May 26, 2011 - Derek's first OHS, early 30s

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May 22, 2011
Sacramento, CA
Hi everyone, my name is Derek and I have two days left in the waiting room. Three months ago I found out that I have a bicuspid aortic valve and an aortic aneurysm @ 4.5cm!


I've discovered this amazing community and am grateful to read all of your stories. They are VERY therapeutic! Thank you so much for sharing.

My wife and I are beginning to have emotional flutters about this surgery. We've been married for almost 7 years, and this is the hardest situation we've ever faced. Both of my parents passed away before they reached 60 years old, so genetics is not necessarily on my side. Hopefully my relatively young age will score me a few points.

Any advice from the OHS veterans out there? I've read that waiting is the hardest part.

in deed you are right waiting is THE HARDEST PART but the knowledge that you are not walking up the mountain alone but wit the love and strength youdraw from your life partner will ease the path and now that you have this family of brothers and sisters in OHS you can lean on us for the experience this community holds for you

Just one more thing to say Derek and that is a HEARTFELT WELCOME
Greg, thanks so much for your kind words. My wife, Jen, will keep everyone posted here.

I'm really looking forward to putting this all behind me so that I can support others in this community, in the same way they've supported me. I've read many of your posts, Greg, and you have the gifts of experience and compassion.

Thank you.
........I've read that waiting is the hardest part.

It's been a long time ago for me, but I think you are right about the waiting being the hardest part. I can relate to your concerns because I was only 31, married about 10 years....and had a couple small sons. I do know how you feel and I can tell you that it is a big deal.....BUT it is doable and you will find that your outlook and life will improve after the surgery. I have now lived more than twice the age my docs told me I would probably live without the surgery. I wish you an uneventful surgery and easy recovery.
My wife and I went through this a year ago. I am now 31 and it is not easy, but stay positive and you will be fine!

Welcome to the Family, Derek. Sending positive, caring thoughts your way. Fear is normal, we all understand it...your not alone. Praying for a speedy, uneventful recovery for you. May God Bless you and your family the 26th and always.

Go Team 2011 !!!!
Good luck with Nemo Derek! Read your blog... Good stuff, thanks for sharing. I'm in the same boat for surgery on the 27th. All will be well.
Wow its a party, IM leaving for Houston today. Surgery Tomorow, Lets hold hands , IM not scared any more, just want to get er done!!!!!!!!1
Hi Derek,

Would you mind me asking what you're having done? Is it valve and aorta replacement or just the valve? Did any surgeon recommend to leave your aorta alone? I'm just wondering.

Anyhow, I wish you God speed and a smooth recovery.
Derek - Hang in there. You're in good hands. While we only do these things once in a while, these docs do them every day. To them, it is just another day at work.

While we say the waiting is the hard part, we should also remember that we as patients have the easy jobs. Our families have the tough job of waiting for us to come out of surgery and then watching over us as we manage those first days and weeks of recovery.

Our thanks to all the spouses and family who care for us, too.
So Derek, tomorrow is the BIG day. Be cool and just take it one minute at a time. Spend some time with your honey doing something that makes you both happy. Sending you lots of positive vibes and good feeling from down in So. Cali. It is gonna be ALL good..:)
Mustering up all the positive thoughts and best wishes for you, Derek!
Yup...the waiting is the worst! Before you know it, you will be 'over the mountain'.
Derek, heart disease was in my mother's side of the family, most of them past away from heart disease associated with old age. I came through my OHS with flying colors. I was otherwise in good health so had everything going for me and so do you. You'll be fine, and feel a lot better in the not to distant future.
I thought I didn't have any symptoms, but now that's it done, I can breathe a lot better and seem to be a lot more alert.
Wow, Cam! From what I understand, an aortic aneurysm of 6.7cm is no joke! Glad you got it taken care of! Thanks for the comforting words.
Good luck with Nemo Derek! Read your blog... Good stuff, thanks for sharing. I'm in the same boat for surgery on the 27th. All will be well.

Thanks for reading my blog. Truthfully, I was inspired to write it by this forum. I thought by sharing my story that I may be able to help someone in the way that this forum has helped me.

I'll be thinking of you and your surgery while I'm shuffling down the hallway in my hospital gown! Good luck to you, too!
Wow its a party, IM leaving for Houston today. Surgery Tomorow, Lets hold hands , IM not scared any more, just want to get er done!!!!!!!!1

I love the attitude, Ken!! I want to git'r done too...but I occasionally have flashbacks of seeing my late parents struggling through similar things. But I have to remember to focus on my recovery and not the worst-case-scenarios.

I'm wishing you the best in your own recovery!!