Justin's surgery the 19th

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What an amazing young man you have for a son!!! Such fortitude.

I will absolutely have Justin in my thoughts on the 19th. I will send comfort and strength your way.

Please know that we are here.

Best of luck and warm wishes.

My prayers for justin and the family...!! reading this was so overwhelming,I can't thing how difficult it would have been for you...
We have a time

We have a time

We got our call today (maybe because monday is MLK Day?) and Justin has to be there at 10 am

Thank you everyone for the nice things you've said and for the good thoughts and prayers. They mean alot to our family
Lyn, when I read this, I couldn't thinlk of a thing to say, except, "Oh no, they're off again" ! Wishing you and Justin all the best, and you know that we'll all be in that waiting room with you.
Lyn and Justin,as i read through the posts here,I must post
that you remain in my thoughts @ prayers and more so yet
for the 19th.

Your both very strong to yet endure this another time and i just
know God will see you all through this yet again, and i will be watching for
your updates on Justin.

Justin is a special young man, his resolve to continue looking forward in life is incredibly admirable given the path he has had to take. I surely hope he gets out boarding this weekend. He will be in my prayers for a quick and uneventful recovery.
Hugs & prayers are coming your way. Here wishing that Jason has a speedy recovery. It's always hard when you go through this with your child or every grandchild. I always want to put myself in their place. Hang in there!
Good luck tomorrow - for both you and Justin! You two are amazing. I hope they won't have much to do once they get in there so he can recover quickly.
I just caught this,I have been on somewhat intermittently and must have missed it. However ,I am so glad I saw this now so that I can send my hopes and prayers for Justin's surgery.
In these times I also like to say a blessing for his surgeons..giving them strength,skill,creativity,intuition and science.
My best is with you all- your friend,Dina
You and Justin are in our thoughts.

You and Justin are in our thoughts.

Dear one:

We are thinking about you two with all of our might. Our fingers and toes are all crossed for you two.

Dear Lynn,

Wishing Justin the very best outcome and a smooth recovery. I'll be thinking about you all over the next few days.

Best Wishes!
Wow, when I think about how much Justin has been through in so few years, it amazes me! I can only imagine how hard this must be as his mother!

You will be in my prayers as well!

Thank you everyone. So far, so good. His last 2 surgeres were postponed the day before and we made it thru today without that dreaded phone call. onw just knocking on wood nothing happens before 10 tomorrow. altho I could be wrong, I think/hope since it took a while to schedual a time that BOTH his heart and plastic surgeon could be in the OR together, I think some one else woud probably get pumped ofor an ER case) I'll have my netbook with me and CHOP has wifi everywhere, so I'll be updating his page (link in my sig) thru out the day and the next few days. Thank you again for all the prayers and good wishes they mean alot. And Woodbutcher, yes he is VERY strong. It must be his name :)

ps he DID get snowboarding again Sunday. They had to leave early because it started to really rain, bUT he got a few good runs in so was glad he went.
Hope you got my email Lyn; but if not, know that you both continue to have my best wishes :)