preop pain

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TauntT Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2010
Did or does anyone else have pain? I have seen post about having no pain prior to surgery but haven't seen any about chest pain preop. Is it unsual to have pain in your chest and around left shoulderblade (not a 10 on the scale but definatly 6-7) this isn't constant but it does happen more frequently now.
That sounds like a pretty significant level of pain. Are you male or female? Either way, and I don't want to worry you, but it could be a sign of a heart attack, or it could be nothing. If you're having it right now, at that intensity, I would either 1) Go to the ER, or 2)Call you cardiologist right now and ask if it's something that should be checked on tonight. Don't mess with chest pain.
Yes, I think it's pretty common. I had pain centered in my left shoulder blade that felt like it sometimes (but not always) radiated to my chest. And it came and went. I tried to convince myself for months it was just a back problem.. I now am fairly confident (after talking to others that describe the same pain) it was due to my bad valve. I talked to my doc pre-surgery about it, and he basically said "it'll be interesting to see if it goes away". So far - it's gone away, and I'm 6 weeks post-op. So I think pretty safe to say it's gone.
Luana, I believe based on Taunt's description it's something that's been going on for a while now (not just tonight) and is getting more frequent. That's exactly what happened to me. And it was one of my main symptoms that it was time for the surgery (that along with more frequent/severe shortness of breath episodes). If wrong - if it just started tonight - then I'd agree call the ER. But if it's something that has been coming and going for a long time, and has been getting more frequent - I think it's probably just confirmation it's time for the surgery (which I think Taunt has scheduled for middle of next week if I remember right). But of course I'm no medical professional, so Taunt, if any doubt, listen to Luana and call the ER!!!
yes, this has been going on for a little while now. When I asked the cardiologist about it,he said it was due to the valve. I guess I wanted confirmation that this could be just bad valve and all would be resolved when we chance to newer parts.:)
If you have an aneurysm, you could possibly be experiencing the beginning of dissection. Don't ignore it. Let your Doctors know.
Hi Teresa, nice to put a name with a moniker ;) My guess is the surgery will cure that pain, and sounds like you've already made your cardiologist aware (which I did as well - in addition to my primary doc). I talked to another guy in cardio rehab the other day who had the same pain. His went away also after his surgery. I'm seeing a trend here ;)

I already posted this on here somewhere a while back, but I've always heard to watch out for chest pains and pains radiating down your left arm. But haven't heard much (or anything?) about watching out for back pain as a possible symptom of heart issues. Seems to me like they should advertise that more... No telling how many folks (like me) try to write it off in their own heads as just a back problem. Even though the pain was radiating into my chest sometimes, I'd convince myself if I just sat up straighter or got up and walked around, it'd go away 'cause it was just my back... If I did it, I bet others do too...
Everyone is different ... you need to see a doctor ... don't let fear postpone making an appointment ... I don't like to harp on the fact but this is not a doctor's office ... many here have a great deal on information to share but none of us are diagnosticians ... As Ross said, SEE YOUR DOCTOR.......
Do not ignore chest pain! Thirty minutes after I reported the first radiating chest pain to my Cardiologist's office, he personally returned my call to say he had made an appointment for me to speak with the Surgeon. This is a serious indicator and needs to be reported at once. If it persists for any time, you would be wise to go to an emergency room.

Hi Teresa,
I never had any chest pain before surgery; I know some people do. My concern is the BAV and dilated aorta. I would really really put in a call to your doc now, if you haven't already. If a mistake is to be made, it's better to err on the side of caution.