Post Surgical Anger and Depression Problems...

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
rural area outside Buhl, Idaho, United States
I know that I haven't posted much lately, it's because I've been dealing with ever shorter poor quality sleep, not writing or doing anything else "right-brained" lately such as music. I've also not been showing or receiving (my wife has attempted lots--so it isn't her) affection, nor have I been even communicating with my friends or church--and they aren't wanting to reach out to me either. I don't blame them. Lately I've become more surly and grouchy even with my wife and children. I don't know what to do as even prayer hasn't helped. I want to be a good husband for Laura, but instead I have let everything slide. For the first time in several years I haven't done a thing about income taxes (The past three years we even filed early) and have already done one extension, and even in an area I usually do well in, bills, have fallen by the wayside. I may still be able to get some of them off on time, but I'm just plain sick of it. Even garbage, something I managed to resume fairly quickly after my lifting restrictions were done, was badly neglected this week and I managed only one can (I needed to do three).

Forget the decluttering. I haven't done anything in a month except a hasty cleanup of the dining room for some dinner guests. I went to Virgin Valley in hopes of finding some nice beautiful opals--in part to prove to Laura that the trip was worthwhile and that maybe I could sell some to make money for the family--but ended up with only pathetic scraps and a few token pieces of nice opal found on the cheaper tailings dig. The one really nice find, a huge opal log about 2 1/2 feet long and over six inches in diameter shattered into hundreds of pieces due to my stupidity of wetting the opal in an attempt to preserve it. The mine owner told me that wetting opal logs is a big no-no, something I should have known but didn't. I spent the past week every night until sometimes 2 am trying to separate the fragments into labeled baggies like the way paleontologists label where shattered pot fragments were before they try to piece together the artifact. I finally finished bagging up the opal log pieces in 40 bags--there should have only been a few larger dry ones, not hundreds of smaller pieces. Perhaps I could have sold the log for several thousand dollars (or at least donated it to a museum so many people could have enjoyed its beauty) if I hadn't stupidly shattered it by putting water on it in a totally lame-brained idea of trying to preserve it. Then I could have relieved Laura of some of the financial burden of this family or even paid for this 430 mile trip and the $450 in mine fees. I'm so tired, yet I can't sleep because of my guilt--I can't even provide for my family, and probably never will be able to do so again. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry and I absolutely detest chemistry and all it stands for and would rather be homeless and starving than work in a lab ever again.

There is no support from my family, except a little from my father and he's pretty sick now, and I've alienated all of my friends so I can't call on them, nor can I rely on my church as they are all concerned with one another, and not weirdos like me. I'm so lonely, and I'm falling apart, but not even counseling nor antidepressants (bupropion) have helped. My yelling and angry demeanor is scaring the children and alienating Laura. I'm even getting new wrinkles around my nose where I have never had them before--hate and anger wrinkles, and I see the look on my face a lot when I look in the mirror--it's ugly and so much unlike the way I used to be.

Of course I'm sick of my stupid heart's idea of a normal heart rate (90-100 bpm). I'm not running around 24/7, nor am I small child. It should be 60 like Laura's is when I'm resting--she's 46 and so am I and I'm more physically active, so my rate should be slower than hers not faster. Even beta blockers didn't slow it down. It is definitely no longer amusing, any more than that ugly keloid my skin decided to make over my incision. Every single day it reminds me of how much a pathetic loser I am--I can't even heal right. My parents have nice strong healthy hearts at 75, and so should I!! Yeah, I'm alive now, but if I'm so frail that my mitral valve's chordae tendineae snapped for no good reason (no rheumatic fever, no Marfans, no nothing), and the only reason why I'm alive is because of advanced 20th and 21st century medicine, then what place is there for someone like me? I'm not employable, and lack the discipline for self-employment--so now I'm just a useless leech and should have not struggled to survive. I wouldn't have been missed much except perhaps for a short while by my immediate family--then they would realize what a relief it is that I'm no longer dragging them down. Have a nice auction for the clutter, then a celebratory bonfire to burn up the rest, and pave the driveway with my stupid, useless rocks and opals. Then sell the house with its colorful driveway and leave this uncouth backward part of rural Idaho behind forever with its rapidly fading memories of me. I should have let nature take its course--perhaps God had seen that my life would descend into this, and had given me an opportunity to bow out--to save myself and my family the evil to come. Instead I decided to attempt to embrace life and continue on in hopes I'd make a new start of things. I was wrong.

Sorry about all this, but that's how I feel right now. I just hope that if something happens to me, Laura will at least tell you if I can't. If I can muster up the courage to do so, I'll check and see if anyone has some words of encouragement to get me out of this bad place I'm in.

