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Mar 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Hello all...

I came across this forum in search of answers and all I can say is "I'm Home!" My name is Jake and I'm the lucky owner of a Calcified/Stenotic BAV. I'm 41 and reside in Minnesota.

I was diagnosed at birth with a BAV & murmur and watched it progressively get worse over the past few years from mild to severe. I was recently told by my cardiologist that based on my last echo results, now is the "golden moment" to replace the valve. I am still very confused (hopefully not for long) on what valve type I will choose, but as I've read by many of you, either one is the right choice and better than the one I've got (I'm still teachable)! I will however, have to make a decision by April 28th, which is my final consult with the surgeon before surgery. My tentative date is set for May 16th for an Angiogram and then surgery to replace the valve on the 17th.

Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself to the waiting room and thank you all for being so open and responsive to the threads I've read thus far. This is an invaluable source of information and I consider myself lucky to have found it!


This is a great place. I found it just last month and it's been a godsend. Such great people here that have all been through what you are about to go through.

I'm envious that you get to have surgery and move on with your life. I am in the waiting room. I am 41 too!

Just wanted to say hi and welcome:wink2:
Hi Jake,
I'm nearly six weeks post-op and had a Ross Procedure to replace my aortic valve on Feb 22. Like you, I'd known since childhood I would need this surgery eventually. I'm nearly 43. You may want to investigate the Ross Procedure as an option. Not all surgeons recommend it as only some are skilled in the procedure and patients do need to meet certain criteria. As you say, any new valve is going to be better than the one you have now!
The waiting is the worst part. I'm feeling better every day. Feel free to private message me if you have any questions.
Cheers, Allison
Sounds like you your all set. Looks like you will have the summer off for your recovery.
Welcome to the portal that makes this experience so much easier.

Jake, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and there is swealth of knowledge here for the future ..... I am adding you to our VR calendar for May 17 th surgery

-a list of acronyms and short forms

-what to ask pre surgery

-what to take with you to the hospital

-Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well
Welcome and good luck with the decision. My valve was spared, but my backup was a mechanical. I chose this for fear of another surgery if I had a tissue one put it. I am 30. Boy am I glad mine was able to be re-shaped because if given the choice today for a backup plan, I would opt for a tissue. Just my 2 cents.
Welcome Jake. I too was congenital BAV, murmur first detected in my 20s, didn't have to have the surgery til age 63 (but in the nick of time then).I went tissue partly because of age (if I am lucky, it might be the only one I will ever need). But there are factors to consider with both choices. I never advise what type to go with; that is a very personal decision. But if you read the past threads, you will find a lot of experiences and perspectives to help you make your decision. And I am sure a good many will weigh in here.

Again, welcome to our funny farm!
Welcome Jake...There is lots of help and support glad you found us........I am scheduled for AVR on April 20th...I opted for tissue valve...I am 58!! I feel positive and ready to roll...stay positive..

Hi Jake, Welcome, I'm glad you found us. It really helps when you find others that know what you are going thru and don't feel so alone. Where will you be having your surgery?
Hello Jake and welcome to one of the best resources around. I am 43 and am now 3 1/2 weeks post op AV replacement with a Carbomedics mechanical valve. I found this website in February when i was diagnosed with severe AV stenosis. The information I have found from the various members on this site has been extremely helpful. The choice of valves can definitely be a stressful decision process, but as you have already heard whatever you choose will be better than what you currently have. Use this time to ask lots of questions because there are a lot of people here willing to give you some great feedback. I wish you the best of luck!
Welcome aboard. Many people struggle with the valve choice issue. My struggle was, ummm, epic. I decided at 8PM on the night before surgery.:)
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and heart-felt welcome. I find myself migrating back here every time I open my computer. Does anyone know how to post a picture as an avitar? I seem to be having trouble with it and I've tried scouring the past threads for a fix.

Lyn ~ I'm having the surgery at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN
HI Jake,

I still haven't figured out posting a pic let me know if you figure it out.....And again, welcome to VR

Hi Jake,

I too was diagnosed with BAV early on and watched it through the years. My valve didn't force the surgery, however, but rather the fact that my aorta was expanding rapidly just past the valve. Since they were going in for the aorta anyway, the valve was also replaced, and I had a Carbomedics mechanical installed. I am 36 going on 37, so for me it was a choice of only going through this once (hopefully). My surgery was March 7th, so I am not all that far removed from it yet, but working through the recovery phase and trying like heck to get back to normal. Good luck with your decision and your surgery, and I am sure whatever you choose you will choose right for you.
HI Jake,

I still haven't figured out posting a pic let me know if you figure it out.....And again, welcome to VR


Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and heart-felt welcome. I find myself migrating back here every time I open my computer. Does anyone know how to post a picture as an avitar? I seem to be having trouble with it and I've tried scouring the past threads for a fix.

Lyn ~ I'm having the surgery at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN
Welcome Jake. I was were you are at today. I am having surgery 5 Apr 11. Valve choice is personal to each individual. You will come to a conclusion before your surgery. I have chosen a mechanical valve after much prayer and research.
