(oink-oink), (oink-oink) Three years!

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
Yesterday was three years. It has been good thus far. I only think about that day occasionally, life at this point has returned to normal.

I do well in the mountain bike races I enter, no podiums yet but I just don?t have enough time to put in the training required to improve my performance. I am now doing the twelve hour races and performing at a level I am happy with, I finish in the top 10 to 15 for my age and division on a regular basis.

I entered a 5K with my nine year old son, the plan was that I would provide the pacing for him. He did it in 24 minutes, I did it in 31 minutes:rolleyes:. I am really impressed by how fast he has gotten, he has been in the running club, has started MTB racing and is also on a swim team and has expressed interest in doing a tri. Now I have an additional reason to train more often. My younger son is also running, riding and swimming, he enjoys it and is getting faster every day. Between the two of them if I don't keep in shape they will be running circles around me in no time.:D

Now for some heart stuff, resting heart rate has been back in the lower 40?s for some time now, my max heart rate is only 162 which is a bit annoying at times, no matter how hard I push I can?t get it above that. I developed a new aneurysm (or at least it was found) a year ago which fortunately appears to be stable at 4.5cm.

I hope everyone is doing well. I still read the forum but don?t have much time to post.
Yesterday was three years. It has been good thus far. I only think about that day occasionally, life at this point has returned to normal.

I do well in the mountain bike races I enter, no podiums yet but I just don?t have enough time to put in the training required to improve my performance. I am now doing the twelve hour races and performing at a level I am happy with, I finish in the top 10 to 15 for my age and division on a regular basis.

I entered a 5K with my nine year old son, the plan was that I would provide the pacing for him. He did it in 24 minutes, I did it in 31 minutes:rolleyes:. I am really impressed by how fast he has gotten, he has been in the running club, has started MTB racing and is also on a swim team and has expressed interest in doing a tri. Now I have an additional reason to train more often. My younger son is also running, riding and swimming, he enjoys it and is getting faster every day. Between the two of them if I don't keep in shape they will be running circles around me in no time.:D

Now for some heart stuff, resting heart rate has been back in the lower 40?s for some time now, my max heart rate is only 162 which is a bit annoying at times, no matter how hard I push I can?t get it above that. I developed a new aneurysm (or at least it was found) a year ago which fortunately appears to be stable at 4.5cm.

I hope everyone is doing well. I still read the forum but don?t have much time to post.

Hey you Porker,:D
Glad you stopped by to keep us updated on how you're doing. It sounds like your boys are going to be as competitive as you are, but that's not a bad thing.;)
Congratulations on your third; it was my fourth yesterday, so I've still got seniority.;):p
I am so happy to hear you are doing so great. Happy Valversary and many many more.
Has it been 3 years??? Wow! Congratulations! I wish you many many more!
Oink, Oink

Oink, Oink

Congratulations. I'm glad you stayed to help those of us behind you. I can remember your post when I first came here and was so scared. They always helped.

Keep us posted
Wonderful to read your post, David. You sound really great!!! Love the stories about your boys -- with a dedicated enthusiast dad like you it isn't surprising that they're off and running! Good work on all counts.

Best wishes for continuing successes, big and small. And start working on some mind over matter and shrink that devil of a new aneurysm. Be well.

so good to hear from you and that you are doing so well. keep it all going and remember that it's only natural that the youth will take over! congrAtulations!


:eek:I've never seen a pig ride a bike! Pictures, please!! ;) Hey, MB, it's good to see you drop in, although I have to confess that I am more of a lurker myself these days. Congrats on all of your feats, and it sounds like you are raising some healthy kiddoes there, too. Don't be a stranger. Hugs. J.

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