Multivitamin pill?

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I've been looking - without success - for a multivitamin that does NOT include Vitamin K. Oddly enough, vitamin K was not listed as an ingredient on the chewable children's vitamins I bought at AAFES (Base Exchange) while overseas several years ago. I no longer have access to AAFES and I don't know if they still carry this brand of vitamin... and I don't know that the capsule may containe Vitamin K and it's just not listed.

Has anyone found a multivitamin that does NOT contain Vitamin K?

---Lucille AVR 2000
Hey Lucille,
The only one that I have found is Stresstabs with iron. My Dr. told me about them. Hope this helps you.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Aortic Valve Replacement with a St. Jude with a graft sleeve.
Poudre Valley Hospital, Heart Center of the Rockies
If you simply must go with one that has Vitamin K, just be sure to remain consistent in taking them and expect a dosage change after your next INR check.
Hi Lucille,
Someone here told me that there are some Women's Vitamins that are made without Vitamin K. I found a multivitamin at WalMart that doesn't have Vitamin K. It is the generic brand of a Women's Vitamin. Just check the label really carefully.

Take Care!
CVS to the rescue

CVS to the rescue

Hi Lucile - I'm a guy who asked the same question, and got a couple of answers. First- CVS makes a house brand of multivitamin for the ladies which I take (I get some teasing about this) It has no Vit K. If you'll check the older posts under coumadin, you'll find that another member found a mail order source for another brand without vit K. Hope this helps. Chris

Just a thought, have you spoke to your cardio on which one he recommends? My Dr approved of me taking Centrum Silver beofre and after surgery, Both the surgeon and the cardio said I could keep taking it while on coumadin and it has 10mcg of vitamin K.

Take Care
Nadine - I agree that you could continue to take Centrum silver and adjust your Coumadine dosage accordingly ---- But why would you want to ?

Why not? Is there a reason I should stop? Since I have been on the vitamins I have had less craving for foods and sweets alike and I really thinks its from getting a balanced amount of vitamin and minerals daily. I have lost a total of 35 pounds since surgery. Granted 25 of it was water weight but 10 pounds for me is a huge step for me.

Another Question why doesn't the womens vitamin not have vitamin K since it is important for health bones? I a really getting confused about this vitamin K stuff!
Hey 10mcg is not that much. Heck in the Coumadin cookbook, they base all on 100mcg per day, so you got 90 left to get elsewhere. I'd say if your happy with the vitamins, go for it. Why womens have no K, I have no idea. Al?


How often are you checking your INR? Is it in range for the last few tests? Until you have been in the 2.5-3.5 range for at least 3 months...don't think I would worry about other drugs. They will bounce you back and forth...You have plenty of time to get back on other issues with your health. Just get that INR stable for a few months in a row. I. too, lost 25 lbs after VR.. but it all came back:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: plus gained a few:mad: :mad: :mad: Guess, I am the only one of site not taking vitamins..Just eat good..Meat, veggies, cheese, fish, chicken, ect..and I am age 63.. Have never cared for sweets..I'm the salty snacker..:eek: :eek: So, never buy them. Just my own 2 cents..I am going to have a complete physical by my pcp Aug. 20th.. Fast the night I hope for the best.:p :p :p May be a different story after that.:p :p :p :p Bonnie
Hi Bonnie-

Joe was told a long time ago not to take vitamins, so he doesn't either. I MAKE him eat his veggies, kicking and screaming, especially green weenies (green veggies) which he HATES.

I'll have to be like I was with my kids, puree things and hide them in sauce and stuff.

I try not to go overboard on the green stuff.

He does like fruit though and that has some vitamins.

Yellow veggies are important too.

You guys never grow up, LOL.
Aren't dr's confusing??????????????????
One tells you NO then another says YES Please make up my mind!!!!!!!!!!!

