goes smoothly. Given your BAV as well as history of brain aneurysms, have you already had a CT or MRI to evaluate your ascending aorta ( and entire aorta) for possible enlargment? If the ascending aorta is dilated, you'll certainly want a highly recommended surgeon with experience in aneurysm resection as well as valve replacement.
All my best,
Thank you all so much for getting back to me. I really appreciate it.

My cardiologist has not ordered a MRI. I did have quite a few of the brain, but not the arota. I am wondering if the surgeon will when I see him. I have not seen him yet. Actually my cardio was recommending a surgeon in Unv. of Penn. I just feel more comfortable in NY Pres, because that is also where my neuro guy is.

This board is such a wonderful bunch and have been so much help. I value all of you.

I have a wonderful friend who has put her life on hold for me during all of this. I also have 2 wonderful sons who will be there too. It is just hard not having your spouse who is always there and you don't feel like you have to put some one out. Like I said, I will do this and come out strong. You have made me realize how much better I will feel when this is over. I am looking forward to that. Hey....maybe I will go skidiving after this...NOT.

Thanks a million

Kathy M
I am so sorry that you feel so alone. I know what that feels like. I lost my husband to lung cancer last March. But you said that you have a good friend and your sons... let them help support you. And come here anytime you wish, there are always some members ready to talk to you and support you. I know that when it was time for my OHS, I would have gone crazy without this site.
I will keep you in my prayers and will look for more posts from you.