Off Amioderone this week, fingers crossed

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Nashville, TN
Now that I have the ICD in place, I was told to stop the amioderone, and bump up my coreg to pre surgery dosages of 25mgs twice. I also talked my cardio into giving me a prescription for prescription fish oil. There is a trial here at Vandy testing high dosages of pure fish oil to see if it lowers afib. They asked me to be in the trial, but that means I may be in the 1/3rd placebo group that gets veggie oil,,,, no thanks.

I have to say the prospect of the post surgery afib coming back concerns me greatly. With the amio I have had no afib for almost two months; only PVCs from time to time How many people here have had good results getting off the amio, or getting past the post surgery afib at all.

I can see how chonic afib could turn a person into a cardiac cripple:eek2:
Good luck when you stop the amioderone. They tried to stop me at 3 weeks post op - did not work. Back to the hospital. Now I am once again on half a dose and will stop in 2 weeks. Don't we all love this a-fib stuff! I wish you the best.

Good luck, I've got one more month on Sotalol so I'm rooting for you, I am nervous about what will happen when I get off the Sotalol but looking forward to it. Then I can stop the prilosec, lasix, and potassium. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
was on amiodrone for 3 month.... it did the trick and didnt have any bother coming of it apart from one or two pvcs, fingers crossed be the same for you
I have been on it for 3 months, and the amio did get rid of the afib. Even though I am on Beta blockers, I do notice a higher heart rate; my resting HR had gotten down to 65bpm, and now it is back up to 72bpm. So far it has been 5 days, and no afib. This stuff takes a while to get out of your system so I am hopeful.

My ICD only kicks in if my HR drops below 60; my afib is a slower type
Was on amiodarone for 3 months after surgery, then stopped it cold turkey (with agreement of cardiologist) as I was getting weird aural visions like a curtain lowering over half my eye. Looked like clouds, always exactly the same shape. Just left eye and would go away after 10 minutes. A-fib did not is now more than a year. Interestingly I had one of those vision things about 6 months after stopping the amiodarone. I hear it has a long half life...