It May not be Tawdry but .....

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Coast of Cornwall SW England.
It's a Mankini !! This is what I've been advised to wear cycling ! It's soooo nasty that I thought it passed as tawdry... Especially as I dont even know what that means !
Still, there's my scar in all it's glory... As red and bold as it was a few weeks after my op ! Maybe one day it'll fade ?
:D The Oxford Dictionary says....

• adjective (tawdrier, tawdriest) 1. showy but cheap and of poor quality. 2. sordid; sleazy.

So what d'ya think? I think you're there!!!

Great scar!! Thanks for sharing!

Wow - that gives new meaning to "tawdry". You have guts friend! Now Ross is probably going to try and get you to send it to a lady member here to pose in.
That seems to me to be an odd piece of apparel. Are you sure that isn't something that a woman would wear, only you've got it on backwards? What does the back look like? What is the intended purpose for it? Your scar looks great. You have to figure that it looks better than just about any tattoo you could get.
Mankini.....LOL. You look great. :) It looks like the outfits that professional wrestlers wear. :)

I didn't know that you were a bit of a comedian! Actually the scar is looking pretty good. It does get better with time!
Wow, what a lovely response !
I'd had a few glasses of wine when I posted it last night ....
Embarrassed now !
Thanks Marguerite for the definition ... Looks like my outfit is perfectly apt then !
Woo hoo...well I guess if you are going to wear a Mankini you might as well be showing off that nice...uh ....scar! wear it well!!!!
Another mad mankini moment !

Another mad mankini moment !

The scar is about 9 months old... I'm in the south of France and it's SOOO hot ! I'd no idea. It's hard work pedalling. First day today and I've done about 40 miles.
Here's another even more cheesey Tawdry !!