Granbonny, Since last surgery, 1st test out of hosp was 1.72 then a steady climb (no green veggies!) now ranging from 3.1 to 3.7 same dosage 7.5 of warfarin since before 2nd surgery. I don't test INR again until 7/7 but nurse called today wants bmp & mag levels done Monday. She is out to get the human pin cushion
:D :D

I hope the weight doesn't come back:( I won't have any clothes to wear and that would not be a pretty site :D :D and I just spent the last of my pre-surgery splurge on new clothes.
This is from my web page

If you are looking for a general purpose multivitamin

Look for a formula that does not contain vitamin K. Two of the most readily available are One-A-Day for Women and One-A-Day for Men. It does not have to be the exact brand. Many stores also carry a generic or house brand with the same formula. If in doubt, ask the pharmacist.

A reader sent me an e-mail and said that Shaklee Formula I contains no vitamin K.

If any other readers want to send me other brands that contain no vitamin K, please do so. I'm not trying to endorse any brand.

Vitamins with vitamin K are the single largest source of fluctuations in the INR. People do not recognize that they are medications and have a powerful effect on warfarin. They run out and have to wait until next payday to get more. Meanwhile the INR rises steadily. Then they deny any changes, so the dose gets adjusted down. Then they get paid and more vitamins and down goes the INR to dangerous levels. For some reason Centrum Silver seems to be the biggest problem -- maybe because it is heavily advertised and more people take it. You can't expect your doctor to know the ingredients in every vitamin. You have to know what you are taking and be consistent.
Thanks Al

Thanks Al

I understand what you are saying. I also know you are one of the best if not the best expert on coumadin around, so I do pay attention to what you have to say.

I was told about the not starting and stopping any meds or vitamins in the hosp and again in the dr's ofc. I treat the vitamin tablet just like I do the other medications in my daily regimen, I watch the amount in the bottle just like I do my "meds". As a matter of fact just bought a new supply since I was down to a 10 day supply.

My biggest problem is not being able to find a comprehensive guide to the vitamin K content in all foods, but that is another thread.

Thank you

As AL noted....I have been taking One A Day Woman's with great success for the last three years.

My lifestyle is not consistant. Either is my diet for that matter. At best I am getting something from the vitamin. The day I limited my high K foods, was the day my INR became stable.

I fix the high K veggies for my family on a regular basis. It bothers me to no end when they turn their noses up and broccoli and salad. My daughter understands why I can't eat my veggies.I tell her I would eat veggies any day over anything else. Though, I do sneak two small salads in a week. Very difficult change for a former veggie lover. Working around the Coumadin just did not work for me.
Hi Nadine - I think by now your question got answered, but to summarize, I used to take Centrum Silver, but then saw the fine print on the label and made a switch to another vitamin. Why ?- I was able to reduce my Coumadin dosage so my liver has a little less work to do to metabolize all that stuff including the other medications and occasional cocktail I may enjoy.
Try good 'ol Longs

Try good 'ol Longs

Longs Drug has a natural vitamin/ mineral supplement that doesn't have Vit K. The label is Longs natural multi vitamin and mineral dietary supplement. It's the one I take.
Vitamin E?

Vitamin E?

Are you reading if your vitamins have Vitamin E..Friend had severe nosebleed from taking Vitamin E and Coumadin....But. then he only checks his INR every 3 months:eek: :eek: Bonnie
From Granbonny

From Granbonny

Granbonny sent this to me. Some of you may wish to check it out. It's all natural, no vit K and well, I'll let you read for yourselves.

Jane is a Dr. of natural medicines. See her web site here in Helen. Remember the posts about vitamins. Could you post that she developed Multi Chlor and the bottle can be seen on her web site for anyone interest in a 1 a day vitamin. And she takes personal e-mails, ect.
Jane, does your Multi Chlor have any Vitamin K ? I take Coumadin and have to avoid Vit. K..Anything thing else that might interfere with Coumadin. thanks, Bonnie.
Hey. No, there isn?t any Vit. K. I you take just one a day, it will not interfere with Coumadin. Do not take any Ginkgo. This is a strong anti-platelet herb.


P.S Call me if you have any other questions.

Multi-Chlor Website
no VItamin K

no VItamin K

I'm not trying to be difficult but...

I just read the list of ingredients. My question now is how can it be "K" free if it has kelp and parsley in it? Is there a way that can be?

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