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Gail in Ca

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
I saw my brother-in-law on Saturday.
He is now outfitted with a LVAD. His heart was in very bad shape. He had OHS to have this pump installed. He lives in So Carolina. He’s decided to go for a heart transplant but they have to run tests to determine if he’s a candidate. He’s only early 60’s. His color looks good. TSA pulled him aside at the airport and wouldn’t even read his letter from the Doctor about the device. He got through so that’s good. Some years ago he had something go wrong and ended up in heart failure. At that time they used medication and he came out of it but with a low EF. Not so lucky this time.
I knew nothing about this device so we had an informative talk about all he’s been through. He takes warfarin now.
I just thought I’d post about it.
Hey Gail, sorry to hear about your BIL's needs, but thanks for posting because I'd never heard of an LVAD either.

the quick mention of "he's on warfarin now" is something I always consider when people are choosing a valve "specifically because I don't want to take warfarin" ... some times the universe has other ideas.

Best Wishes
Yes, he’s trying to get his own meter. His range is 2-3, but it was 1.5 when he left so Carolina. I would’ve brought mine and tested him if I’d known! He’s in good spirits. His wife now is his sterile dressing changer and she takes care of her 95 yo Mom who moved there to live with them before he had this heart failure. She had to stay home w her Mom.
Things happen in life we never expect. But, the family is rising to the occasion. My nephew learned to do his Dad’s dressing change for the trip to CA.

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