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Nancy jane

I'm very eager to hear at what point can we pick up a hair dryer. Right away ? Ok ok. I'm very vain - happen to like to look nice Ha ha. Lol - so Ya think shower in hospital - ok to bring dryer ? - or r u gonna tell me it won't matter,?? I figure if I worry about this stuff it'll take the other stuff off my mind.

Nearing the 30 day count down (2-9) and cath & tests are day before. Will say this site has become addictive. Anyone else feel the same way ? I'm having AVR. No one has said any thing about roots etc. think that's cuz I just need AVR & that's all ? I do realize if they do the cath & find other s***. It's a full zipper vs what I'm hoping is a mini stern.

Thanks again to all who have helped. Be well. Nancy
I was in the hospital 6 nights after my surgery. They offered me to take a shower the day I was leaving, but I opted to go home and take one in my own shower. You can use a blow dryer, but remember that you cannot lift your hands above your head. So trying to do any styling is sort of out of the question. After your surgery you probably won't feel like blow drying for awhile, anyway. I had a sternal incision
so I was dealing with that pain and how it seems to want to shift. I don't think I used a blow dryer for a couple of weeks.
But, every one is different. I was not even up to filing my fingernails! I did have my toenails polished when I checked in and it stayed on thru surgery. It made me happy to look at my toes after surgery. It makes one feel a bit more normal, even as you are recovering.
I really hope you feel up to blow drying your hair the first week after surgery. I will tell you that I had a simple overnight bag packed with a few pair of under garments, 1 pair of basketball shorts. 2 books, and a cell phone. Reach floss, motorized tooth brush, electric shaver, and mouth wash. After being in a hospital gown for several days I didn't have too much enthusiasm to put on regular clothes or do any kind of self grooming. In fact I'm pretty shy and don't even like to take my shirt off in front of people, but being in the hospital and slowly walking down the halls I didn't care who I flashed and what others seen I was so weird. I felt weak and looney, it wasn't till about the 6th day that I had some sort of desire to clean up but even then it wasn't a strong desire. I didn't touch the books once, I used the cell phone to communicate.

Everyone is different some people feel like they can run a mile after a few days, I personally felt like I was worse off after surgery for the first few months vs before surgery and before surgery I was dealing with daily angina and shortness of breath. That's why I say I hope your the type that feels amazing immediately after surgery, because for me it hasn't been that way and 5 months post op its still not great. Don't get me wrong its not all bad but I don't want to cushion the reality of what some people experience.
I had my hair up in a clip most for the first few days. Even though I'm super vain, it was the last of my concerns. A friend blow dried my hair for me about day 3 or 4 and I put some make-up on about then too. Nothing wrong with trying to look a bit better. Helps the healing process!
I had my hair up in a clip most for the first few days. Even though I'm super vain, it was the last of my concerns. A friend blow dried my hair for me about day 3 or 4 and I put some make-up on about then too. Nothing wrong with trying to look a bit better. Helps the healing process!

It definitely does! If you look good, you'll certainly feel better about things, if not better more generally. Also, it changes how people respond to you. I put on street clothes, (a soft fabric button front shirt, and some flannel Pajama bottoms, so not really street, just not hospital) on my first day up on recovery. On my forth day, when I was getting ready to go, one of my best chearleaders, a nurse practitioner, saw me wrapped in a blanket because I was cold and her face fell. "Oh no! What's wrong?", she asked me. I dropped the blanket so she could see that I was wearing a button down and jeans and she perked right back up. I could see that a part of her enthusiasm for my speedy recovery was based on my looking like I was ready to go from the moment I left CICU!

So yes, bring the hair dryer Nancy Jane, just also bring along a friend to operate it for you!

Incidentally, I was able to take myself for a shower on the morning of the third day with no trouble at all. The nurses weren't super thrilled with me because I forgot to mention it and my cardiac telemetry alarms warned them that I was either disconnected or dead. They didn't look for me in the men's shower for some reason!
I got to take a shower in the hospital about day 5 or 6, it was the best shower I've ever had in my whole life! I was absolutely able to dry my hair and reach my arms up to use my round brush to blow it out. It took me longer than usual and I was tired afterwards, but it wasn't painful. I took another 2 days later and did it again and then everyday afterwards. As you can see, everyone's experience is different. If washing and drying your hair will make you feel better, then by all means, take your blow dryer and do your hair.

