Prayers Answered-Jim is home

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Thanks for the update! so glad that they located the problem. Praying for quick healing.
Hi Shirley

So sorry to hear about Jim. The important thing is that they found what was wrong.

One step at a time. You both will be in my prayers. Please keep us informed.

Hi Shirley

I was so sorry to hear that Jim was ill and in hospital,
you are both in my thoughts and prayers,
thank you for keeping us updated, please let Jim know we are all thinking of him

take care

Jan ( Liverpool England)
We all are with you and wishing/praying for the best outcome. Jim is a long standing member who has upheld VR along with so many others and we care very much about him. Our hearts became heavy when we first heard; hopefully things going to be just fine.

From your list, he was in a serious position. We are glad he is getting what he needs. Take care of yourself, too.

We will be waiting news as it develops.
Update on Jim

Update on Jim

Hi all,

Jim is still in the hospital. He has had quite a week.

It all started with repeated vomiting very early Monday morning and that and the coumadin possibly caused a tear in his stomach.

Tuesday they gave him a scope of the upper GI tract. They found a tear in the stomach - Mallory-Weiss tear. They also found a polyp. (Each time someone talks with us it seems like there is a little different spin to things so my apologies if anything I say later turns out to be wrong.) So based on the loss of blood they took him off coumadin. Of course, Jim and I were very panicked but allowed it. Wednesday they took a new echocardiogram. On Friday they took another scope of the esophagus and stomach. They discovered that Jim also has a hiatal hernia. There was mention that since he had this bleed he may not be a candidate for long term coumadin therapy and may need to look at getting a pig valve in the future after recovery. They have not repeated that but will tell us more later.

In the meantime he had nothing by mouth Monday night through Thursday morning. Thursday morning they allowed him water and Thursday afternoon he was allowed clear liquids. Friday the doctor didn’t write up the order for food or blood thinning therapy after the scope. Jim was very upset because he had been patient but was getting very hungry. He finally got the OK for clear liquids again. His INR was 1.1 for awhile. He had a couple subcutaneous shots of heparin on Wednesday and Thursday, but the surgeon never ordered it again on Friday and neither did the hospitalist. They never came back to talk with us either. All this was further compounded because the weekend started and the doctors were fill-ins. I waited from 8 am to 4 pm for a doctor to come in. The fill-in for the surgeon came at 7 am or so and the hospitalist finally came at 4 pm when I was finally eating lunch in the waiting area not wanting to rub it in to Jim that I could eat and he couldn’t. He still didn’t order any coumadin or heparin therapy. When the cardiologist came in on Saturday they started him on heparin. He was very concerned that nothing had been started again. He put him on an IV drip. He was also allowed full liquids last night. I have never before seen him eat pudding with such gusto! Today his latest PTT was 61 which is good. He had been higher at one point. Now tonight they gave him a coumadin tablet and potassium. He was allowed soft foods for dinner. If his INR gets leveled out he may be able to come home Tuesday or Wednesday. Hopefully tomorrow we will get the results of his biopsy.

Thanks for all your support. It means a lot to both Jim and I.

Gee, Shirley, I bet Jim is hungry! He sure has had a rough week of things.
I hope and pray that he is able to go home by Tuesday.
Please tell him we missed him at today's Chat.
I'm glad things seem to be under control now and will keep you in my prayers for a good biopsy report and a homecoming on Tuesday.
Please tell Jim I said Hi..too and boy did we miss him on Sunday Night chat..:) Glad you came on..and could report to
I am very sorry Jim has had such a rough week. One of our health systems here is going to a scheme whereby you can't see your regular doctor if you are in the hospital but instead will be seen by a designated "hospitalist" of the clinic's choosing. The very term is ickky. Hope that hasn't contributed to his problem.
Holy cow, Shirley...what a week Jim has had.

Thank you for updating us.... And, of course, thoughts/prayers continue in earnest for Jim...and for you, too, of course.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Promises mean everything" ... Everclear ... 'Wonderful'

Thank you for the updates. Prayers and hugs your way.

I truly consider Jim a great friend as well as an integral part of the support system on Meeting you in person....we are connected just like family.

If you think Jim would like to chat, or both of you! Drop me an email with the best # to reach you at. :)
What a horrible, no-good, very bad week. I hope you can get some definitive answers on why this occurred so that they can treat him most effectively. He remains in my prayers.

I can sympathize with you and Jim having to put up with instructions from Doctor's who don't know you from Adam. I HATE THAT !

You mentioned that "There was mention that since he had this bleed he may not be a candidate for long term coumadin therapy and may need to look at getting a pig valve in the future after recovery."

Assuming you and Jim need to look at a Tissue Valve replacement as a result of this stomach bleed I just wanted to let you know that the Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valves have the Longest Proven Track Record for Durability in Tissue Valves, approaching 90% 'freedom from explant' at 20 years and counting. The 'new and improved' Bovine Pericardial Valves with anti-calcifying additives are hoped to extend that to 25 years or more.

To the best of my knowledge, the 'new and improved' Porcine Valves have only been around for about 10 to 12 years so everyone is still waiting to see how long they will last. UNTREATED Porcine Tissue Valves are known to 'wear out' in 8 to 12 years.

FWIW, One of our members (Gisele from near Boston) had to have a Mechanical Valve replaced (with a Bovine Pericardial I 'think') after a serious Brain Bleed. Last heard, she was doing OK but has not posted for some time (as far as I know).

Hope Jim has a better week coming up!

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
I'm glad to read an update from you, Shirley, but am very sorry to read what awful frustrations Jim and you have been going through and I hope the doctors get on top of this thing very soon. Hoping you two get good news from the biopsy and with best wishes,