mechanical valve

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2009
Vancouver, Canada
I'm pretty much decided on a mechanical valve. When everyone says it makes loud is it? Can other people hear it, or is something you hear more internally yourself? Is it hard to get use to?
Hi Buffy, do you have a Timex watch? If you do, hold it right against your ear. Yes it may sound loud, but that may be only what you hear yourself during the early stages of recovery; others who are around you may not hear a thing unless its dead quiet and even then might hear it faintly. But remember, you'll become so in tuned with your body/heart you'll think everyone can hear the "tick"...and they might. Just remember "that's a good thing" :) and tell those who can hear it 'it's a good thing'.

Now I'm only speaking from my experience; after about 6 months, maybe even 3 months I barely hear it any more except laying on my left side in bed and in the shower. To this day I still hear the ticking in the shower - and that is a good thing.
As your body heals and gains its strength back it will make its own sound barrier and in time you too will have moments that you'll forget about the "tick". :)
Buffy I've had mine four weeks and it's driving me nuts! Just what you want to hear I'm sure !? But... It's only been four weeks, so I'm heartened by the other posts on here already. Freddie is bang on, it's aTimex, right in my ear and sometimes in my neck and sometimes in my chest ! Getting into bed, standing infront of a mirror or in the shower seem to be the loudest times ? However I've already started to notice there are times I cant hear it, well I can but my brain is filtering it out ? Until that is I think, "oh I cant hear it" doh, it's back again!!
The encouraging thing is that mostly everyone seems to cope with it just fine after a few months...So roll on the next few months!
Also different makes of valves can be noisier than others. I have two ATS valves and only once has another person heard them and that was in a very quiet room in the early days. I can't normally hear them myself apart from in bed. I have now trained myself to hear the two different sounds, fascinating.

I am a person who couldn't sleep in a room with a ticking clock so was very worried about it but in truth it doesn't worry me at all, but as I said, mine are fairly quiet as valves go.
Buffy Iv'e had mine for twelve and a half years and still don't hear it. The only thing I hear is a little thumping sound at night when I'm laying in bed.
Why some hear it more is still a mystery for me to this day.
Some think body size has something to do with it, but I'm thin and always have been, so I don't buy that.
What I have found is to watch what you eat close to bedtime. It may make your heart work harder trying to digest something, and then the valve could be a little noisy(or thumping like I said).

Like you, I was torn between the ticking noise or being reopened! I was hesitant to go with the mechanical valve so that I won't go crazy with the ticking...but the reality it is not a bother at all...a very light internal ticking which I even enjoy listening to when I can. These days, 4 months after surgery, I very rarely hear it and it is a very faint noise. While I was at the hospital a nurse heard it and wondered what was that noise:D
I've had mine since 2003 and can hear it any time I want. As long as I don't think about it, it usually is no big thing now.
That being said, it can bother me at night sometimes if I'm having a hard time sleeping.
Last monday night our grand-daughter stayed over and complained about the noise......Usually she is pretty cool about it though. She has brought her friends over to hear her grandpa click.
We got a new Brittany pup just after Thanksgiving. She seems to like to snuggle on my chest. I think it is because of the click.
Yes, she is a very spoiled pup and will only get worse.
You will get used to it and mostly, others won't notice it. Good Luck!!

Since you are interested in a Mechanical Valve, I suggest you look at the websites for at least the top 2 (IMO).

On-X offers the latest and greatest in technology (since 1996). See and

The St. Jude Master's Series Valves hold the record for durability, going back 30 years and counting. See

There has been extensive discussion of those valves in the Valve Selection Forum which you may want to browse through.

FYI, the leaflets in the St. Jude, ATS, Carbomedics, and now On-X have all been designed, at least in-part, by the Same Individual, Jack Bokros, Ph.D., whose group created the Pyrolytic Carbon material used in the leaflets (for an application in the Nuclear Power Industry) in the 1960's. He's been designing Mechanical Heart Valves ever since and holds patents on ATS, Carbomedics, and On-X.

'AL Capshaw'
I've had mine for 2 months now. I hear it but it is a non factor. If I'm in a quiet room my wife says she can hear me. It is a very slight tick tick tick. It's not like jack hammer loud or anything of the sort.
Hi Buffy,my clicker for 16 years was like my security
last year due to my native mitral needing replacement my aortic
i guess didnt quit clicking, but due to slight pressure hitting it
from the mitral so i cant hear it and do i ever miss that.
it well resume to click once i have 2nd surgery (if it ever happens)
my surgery that is:D so having 2 clickers i won,t complain cus
i really miss the click and it never bothered me at first,it was louder
when surgery was first done,then im not sure ,we get used to it.

zipper2 (DEB)
In certain positions I can hear it. Likewise, every now and then others will hear it, but they think it's my watch, which I don't wear. I had a guy on an elevator look at my wrist, look at my face (which was smiling) and then get this funny expression. I think he was afraid that I was a crazy with a bomb! In the beginning it seemed louder, but now I rarely notice it.
Hi Buffy, I've had my Ats aortic valve for 5 weeks now and the only time i've heard it is when i put the stethoscope on it. My wife and kids like to lay there head on my chest and listen to it but i have not heard it other wise. chuck
Sounds like the ATS valve gets full marks for being quiet then !? That's amazing Shortbed. After four weeks mine sometimes sounds like I've about three different Timex watches in and around my head ! Lucky you...
Hi Buffy,

The ticking of my mechanical valve never bothered me. I found it comforting to listen to it while falling asleep and I used to take my pulse by listening.

Now I can't hear anything and I miss the reassuring clicks.