Gosh Chris, you are in a very bad place right now:(:(

You have a lovely wife who is VERY supportive of you judging from her posts here and two great kids.......for their sakes you need to pull yourself together.
If your anti depressant med is not working why not go to your GP and get them to prescribe an alternative that might work??
Your wife and kids WOULD NOT rejoice and be glad to get rid of you if you died, as you implied in your post - they would be devastated especially your wife who fought so hard to save you!!!!

As for your resting heart rate - give it a chance man - a pulse of 90 is not uncommon for several months after heart surgery - mine was 90-110 for a long time. It is only now, 18 plus months post surgery that it has started to come down (although I have not taken beta blockers at all).

Please get yourself some professional help Chris, and do it soon:(:(


Keep in touch on the forum so we know that you are your family are ok!!

Your post is screaming depression! If you have someone who is treating you for this, you need to make a phone call to them asap! Today!

I am struck by the huge mountains you have placed in front of yourself. You are trying to move these mountains while you only have the energy to move hills. Please stop thinking about the "mountains" they are overwhelming you. Just start anywhere--the first things that you see, the first thing that sort of pleases you, and get started doing what has to be done. Do 10 things at a time, they don't even have to be big things. Momentum builds on momentum and before you know it, you will be in the swing of things again.

It would seem that doing whatever has to be done financially should take precedence. Get those bills and at least sort them. Then start paying what you can. If you cannot manage to get the taxes done, call a tax service and bring your stuff in and let them do it.

Maybe you cannot do cleaning or organizing right now, but how about hiring a local kid to do some of this. Teens are always looking for odd jobs during the summer. Hiring a cleaning service once a month can do wonders.

Now go look in the mirror and smile at yourself. I know this sounds silly, but it has been said that if you smile, even though you don't feel like it, you can change your dark mood. When you feel like lashing out at others, stop yourself and think about how your words are going to sound--how would you like it if someone said those things to you? And say something pleasant instead. Give a little hug now and then, it will be like magic. Tell your wife that you love her.

You have said," Every single day it reminds me of how much a pathetic loser I am"--Good Lord, man! You are a hero. You have climbed the highest mountain, and you are still here and alive enough to write this all down. Who cares about a scar??? My husband looked like a train switchyard. Did he care--No! Did I care--No! He was brave enough to go and get his body fixed up as best he could over and over again. And you were brave enough to get yours fixed up too.

None of us is perfect. Everyone eventually ends up with bodily flaws if we live long enough. So what! That doesn't diminish the person you are inside.

Let that wonderful person inside come out into the light just a little. You are squashing its spirit.

So, go, make the call to your doc about the depression. Then get started on doing 10 things. Just start. And call some people to help you get some of those chores done.

Smile at yourself, smile at others, give your wife a hug and tell her you love her.

I know you can do it.
Chris, I don't have any great words of wisdom for you like Nancy does. However, know that people do care and they probably have no idea about the dark place you are in. Reach out to your friends and people at your church and I think you be surprised how many of them would love to help just need to give them the opportunity. I hope you get help and find your way to the other side of this dark place.

you may think your friends are gone, your church members are not supportive. Hey, here we are! Right here in VR, we support and there are so many of us to help. Every life is worth saving, maybe you don't think so, but ask your children and your wife. Would you miss them if one of them were in your place. Somehow you must get out of the box and look back inside.

Depression and heart problems go hand in hand.

Some of us have been where you are and when we look back, we realize all that we would have missed. Our children growing up, grandchildren.

You are on an edge of a cliff and you must get some help. It is critical just now. Don't do anything your family will be so sorry for. They would always be mad at you for leaving them.

If nothing else, get to an ER - call a crisis line - anything to get some feedback to help you see things in a different light.

I doubt that you are a loser. Bet your family does, too.

Please stay in contact right here. You just might find the magic help you so desperately need.

I am praying for you this morning and will, as long as you are critical.

May God smile on you and help you to find sunshine. It really is there. I know.
You are an intelligent man.
If your post had been written by another VR member, you would read it and think, My goodness, this post-surgery member is dealing with depression. You would recognize it and probably have some good suggestions concerning treating it.
If the antidepressant isn't working, then let the doctor know and try another.

If you have alienated family and friends, take a deep breath, copy off this post, and let them read it. People can't help you when they don't know what's wrong.

Honestly, I think the trip to find the opals has precipitated your plunge into this dark hole. Are you going to let one mistake govern your life? It's over and done with; let it go.

You have done a very positive thing by posting your thoughts and feelings. That is step one. I hope the next step involves sharing with your family and friends. Let them help you. Don't worry about your heart rate. Please get your emotional health back before you worry about anything else.

We're here for you.

The problem with depression is that it makes unreal things seem very real and it is very hard to see the love and wonderful things life still offers us.

You have been through so much and it doesn't get fixed fast or easy. You might think you do not have support but that is wrong. Whenever you have people who love you, you have support. You just need to know that the monsters you are seeing everywhere do not exist.

