Jan In Liverpool Post Surgery

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Hi All

I'm Gail, Jan's daughter-in-law, she has asked me to post an update on the site. The leg surgery was successful however it appears that the infection has spread to her spine and she is undergoing tests for suspected meningitis. I will try to keep the thread updated depending on her wishes.

Jan has asked me to print out the thread to be taken into hospital so she can see your kind messages.

Thanks xx

Gail Armstrong
May God keep you safe, Jan and I hope it turns out NOT to be meningitis, and they can take care of whatever it is fast and get you on the road to recovery.
Hi All

I'm Gail, Jan's daughter-in-law, she has asked me to post an update on the site. The leg surgery was successful however it appears that the infection has spread to her spine and she is undergoing tests for suspected meningitis. I will try to keep the thread updated depending on her wishes.

Jan has asked me to print out the thread to be taken into hospital so she can see your kind messages.

Thanks xx

Gail Armstrong
Thanks for updating us and tell Jan I am sending her a big hug from down in Louisiana
Gail, thank you for updating us on Jans progress, she has been in my thoughts. Please tell her I will continue to pray for good news and full recovery for her.
am so sorry to hear about it spreading, I hope the results come back everything is good. I'm glad her leg surgery went well. Thanks for updating us
Oh Janie, That is so funny! Awesome picture of Bill! What a great sweet couple Jan and Bill. So here is praying for a fast recovery from the surgery and the complication! Hang in there Jan and I know you will do what the doctors say and work your way to up and running again status!! Because we all miss you here in Arizona so looking forward to your USA travels again!
Jan, glad to hear that surgery is over and you are on your way to recovering. I hope that whatever infection has spread can be dealt with easily and quickly without causing too many problems for you. We will be waiting for you on Sunday chat.

Jan, you are a special lady to know. I pray you will come through all this with flying colors.

I just love the pic of Bill. Just like him to do that. I need to send it along to Chuck - he thought Bill was such fun and enjoyed meeting him.

Our prayers are with you. May the doctors find the correct medication to help you get well SOON!

John & Joann
. . . I'm Gail, Jan's daughter-in-law, she has asked me to post an update on the site. The leg surgery was successful however it appears that the infection has spread to her spine and she is undergoing tests for suspected meningitis. I will try to keep the thread updated depending on her wishes . . .
Wow, I'm late to the thread and very sorry to read this, though hoping for the best.
I think my husband and I met you two, Jan and Bill, in Golden. Best wishes :) .

And thank you for the update, Gail.