Length of surgery

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May 13, 2009
springfield, mo
I was wondering if anyone had an estimate for the length of time an aortic valve replacement and ascending thoracic aneurysm repair takes?
Total time for surgery. My surgeon stated the pump time would be one hour. I forgot to ask him the total time for the surgery....
Just asked my husband....he thinks it was about 5-6 hours between when I was wheeled in and came back out.
I don't know if he remembers exactly, he was kind of traumatized. ;)
About 6 hrs here as well from getting carted off to waking up. But most of that time you are being prepped, and then coming down from the surgery. You are certainly not opened up that long. Pump time of an hour or so seems common unless something goes wrong.
It was 4 hours for me. From being wheeled in and being wheeled out. Another 6 hours before I tried to open my eyes, only to close them again for another 2 (they gave me the good stuff as requested LOL).
Thanks guys. I meant to ask the doctor when I was talking to him on the phone....but it slipped my mind...I guess I had other things that I needed to ask...
Mine was about 6 hours from wheeling in to when my husband was notified all finished. I'm not sure how long it was before I opened my eyes in ICU
Mine was 8 hours in the operating room,I do not know how long I was on the pump, but they left a nice 3 inch horizontal scar on the top of my right breast for the "pump", they did not go through my groin,I think that is why it took so long. I'm told that this is not common.
I just had the same exact surgery: was wheeled into the OR at about 7.45am and was sleeping like a little baby shortly after. My post-op packet says that they opened me up at 8.50am and closed me at 1.30pm. The chief of surgery who actually performed the "dirty work" was in at 10am and out by 11.45 and went immediately to talk to my parents and boyfriend while the "less important" surgeons finished cleaning and closing me. :)

I was on bypass for 110 minutes.

In my situation I was admitted the morning before surgery and I talked to the entire surgical team at one point during the course of the day, to explain the surgery, recovery and my choices as far as type of valve, etc. My surgeon also took the time to talk to my parents that evening which was nice and they were told when they should be in the waiting room so that they could have news. (The doctors recommended that from 7.45 when I was wheeled into the OR until about 11 they should go out, have breakfast and try to keep themselves occupied, and they did! :) )

Sending out lots of positive thoughts for your surgery!!
Every case is different and usually they do not know what will be until they actually get in there. David was told about 4-5 hours for the AVR surgery before they did the CT scan and discovered that he had a 5.0cm aneurysm, and then the surgeon said it would be more like 6-8 hours. It ended up being closer to 8 hours because David would not stop bleeding after they closed so they opened him up again but couldn't find anything. He continued to bleed in the ICU and they had to give him 8 units of blood, platelets, and clotting factors until it finally stopped about 5 hours later. All that time there was a possibility that they would have had to take him back into the OR and open him up again to see what was going on but thankfully it stopped. It was pretty scary for me and I don't mean to scare you, but I wish I had been prepared beforehand that this was a possibility and is actually quite common. He was also told 24 hours in the ICU and then 5-7 days in a step down unit. He ended up being in the ICU for 7 days (he had complete heart block and they were waiting to see if he got his own rhythm back before implanting a pacemaker) and then was moved to the step down unit after the pacemaker was implanted and then discharged 6 days later (well, at least that was on schedule!). So nothing is written in stone and you just have to be prepared for anything and everything. And he was on bypass for 179 minutes.

I was told that the entire thing would be about 4 hours. It ended up being over 5½ hours because he had to do a more complicated MV repair. I was on the pump for 2 hours and 2 minutes.
Mine was about 8 hours from wheeling in to ICU. I opened my eyes in ICU after 12 hours approx.

Aneurysmal dilation of aortic root and ascending aorta with dissection,BAV,mod.AR.
Mod. Bental DC Bono surgery with#25 mm St.Jude medical valved conduit
Surgeon: Dr K.s. Neelakandan,Dr.Sridar CARE Hospital, Bangara Hills,Hyderabad,India