You need some very serious and in-depth professional assistance to get over this depression. PLEASE, PLEASE go to your doctor TODAY and ask for help. And, yes, the caps are meant as loud words.;):)
From you post, you obviously recognize you are angry and depressed so that is a good first step. You need to seek some professional help to get you to a better place. You also need to make the effort to reinforce the positive and get out of the rut that can be perpetuated by dwelling on nothing but the negative. It was a year before I felt well enough to do everything around the house I used to do. My wife ended up picking up the slack. Then, about a year and a half after my OHS, I ended up losing my job and have now been out of work 8 months so my wife has been the bread winner. But I do what I can and we both try to find the silver lining in the black clouds. Reconnect with your wife and talk about it. Reconnect with other family and friends and talk about it. Try to stay positive together, and reforcus your collective thoughts and energies on the positive things in your life. Take the time to smell the roses. You are one of the lucky ones who made the journey over the mountain, and now it's up to you to take advantage of your good fortune. Best wishes and good luck.
I can not put into words some of the things others have said but they were said so very well. You need to get help NOW. You're in a deep depression and your family doesn't want you gone they want you with them.

It won't be easy but it can be done and we are all here to support you. Start by doing one thing or 10 as someone else said even if it's 10 little things.

I am a praying person so that's what I can do for you and I'm am asking God to help you through this.

Let us know how you're doing and start by getting some help today.

You are in my thoughts and in my prayers.

Please, please talk to your GP or cardiologist.
It is extremely common to have some depression with heart problems or after OHS. But most people roll over that bump.

Please realize that you are NOT alone. When we believe that we are alone, we worsen the problem.

Sounds like you are lumping everything facing you together, rather than a series of tasks. Find some things that you can do -- one at a time -- and succeed at and build on those. From those successes, move on to bigger things.

I too have faced depression in my life, even was in group therapy and on Elavil 27 years ago. But I have learned how to handle it. I reflect on my previous accomplishments and know I can do the same again. And, yes, I have had bouts since my MVR.

Are you getting in some exercise, even just walking? Physical exercise releases endorphins, which helps alleviate depression. When I feel depressed, I take a walk. I enjoy my surroundings, admire the wildlife, landscaping and wipe my mind's slate clean.

Please get help ASAP.

My prayers are with you.
Chris God loves you. You are special to him and to your loved ones. Your locked into darkness and letting it deceive you and deprive you of any joy whatsoever. Don't listen to the great liar nor the lies. Ask God for help on this one and settle for nothing less. Your niche in life has not been fulfilled and you've been given a second chance to go on and find it. Find it you will, but not until you let the light in. Your shoving everything and everyone that cares about you, including God out. Look for the light and find it, then hold on to it tightly. It's there, but you can't see it for the blackness. Ask for guidance. It will be given to you. Your soul is being tortured with all of the darkness. Please sit down somewhere and quietly ask God to take the burden off of your shoulders and then BELIEVE that he will. You've got to make the first step to make it happen. 5 years ago, I was in the same place that you are. Your hurting so badly on the inside that you don't know how to deal with it other then the way that you are. Let it go my friend, let it go. All it's doing is eating you like a live bacteria. If you feel like PM'ing me, I'm here.
Chris, as you can see, you have lots of help and support here, but as others have said you also need to get some professional help with this. Please talk to your doctor about this today. You and your wife will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Chris, I have had what feels like a decade of difficulty. Maybe so, but I've found that setting reasonable goals and praising myself for accomplishing them makes me want to finish the next task. Now, that reward may not even be tangible to anyone else but me, like I allow myself to be proud or to eat the next grape off the bunch.

I'm a list maker, so even making a list is a job I add to my day. Once you finish with the doctor or the psychologist and begin to feel better, just try it, one day at a time, one job a day. Things will go forward quicker than you think.

Take heart, sometimes you need to open the door before anyone can cross the threshold. Welcome your community back into your life and you'll find that once you ask for concrete help, help will be offered.


Chris, Many others have addressed much of your post but here's my two cents. You say your friends and church have abandoned you. I have a hard time believing that! One thing I learned LONG ago in my Lifeguard days is this. If I go out and try to help someone and they start to pull me under, I am gonna backoff and let them get a bit more tired and try again. I do no one any good if I am a patient too! The church and your friends will be there if you really need them. you have to acknowledge your problem, try to help yourself and then the help will come back. With my swimming example, once they get tired, i can ask them if they are ready for my help. I bet if you get some better meds (you are taking Wellbutrin, my wife has that to stop smoking) and professional help, and get back to praying, (God helps in the same way the lifeguard does! TRUST HIM!) you will see a change across the board! We are all here too.
you gotta want to get better! Your family, friends, your God, and YOU deserve all your effort. If you give it, then you will get much more in return.
praying for you!;)
Pretty dark hole you've dug in there Chris.

