My precious "Lady" dog has passed

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I am crying so hard as I type this. I had to have my precious "Lady" dog put to sleep this afternoon. She had gone down hill just this past week. She had become so lethargic. I took her to the vet this morning and he called and said she had lost over 20lbs since he had last seem her, she also had fluid around her lungs and heart. She had a high temperature and she was in a lot of pain. My husband is just now burying her on our farm that she loved so much. I stop crying and then I look around and there are so many memories of her, her bed, her toys, her blanket, her bowl, just the smell of her. I know I'll get over this but it's so hard!
I am so sorry, Glenda. I know this is a terribly hard loss. I pray you will be sustained by wonderful memories of Lady. I wish I had some magic words to make it better but I know you are sad. Hope it helps to know that your friends right here empathize fully.
My heart is breaking with you. It is the most impossible task when we have to put one of our beloved pets sleep. I will pray that you and your husband find peace and solice in all the wonderful memories you have of your precious "Lady". God Bless You
It's hard to deal with the loss of something we love so much. Sorry that you had to go through it. I know what it's like. Prayers be with you.
Glenda, so sorry to hear this. I know how much pets mean to us. I have one that is not going to be here much longer. I will say a prayer for you.
I'm so sorry you lost your Lady. It is so hard to come to terms with the time when the best we can do is give them release from suffering. Our dogs and cats give so much and ask so little, and we miss them when they leave.
Glenda - please accept my deep sympathy. I know that "Lady" had a wonderful life with a family that loved her very much.
I know how much this hurts you, and I'm so sorry to hear you having to go through this. There is so much to remind us of the love we feel toward an animal we have shared our lives with, and so little that consoles us.

Our animals relate to us in our child hearts, the parts too innocent and fragile to share with any other human. They have an insight to us that no one else is allowed, and share a bond with a unique part of ourselves.

Be glad for the time you had with your Lady dog, and find peace in your heart with her passing, as all of us must one day.

Be well, Glenda.
I'm so sorry to read this news, Glenda, and I really can't find words that could adequately address your grief. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that your sorrow is soon lessened.
I'm so sorry. Dogs are wonderful, and they love you no matter what. It must be that pure love that makes them unable to live long enough. The world isn't good enough for them.
My heart breaks all over again every time we lose one in our circle.
I am so sorry to hear about Lady. It's so hard to lose an pet family member who has been a part of your daily life.

Glenda, so sorry to read this, Lady has been sick for some time, she knew you loved her so much, that's why she hung on for so long. She is now at peace and waiting for you to join her at the rainbow bridge. {HUG}
Lady put up a good fight through her illness because of your strong love for her....I remember you speaking of holding her during the night on your kitchen floor. We all know that she was a much loved sweetie who will meet you again some day.
I'm so sorry and sad for you.
Seems the VR community has had a rash of incidents recently with pets. We personally lost two dogs inside a few months of each other to cancer a few years ago and I gotta say we still feel it. Pets (especially dogs if you ask me) just give so much to the people who love them. We have two new mutts now that are rescues and I swear they know how lucky they are that we found em.

Your in our thoughts tonight...