Newly diagnosed severe aortic stenosis

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Mar 7, 2014
Santa Rosa, CA USA
Let me introduce myself; I am an overweight 76-yr old woman who has always had an active life. Last year, I rode in a couple 7-hr competitive trail rides with my horse, and I regularly ride a couple times a week, both dressage and trail. In the past few months, I found myself short of breath and unable to walk any distance. An ECG showed severe calcined aortic stenosis. This week, I had an angiogram. The good news it that the other cardiac vessels are in good shape, but the aorta is barely opening and the surgeon was unable to pass the catheter between the leaves of the valve. I have an appointment with my cardiologist for Tuesday and we will discuss options. At this point, I don't see anything but surgery and, given my shortness of breath, sooner rather than later.

I have been reading post here ever since my diagnosis, and I appreciate the information I've already gleaned from the forum. I'll post more when I know more about scheduling surgery. Thanks for being here.

Hi Catherine. I suppose the good news is your appointment is with your cardiologist rather than a surgeon, so apparently whatever was learned from the procedure doesn't put you in immediate need of surgery. Valve replacement is often an elective surgery, but sometimes it has to be done on an emergency basis. Fortunately that's rare.
The fact that you live an active lifestyle bodes well for a good surgical outcome and a return to better health.
I look forward to reading your update after you talk to the cardiologist and find out the time table for surgery.
Best wishes,
Welcome, Catherine. You found the right place to be able to ask questions and share experiences with people who understand what you're going through.
Let me introduce myself...
I'll post more when I know more about scheduling surgery. Thanks for being here.


Best wishes Catherine, your next 'lease on life' will begin after your surgery. I guess by now you know that this procedure has about the best results of almost any medical procedure for fixing a medical condition. Once they put a new valve in your pump you'll be away! The condition of the cardiac arteries makes that an even better likelyhood.

I look forward to reading another success story.

re - passing the catheter through the aortic valve. I wouldn't worry about that. Many doctors won't even attempt it, as it does involve some risk. If they do it, you can get a more accurate gradient measurement across the valve. But, you'll likely have at least one more echo before surgery, so they'll have multiple measurements of your valve area and gradient then.
Hi, Catherine, welcome to VR. I hope you find us as supportive as I think we are. What Mary says is absolutely true in my experience. The more healthy you are the better. As you accumulate questions or if you ever need to rant, this is the place you can do so with people who understand. Welcome aboard.

Hi Catherine and welcome. I am just getting reaquainted with the board myself. You're in the right place - for knowledge and an ear or shoulder when necessary. People here are great and we've all gone through the same or similar things.