Out of surgery and doing well...

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Dr. Ryan finished my Ross on Tuesday, Feb 12th at around 8 pm. I don't recall this, but I had trouble coming off of the vent and my rhythm was all out of whack. They had to put me on a pacemaker for the first night to help with that. Then, later that night/early morning, I had an afib that actually put my heart back in rhythm and have been off of the pacemaker ever since. I was able to come off of the vent on Wednesday morning and man was I glad! I've never been so thirsty in my entire life!!! Right, wrong or indifferent, I negotiated with the nurse to let me drink a Mountain Dew after I got off...best drink that I've ever had, but cost me fluid restriction for 2 days. I still think it was worth it. Since then, I've been doing great. Not much of an appetite, but my breathing has been going very well and I've been able to walk quite a bit. I got my chest tubes out yesterday morning and that was great. I was just able to feel better after that...though it didn't feel good having them pulled out. Still have my pacing wires in, but they are supposed to take them out today (haven't bothered me though). I should be able to be discharged on Monday after being checked by Dr. Ryan again and then start my voyage home. I've got a 12 hour drive home that we aren't looking forward to, but we are going to take our time (2-3 days). All in all, I'm doing very well. I highly recommend Dr. Ryan and the new Heart Hospital at Baylor Plano. Wonderful people here and have taken great care of me! I'll update later on, but wanted to let those know that knew about my surgery that I'm doing just fine.

Have a great day!!!
Excellent post, Doug; glad to hear how well you're doing. Take care and post again..
Great post, Doug. So glad to hear how well you are doing. Take your time getting home, stop every hour or so to get out and walk around and remember, you need to sit in the back seat to protect your chest from the air-bags. We look forward to hearing that you are safely home.
Fantastic News...........Hip Hip Hooray.
Please take it easy on the way home. You might want to consider sitting in the back seat.........just a thought.
You know the routine; eat, breath, rest and walk.
Take care and be good to yourself.
Good to read that you're doing so well and ready to go home. Tom is a little behind you. Congratulations on climbing the mountain. Take care and we hope all goes well.
Sounding good! Now no backsliding, doing silly things that could cause you to backslide or any other purpose to cause a backslide.

Get well and come join the Order of the Tawdry shirts. :D
welcome to this side of the mountain. Take care and take it easy on the trip home. Here in Canada, we are banned from sitting behind air bags for about 2 months, it can apparently wreak havok on wired sternums
netmiff said:
welcome to this side of the mountain. Take care and take it easy on the trip home. Here in Canada, we are banned from sitting behind air bags for about 2 months, it can apparently wreak havok on wired sternums

I was not banned from being a passenger in a car (which has airbags), just from driving!! I have never heard of that!!
Adrienne said:
I was not banned from being a passenger in a car (which has airbags), just from driving!! I have never heard of that!!

Yep-pers Adrienne.
I was told not to sit in any vehicle that had air bags for 2 months. My OHS was almost 11 months ago. Interesting thought thou, one is told not to drive for 6 weeks or so, yet 2 months is 8 weeks...hum.......I was driving my air bag vehicle at 5 weeks......as painful as it was.............something to think about
Hi Doug,

Great news! Boy getting those chest tubes out does feels great.:) As for the pacing wires they just clipped mine below the skin instead of pulling them out.

Looking forward to hearing more about your recovery. Keep us posted.
netmiff said:
welcome to this side of the mountain. Take care and take it easy on the trip home. Here in Canada, we are banned from sitting behind air bags for about 2 months, it can apparently wreak havok on wired sternums
I find this very interesting. My surgeon warned me about airbags specifically. No driving for 8 weeks for me and I was instructed to use a large pillow in front of my chest when a passenger. He mentioned that even a slight fender bender can set off airbags which in turn can cause extreme damage to one recovering from OHS.
I'm glad everything went so well with Dr Ryan and the Heart Hospital. I was going to be one of the 1st heart surgeries at the Heart Hospital until I found out my insurance company didn't have a contract with the hospital. It still turned out ok with Presby Dallas, and I still had Dr Ryan as my surgeon.

I know what you mean about being so thirsty. The first night I was in the hospital I talked them into giving me a little water each time with the ice. I had so much I was sick the next day - but it was still great that first night! :)
I think hospitals should tell everyone who has OHS to have a big fluffy pillow with them when they are passengers in a car! I can't believe I didn't think of doing it myself. Also, if I had been forwarned about airbags, I would have asked my husband to drive my old jalopy which does not have airbags when he brought me to appointments, etc.
Great news, Doug. Wishing you a smooth recovery from now on. It is certainly a relief to get that breathing tube out. Are you serious, though, about the nurse letting you have a Mountain Dew? :eek: I thought ice chips were the best that you could get at that point.