jojofromct's DAD has surgery on Tuesday, Jan. 20

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It's been a long road for your dad, but I hope that things will improve after Tuesday's replacement. Please keep us updated about his condition and subsequent recovery. We're all pulling for both of you.:)

Wishing your Dad all the best Tuesday. I am confident it will go well. Thoughts and prayers for you and the rest of the family, too. I know he is very fortunate to have a supportive daughter like you! Keep us posted.

Joanne ~ My thoughts and prayers will be with your father (and you and your family) on Tuesday. I hope the surgery goes well and that his health improves immensely. Please keep us posted on how he does.


hey I didnt see this !!! You guys made a post for us! Thank you so much Ross. Yeah, I didnt start cleaning yet this morning but I will get to it soon. Thank you so much everyone. I hope I can log into my parents PC while I am down there but its a slow PC. I am going to have internet withdrawls.
Just back and so glad to read that he is going to have his surgery. Hope you can keep us to date. Godspeed!
Don't thank me. I'm evil. :D Thank Mary and Phylis. They are the ones that start surgery threads around here. ;)
Thank you Mary and Phylis ! My mind is doing 101 things right now but at least I am not trying to call someone from a remote like my mom last night. I keep telling myself I have to be strong for her. I have to be. My husband tells me that we are emotional cripples. We cry at a drop of a hat. This has to be ONE of the hardest things we will go through. My most worries are seeing him as soon as he comes out of surgery with all the tubes and wires and not looking good and then his INR. I believe once they tell us the surgery went well, I will be better too but not 100% till he goes home but even then I will still have some worries. I have so many people praying for him, the VR board, family, friends at work, everyone.
Dad and Mom !

Thanks for the picture of your Dad. It's nice to put a face to him. He'll be in my prayers!
I WOULD say that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers on Tuesday but since my PVR is the same day I might be a little too unconscious and drugged to remember. I will pray extra hard for you until then to make up for it. And tell your dad I will race him out of the hospital ;)
Dad and Mom !


That's a sweet birthday picture, Joanne!

Emotional is good -- just confirms what a loving, caring family you have.

Be strong, though. Your dad is going to feel better after he has this and recovers and rehabs. I know you will be a source of strength for him.

We'll all be with you all in spirit on Tuesday.
