Natasha Richardson

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well as can be seen, anyone hitting their head, not just those on Coumadin, can die from their injuries. It's sad to see her go and I really feel bad for Liam and the boys. A little bit of head protection might have made all the difference in the world.
Her death is so tragic. That is definitely a beginner hill at Mt Tremblant and it is just as Ross says - we are all vulnerable.

I wonder if she had accepted treatment from the EMS people right away whether it would have made a difference, but I guess it's all speculation now.

Quite shocking when I think that in my younger days I used to ski quite a bit at Mt Tremblant, where the accident occurred, and nobody wore helmets to ski in those days.
For what it's worth I think it would be a shame for people to start wearing helmets whilst skiing as a knee jerk reaction to this tragic accident.
Statistically you've a 1000000-1 risk of being killed on the slopes, all sports carry their risks and that's a pretty tiny one isn't it ?
I've been skiing for 30 odd years and every time I've had an incident, I think without exception is from other skiers ploughing into me at speed from behind and generally you hear them coming and are prepared, albeit at the last moment, were I wearing a helmet I'd probably not hear them coming !?
That being said, now that I'm using Warfarin I'll probably start to wear one anyway, but definately dont think anyone not using it should worry themselves... This lady sadly got very very unlucky 1000000-1 unlucky !
The western world wants everyone wrapped up in cotton wool these days and I think it's a shame, without risk there's no thrill and without a degree of danger people are more careless.
For what it's worth I think it would be a shame for people to start wearing helmets whilst skiing as a knee jerk reaction to this tragic accident.
Statistically you've a 1000000-1 risk of being killed on the slopes, all sports carry their risks and that's a pretty tiny one isn't it ?
I've been skiing for 30 odd years and every time I've had an incident, I think without exception is from other skiers ploughing into me at speed from behind and generally you hear them coming and are prepared, albeit at the last moment, were I wearing a helmet I'd probably not hear them coming !?
That being said, now that I'm using Warfarin I'll probably start to wear one anyway, but definately dont think anyone not using it should worry themselves... This lady sadly got very very unlucky 1000000-1 unlucky !
The western world wants everyone wrapped up in cotton wool these days and I think it's a shame, without risk there's no thrill and without a degree of danger people are more careless.

are they going manditory on helmets now?
I haven't heard anymore,but i always had after this tragic happening
with her,that there was a maybe,small chance of unlooked problem
before her fall:confused:
i have to force myself to watch news, or tv so haven't heard anymore.

zipper2 (DEB)
Very sad to hear, although it was pretty evident that she would not survive early on from news reports. I fell and hit my head pretty heard last year on the tile floor in a hotel room bathroom--my head hurt for days and I refused my friend's insistence to see a doctor. I will be sure next time I hit my head hard on anything to seek medical attention right away, just to be sure.

My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. :(
Shortly after she was taken to a hospital, a newscaster was reviewing the history to date, i.e., the fall, talking, declining medical attention, then going to a hospital and added that someone in the medical field had spoken of a head injury condition called "Talk and Die Syndrome", which sadly came to be the case for Natasha Richardson.

A News Report this evening added that the Ski Resort was considering whether to require helmets for all skiers after this tragic incident.

'AL Capshaw'
Sad, but this condition called epidural hematoma is completely curable if you can get to a neurosurgical center in a couple of hours. Montreal,60 miles away, has always had world class neurosurgeons.
I wonder if she had accepted treatment from the EMS people right away whether it would have made a difference, but I guess it's all speculation now.


