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Active member
Jun 1, 2010
Hi every body , I was wondering about these blood test monitors for people who are on blood thinners. Do they have to be recommended by the doc ? Is there somewhere these can be bought ? or just how do you get one of them ?
Sorry everyone I was reading around on the forum and found a few answers I was looking for. We dont have insurance , and I didnt know you have to wait 3 months after surgery to home test , also my hubby is in this study thing that he will be provided the monitor after 3 months but was hoping for the home testing before.
They're pretty expensive, around $2,000 and most people get them because their insurance pays for part or all of it. A doctor's Rx is required, at least to get the insurance to pay for it. It's usually a 3-month wait for someone on anti-coagulants (the drugs don't thin the blood they make it less likely to clot) to be sure that person is somewhat stable with their medication. Tests can easily be done before that at the doctor's office or a local lab.
If he's part of the study that does not use Coumadin, you won't need a testing meter anyhow. Only Coumadin users need one. If he is going to be on Coumadin, they usually provide the meter upon discharge from the hospital. Might want to check into that.

Please don't say "blood thinners" the proper term is anticoagulants. blood thinner makes it sound like you have water for blood and that's not the case.
Sorry Im very new to all these terms and didnt know how to spell that word lol . So you know about the study im talking about? I know there is 3 different studys and the computer randomly puts you in one.
Sorry Im very new to all these terms and didnt know how to spell that word lol . So you know about the study im talking about? I know there is 3 different studys and the computer randomly puts you in one.

It sounds like the ON-X trial. That is one Trial, that has 3 different legs, that it is random which you end up doing.
I'm curious, it doesn't sound like they really explained it well, (unless you weren't with your husband when he agreed to be part of it) and tell you the benefits and risks that are possible if you end up on one of the more experimental options. Was it the surgeon that gave you/your husband the option to be part of the study or not?
Yes I know about the studies, but we need to know which one he's actually part of. He may not be involved with Coumadin at all.
Sorry Im very new to all these terms and didnt know how to spell that word lol . So you know about the study im talking about? I know there is 3 different studys and the computer randomly puts you in one.

It's not really a big deal. Just to me I guess, but were trying hard to get everyone to call it by it's proper term. There is so much myth out there about Coumadin, that calling it a blood thinner, really does make it sound like it thins the blood. It does not, it merely affects the livers ability to produce or process Vit k and increases blood clotting time.
As of right now he isnt in one of them. Hes having his surgery on the 14th of june. So we wont know which study he will be in , and yes it was the surgeon that presented it to us and ive read over and over and over , I understand it but I didnt know when I posted that question you cant do the monitor thingy until 3 months after surgery . The 3 months was what I was questioning with the monitor. Im sorry I have a hard time explaining myself I hope you understand. And yes hes getting the on x. Is there anyone else here who has or is doing the study?
As of right now he isnt in one of them. Hes having his surgery on the 14th of june. So we wont know which study he will be in , and yes it was the surgeon that presented it to us and ive read over and over and over , I understand it but I didnt know when I posted that question you cant do the monitor thingy until 3 months after surgery . The 3 months was what I was questioning with the monitor. Im sorry I have a hard time explaining myself I hope you understand. And yes hes getting the on x. Is there anyone else here who has or is doing the study?

Don't worry about it, your doing fine. I often have trouble explaining things when i'm writing that is easier for me to talk about. I'm not 100% sure the 3 month rule applies for the people in the trial, you would have to ask the dotor that, or maybe someone on the trial will let you know.
There are a couple members who are part of the trial and doing fine, and a few who chose not to, because even the the chance is still low, the increased possibility of having a stroke on the lower dose or asprin +plavix leg compared to the chances for people with the regular approved guidelines for mechanical valves (see I'm having trouble phrasing this in an easy to understand way ) concerned them.
Thankfully people are willing to be parts of trials or there would never be any progress and I'm grateful for the people/parents that were born before my son. Because of where my son's valve needed replaced he needed a tissue valve, so we didn't need to make that decision, but over the years he has had a couple experimental type things so I know it can be tough to weigh all the options and decide wether to agree to try something new that MIGHT benefit him and other people in the years to come or pick the 'safer" choice. As long as a person really has informed consent and know all the risks and benefits both from agreeing to be in a trial or go the more "tried and true" options (which still have risks,nothing is perfect) and come to a descision you feel at peace with what ever decision you make is the right one.

PS I BELIEVE you get to find out which Arm of the trial you are in at your 3 month post op time, so my thoughts would be they probably wouldn't give the monitor until they know f you would be on coumadin or not,
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Sorry everyone I was reading around on the forum and found a few answers I was looking for. We dont have insurance , and I didnt know you have to wait 3 months after surgery to home test , also my hubby is in this study thing that he will be provided the monitor after 3 months but was hoping for the home testing before.

I believe the "three months wait" is in order to give your docs time to adjust and stabilize the INR of the well as to give the patient some "hands on" experience with the testing process:thumbup:.


What three month wait? I didn't wait three months. After hearing the horror stories about lab techs at my local hospital sticking me five to six times to draw blood during my first few weeks post-op, my cardiologist wrote me a script for a monitor.

Once after missing three times on my right arm, and two times on my left, the tech commented as she was preparing to try a third stick on my left, "Don't worry, if I miss this one, we can always use your feet." Thankfully, she managed to score a hit on the sixth try after digging around abit.

As Ross mentioned, we do tend to be more than a little sensitive about the use of the term "blood thinners" here. Not to worry, the term is so commonly used elsewhere (even by medical professionals who should know better) it's simply something we deal with on the forum on a regular basis.
