Multivitamin pill?

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E-mail her and ask..she is a well known figure around North Ga...even has 2 days a week set aside for private appointments. She will be glad and answer any questions... web site at the top of page post under her Multi-Chlor.. I have a bottle purchased from her before vr. Never took any after.. Only took a few before when I was going thru my feeling poorly..:p Web site will tell you all about her..Speaks throughout U.S...Bonnie
I just took a look at that website for Multi-Chlor--

Here is a quote from one of the ingredients in the contents:

A single celled green algae (extremely well absorbed) that has the highest chlorophyll content of any food in nature. (Wonderful for bad breath and building healthy blood) Research has shown Chlorella to protect against stress-induced peptic ulcers and activate the immune cells which fight disease (Planta Med, 1997)

Its high levels of nucleic acids, RNA and DNA (the cells' genetic software) help to stimulate the growth of healthier cells, thus promoting greater vitality to the entire body. It is important for a strong immune system by enhancing interferon and macrophage activity.

Chlorella helps rid the body of excessive radiation, toxic build-up and heavy metals such as lead and mercury. It inhibits the growth of bacteria in the digestive tract, encouraging the growth of good flora, thus strengthening the entire gastorintestinal tract. This consequently aids in the absorption of all nutrients.

Chlorella has been shown to protect the liver from the barrage of chemicals we are exposed to daily. It increases natural killer cell production, very important to anti-tumor activities. (Cancer Immunol Immunother, 1998)

The polysaccharide and antioxidant content in chlorella gives the body the extra needed protection to maintain a strong defensive system against today's stressful environment."

After reading that, do a search on Google for Chlorophyll and then a search within the results for "Vitamin K"

You will find that chlorophyll and Vitamin K go hand in hand, and that the Chlorella in these pills "has the highest chlorophyll content of any food in nature" according to the MultiChlor website.

People, please, please do be careful with nutritional supplements. Just because it doesn't say Vitamin K, doesn't mean that it isn't in there, BIG TIME.
There were a couple of ingredients that set off alarm bells in my mind from that list. As I told granbonny, don't believe everything you read or hear, you have to check things out for yourselves. ;)
Finally got a reply

Finally got a reply

I thought I would post the reply I got from Jane Lenzen here is a copy of what she sent me.
Hello. There is no Kale in MultiChlor and only 25 mgs. of parsley. I will call the manufacturer to see if there is any appreciable amounts of Vit. K from the other greens, but I?m sure that if there is, it is of little significance to someone taking Coumadin, for example.


Take care,
Make sure she asks about the green algea (chlorella), too. That apparently makes up a big part of the pill. Also does anyone know how 25 mg. of parsley translates into Vitamin K, I guess that's per pill.
Vitamins w/o Vit K

Vitamins w/o Vit K

Hi Lucille,
I have been taking Twin Labs - one a day vitamins for years. It does not contain Vit K. It has only about 100 IU of Vit E. I use the one without iron.
The TWINLAB high potencl multivitamin and mineral supplemnt that I take has no Vitamin K.


Kaiser pharmacies sell a brand that has no vitamin K, don't remember the name, however...
I've been trying to take the multivitamin "active One Without Iron"
- the ingredients ar posted at:
Just click on the "see ingredients link" - I don't think it has any vitamin K

However I think one reason for my high v. low INR levels is that I have been taking a variable amount of "Ensure" that says each can has 25% of "Daily Value based on 2,000 calorie diet" of Vit K. Now the coumadin clinic is saying to stop the Ensure and get retested in 2 weeks (last INR was 2.1).
Ensure, Boost, Carnation instant breakfasts, and I'm sure I'm missing a couple, will all blow your INR to pot. I found that out the hard way. They are loaded with Vit K.
Luna bars contain 100 percent and make sure to check out any other nutritional food product very well. V-8 has Vit. K, even though it is not listed on the label.

Some of the Slim Fast products have it as well, some do not, so you have to read the label. I haven't found any nutritional products that do not contain Vit. K, and I searched for a long time, because Joe had some problems gaining weight after a few medical problems. I ended up with Ovaltine and some of the other kid's drink mixes. But if you have CHF, beware of the sodium content of milk.
Thanks Ross and Nancy - no doubt it was the Ensure that's been causing a lot of my INR problems.
I saw a woman with a genetic clotting disorder (not a valver) who caused a stroke when she started eating Luna bars. She thought that she was fat, but she is probably the most attractive woman who comes to my clinic.
Hey Lucille,
I just found another Multivitamin with no vit.K, One A Day Manimum.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical 27mm
Heart Center of the Rockies
Ensure! Suuuuuuuuureeeeeeeee

Ensure! Suuuuuuuuureeeeeeeee

They love to pass it out in the hospital. If you are trying to get your INR up....not a good option. Brought this to the attention of a doctor while in the hospital. Was sitting around for days and my INR was not budging. One day out of shear boredom ( going on day 8) I was reading the can. Vit. K. hummmmmm knew a little about interaction at that point so figured I would ask the doctor. She said, oh I was not aware Ensure had vitamin k it in. LOL. Not funny at the moment. Expressed that I would no longer be drinking it.
Gina - The exact same thing happened to me after my valve surgery, and I was amazed. I guess the moral of all of this is to continue to take an active role in your own health management and learn as much as you can. I can guarantee that many of the docs are not as well versed, for example, about drug interactions with Coumadin. If you assume they know it all and will take care of you, I'm affraid you are in for problems. Chris
Multi vitamins

Multi vitamins

I recently purchased (but haven't used much yet because of my too low INR and I didn't want to add something else into the mix yet) Andrew Lessman's Multivitamin Complete from the Home Shopping Network. It doesn't have Vit. K. But I'm suspicious of anything right now. If you are interested you can view it at:

And if you click on the Supplement Facts, it gives you a listing of the ingredients. I called the company and the Tocomax and Caromax are their Vit. E and Vit. A sources.

I would be very interested to see what any experts on this list have to say about the ingredients before I try using it.

allodwick - what about vitamin C? Some say taking a lot of vitamin C can lower the INR. I'd like to use some magnesium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate - do you think this will have an effect on my INR level?
There are some old reports about Vitamin C affecting warfarin. However, I've done about 20,000 tests and I have never seen anything that I could say was definitely the effect of vitamin C. I just advise to get an INR check about a week after you try something new just to be sure.