is the pacemaker taking my engery away

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
2-14-13 had 2nd avr done 1st was 4-25-12 but it leaked 2-19-13 pacemaker was installed ever since i have no engery not liking this one much
Virginian - There are two things I would ask you to consider.

First, you are still "early" in your recovery. If I did the math correctly, you are about 2 months into things. It is still early. At 2 months, I was just beginning to feel like myself again. So, maybe a bit more time is warranted - regardless of how you felt last time, this time may be different.

Second, do you know what the settings are on your pacemaker? At least, what are the minimum and maximum heart rates programmed into it, and does it have its "rate response" functions on or off? Many times when they first implant pacemakers, they set them as if we are all very sick octogenarians, using very cautious low settings to allow the heart to heal and the leads to implant securely. Then at the first post-implant pacemaker interrogation (usually about 3 months after implant) they will discuss adjustments with you. Check your heart rate at rest and during activity. If it stays low, like around 60 beats per minute, then the pacemaker settings are probably keeping you down. If your pacer raises your heart rate in a normal fashion, going higher during activity, then it may not be at fault. Over the first 6 months or so that I had mine, we raised my "maximum" paced heart rate from about 120 BPM to 160, and turned the rate response on, then tweaked its timing. That helped me to be able to exercise and to live a relatively normal life.

BTW - A few days ago I received an automatic email from telling me that you had tried to PM me, but my mailbox was full. I've made room, and will watch for you.
thanks folks first steve is right this is my second month and my heart rate is about 60 i have a apointment with the pacemaker clinic 5-2-13 so maybe thet will adjust it then.2nd i agree beta blockers slow you down and i have been on them for years 25mg am 25mg pm.
I agree with the other posts as well, especially what Steve had to say about healing and settings. I had a pacemaker implanted eight months after valve surgery. I noticed the lower energy and inability to walk hills and do mstrenuous exercise three monts out, but it took a couple of months of testing and getting me completely off the beta blocker I was on for the docs to decide it was a pacemaker that I needed. Since getting my pacemaker nine months ago, I have been in several time for adjustments, each making things better. I now feel great. Pacemakers these days have many, many settings, so you may need to have your pacemaker clinic do some adjustments. I have found that paying close attention to how I was felling (and things like heart rates as Steve suggests) and then communicating that to the pacemaker nurse & technician helped a lot in getting things fine tuned.