Yes Dale it would have. That's what is so sad about the whole thing. She closed the window of opportunity by signing a no treat order, thinking she was ok.
For what it's worth I think it would be a shame for people to start wearing helmets whilst skiing as a knee jerk reaction to this tragic accident.
Statistically you've a 1000000-1 risk of being killed on the slopes, all sports carry their risks and that's a pretty tiny one isn't it ?
I've been skiing for 30 odd years and every time I've had an incident, I think without exception is from other skiers ploughing into me at speed from behind and generally you hear them coming and are prepared, albeit at the last moment, were I wearing a helmet I'd probably not hear them coming !?
That being said, now that I'm using Warfarin I'll probably start to wear one anyway, but definately dont think anyone not using it should worry themselves... This lady sadly got very very unlucky 1000000-1 unlucky !
The western world wants everyone wrapped up in cotton wool these days and I think it's a shame, without risk there's no thrill and without a degree of danger people are more careless.

Well you wouldn't think that something like this could happen on a beginners hill, but the fact remains that it can happen to anyone. Should it be mandatory that people wear helmets? No. I still believe it's a persons own choice to take the whatever necessary precautions THEY choose. Not governmentally imposed.
Quebec has a big problem with not having an emergency MediVac helicopter.....there is NO WAY to get through to the city hospitals quick enough.
Here in Eastern Ontario I feel much safer, we have a chopper on call to bring accident vics to major Ottawa hospitals.

Last year the grandson of my friend got hit by a car while on his bicycle, no helmet, and his brain was knocked against his skull....paramedics arrived and kept him still on a board until the chopper lifted him to Ottawa. He probably owes his life to that chopper.

Another thing, the ski hills here can have very variable conditions in spring.
Without any new snowfall, they runs have layers of ice crystals.....
even a beginner run can become fast and treacherous.

What a terrible loss to Liam and his children, I've heard that Natasha was a lovely woman.
A helmet may not have done anything as I don't know how she landed, it's pure speculation as to whether or not she would have survived. Would she have survived with treatment, possibly or most probably. But if she felt fine with zero symptoms I don't think I would get checked out either. Sometimes it's just a bad roll of the dice.

I wear one while snowboarding because I suck at that sport, but am decent at skiing & don't wear one while skiing. Also important not to ski over your head & always stay in control, plenty of people get killed or seriously injured every year because they fail to understand that the sport can be extremely dangerous.

We had 1 guy die this year at Granite Peak here in Wisconsin. He was snowboarding & wearing a helmet but landed awkwardly on his chest & died on the slopes. Sometimes all the protection in the world won't make a bit of difference.

Whether or not protection is or is not of consequence, these people died doing the things they loved. I would much rather go out like that then to be sitting in a rocking chair and knitting things because I was afraid to be injured. ;)
I would much rather go out like that then to be sitting in a rocking chair and knitting things because I was afraid to be injured. ;)

With a Knitting Needle Piercing Her Heart,Keeping Cool Saved Ellin Klor`s Life - Twice

Falls to Death in Rocking Chair.

so good luck with that ross....maybe would be safer to just eat tofu and
hope for the best?

or not...



oops....i forgot...."Eat Tofu" is Chinese for "Grope Young Girls"

With a Knitting Needle Piercing Her Heart,Keeping Cool Saved Ellin Klor`s Life - Twice

Falls to Death in Rocking Chair.

so good luck with that ross....maybe would be safer to just eat tofu and
hope for the best?

or not...


Chou - Either you don't have a TV or the TV in China isn't worth watching... You seem to have Way Too Much Time to research these interesting but obscure topics :)
Freedom of Choice

Freedom of Choice

helmet or not Canadians have health care paid for by taxpayers. At the risk of opening a can of worms I support mandatory helmets for all persons engaging in risky sports. It may not happen very often but when it does the bills are enormous.

The Ontario Equestrian Federation mandates compulsory use of helmets for every rider showing horses in OEF sanctioned events. All riding schools and boarding barns carry OEF insurance because they are members of this umbrella organization requiring mandatory use of helmets. It just makes sense to protect what can be protected.

Life is risky, reduce the risk.:)
A popular Canadian opinion:
"When you can pay your own medical expenses....then you can choose whether you wear a helmet or not."
(....whether it's for skiing, horse riding, motorcycle riding, snowmobiling, etc.)