You are feeling totally worthless.

No one cares for you. You want them to but your anger repels them. So you become more angry.

Everything you touch seems to turn into ****.

From the depths of that drained body you muster some last energy reserves and make an effort; that too goes wrong.

You become fatalistic, wondering if death by natural causes was in the stars for you and you shouldn't really be alive.

Then Chris you wonder if hastening that death yourself might not be a solution. No you haven't posted that but I know it's going through your mind.

I know Chris because four years ago I stood on that dismal precipice myself. I understand where your head is at.

My 13 year old daughter, who was alarmed because in my late night whisky fueled maudlin rage I had threatened to throw myself under a train, rang the Police, who locked me up for the night. That was the turning point.

Where am I now? Well my partner supports me as I don't have a job. I look back on my working life and realise I wasted so many opportunities for success. Two old friends have never forgiven my behaviour in those dark times and are lost for ever. My adult son from a previous relationship is also lost to me.

But Chris despite the failures I'm happy and contented. I still get down occasionally, we all do. I just look at my close family, see the love they have for me and it passes. That dark pit is boarded over. I'm alive and life is good.

Life can be good for you again Chris. You are not alone, your close family care. All your virtual VR comrades on here care.

Stop fighting imaginary foes. It is not you against the world, the world wants you. You were given a second chance at life. As a scientist apply the logic. If it was your destiny to die you would be dead. You were given life. Embrace it Chris. You can do it.

PM me any time.
Chris -

I know how you feel. Reaching out is a very good first step.

Just because you are on an antidepressant doesn't mean it's working. GO TO THE DOCTOR who prescribed it and discuss changing the med or the dosage. Remember these meds can fail or backfire and make you feel like you sound to me reading this post. Lexapro failed for me some years back, left me in a very dark place. Wellbutrin may not be for you, perhaps another class of drugs, that operate on other receptors in the brain would help (Effexor, Prozac, etc). Seriously, get thee to a pro, now.

The real truth is not in line with your perceptions right now. Your friends and family and fellow congregants still love and care for you. They want you to feel better and to get help. Deep down you want to help yourself too, you really do. You're a fighter, you've won many battles. You can win this one too.

Chris, you've received a plethora of good advice here, so much so that I don't know that I can add any more, but please know that many heart patients suffer from post-operative depression. (I remember suffering from it the few months following my surgery 11 years ago.) Please don't feel that your wife and friends are turning against you. Reach out to them, and I guarantee that they will support you through this emotional healing. Start today, seek the professional help you need, take baby steps at home (bills, clutter, etc), and lastly, try to ease up on yourself. We have all been through the surgery, some have been through various depths of depression, and most importantly, we are here to help you.

Writing that revealing post took GUTS.

It showed BRAVERY and COURAGE on your part.

It also says to me that you DO NOT want to give up,
You are asking US for for help and understanding.

Please BUILD on that Inner Strength that you still have to find your way back to a meaningful and fullfilling life with your family.

See your Doc's, mend your relationships, and regain your life, one step at a time. It will take some time and effort but I Believe that YOU CAN DO IT and your family friends will rally around you as they see you making the effort.

YOU are worth it!

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'

Thank you for finally coming out and speaking about how you feel, I bet that was really hard on you but it is definitely a step forward in getting past this time in your life. I know that depression can really mess with a person?s perception of the reality of the life they live and it is a very scary road for you foremost and for your family as well.

I just want to add to everyone else?s comments that your medication (buspirone) may be doing you more harm that good. Buspirone makes some people feel like they are spiraling out of control, while for others it can help bring them out of a depression. All antidepressant medications have different side effects, and each person reacts differently. All antidepressants have been known to cause suicidal ideation in a few as well, which is very scary considering most people do not even know that. Please talk to your doctor immediately.

You will be in our prayers.

Chris......I Hope You Get To Feeling Like Your Old Self ASAP

Chris......I Hope You Get To Feeling Like Your Old Self ASAP

I just want you to know that I know EXACTLY how your feeling because I was told that because of my diabetes and other medical issues, that I suffer from clinical depression, which means that it is brought on by my illnesses where they cause my chemistry to become messed up. It's NOT YOUR FAULT, AND YOU SHOULD NOT FEEL GUILTY in any way. As far as alienating your friends and family, if they know what your dealing with medically, they should understand that this is NOT something that you caused or asked to happen. PLEASE....PLEASE see a doctor and let them know what your feeling and let them get you some help to deal with this depression.. I know it's hard as I am dealing with it on a daily basis and it's not easy....Please know that I join all the others who have replied to your thread and are keeping you in their prayers. Harrybaby:eek::eek:

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