You could take some dry shampoo, too, for that first day or two after surgery, when you feel yucky but don't feel up to a shower yet. Get a friend/relative to brush it out for you, and you'll feel more human.
I was unable to shower for 6 days because of my pacer wires and electronic gizmos (I had a short spell of rhythm problems and was hooked up to two units that I had to carry around 24/7, a heart monitor and a pacemaker). I don't think I would have been able to handle a blow dryer during those first few days though, I felt pretty weak.

By all means take one along, you may be able to manage it yourself or someone may be able to help you. We're all different and who knows, your desire to feel more human might give you the energy to make use of it! :D
I didn't get to shower until 8 days post surgery, because I needed a permanent pacemaker. I loved that shower. I didn't blow dry my hair though.
With help from my nurse, I showered and shampooed in the hospital both my surgeries but I did not blow dry until my first shower at home. I have short hair and everyone was fine about me using my lightweight hair blower if I was able. It was no issue for me and I did it easily.

My short hair has enough body and a really good cut so I can wash, comb and air dry if I have to and it has enough styling to be presentable. I made sure to sit up long enough for at least the front and top to dry before hitting a pillow. You will be VERY tired from those showers and eager to get back to bed.
I was let out on day six. I took a shower at home with the help of my husband that day. I could not dry my hair the way I normally do but between my husband and my sons they figured it out. I am in week two of recovery at home and each day is different. Once you initially start to feel good don't over do! I made that mistake and hurt myself so now I am asking for help with everything including drying my hair.
A great nurse helped me get a shower, I think, on the second full day out of the ICU. That was at Missouri Baptist so I'm confident you'll be offered the same. I also asked if I could dry my hair, and that was ok too. Drying my hair might not have been the best idea though. If I had it to do over again, I'd ask someone else to dry it for me. Have you got a daughter or sister that might be willing to do it?
Hey, men can be vain, too! My surgery was on Tuesday. The tubes and wires were removed Thursday afternoon and, shortly after, I took one of the most glorious showers of my life. One of our chums here in VR had suggested I have my own clothes brought to the hospital. I did and changed into them after the shower. It does wonders for the spirit to be feeling better, to be clean and to be out of the hospital so called gown. As I sat listening to music that evening my sister-in-law came to visit, the first thing she said was "You don't look sick!". My vote is for a nice shower at the first opportunity and a change into your most comfortable clothes.

As for the hair dryer, everyone is a little different and some have more range of motion than others. A small light weight one might be just the thing and you can always ask for help. We each have to do a little experiementing every day to find our limits which change very quickly during the first weeks.

Best Wishes

So I get the point - everyone is different - and thankfully so I guess but thanks for the insights. I just used a dryer in a hotel that was soooooo light. Will try & find one like that. I get this from my mother who couldn't go the breakfast table with my dad unless she had lipstick on & looked decent. Old school but it worked for them he would have taken her any way of course. Maybe I'll bring my feather boa & see how that goes. I do have short hair. But even I wke up its not a pretty site. Oh well TMI. as they say. Thx everyone. As it get closer will have more questions I know. I know I will want to get dressed ASAP. At least I hope I will Have a great weekend. Nanc.

Ps. Duffy. We're u at mo Bap in st Louis ?
I never blow my hair dry now...generally go to bed with it wet. It's usually on the longish side and very straight. Most of the time I wear it up. I've often considered cutting my hair short. I'm thinking having it done just before surgery, so it will be easier to take care of. My daughter isn't old enough to help much yet, and although I'm sure my husband woul take care of it for me...he'll have plenty on his plate taking care of the little one on his own.
Well, I sort of fall into the Brad camp, of not having the need to use a hair dryer for quite a few years. But I'll agree that the first shower after your wires are removed (day four for me) was glorious! I had the hot/cold swings during the first few days, and what hair I have left was extremely gross by the time I finally got my shower.
Hey I have a good sense of humor but letting my husband blow dry my hair isn't part of that. Lord knows what' I'd look like ! :) Love all the responses..thanks so much. have a great weekend all... Nanc
wait a Min..what tubes & wires? how many? agggggg fill me in on that part.