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The Right Man for the Times

The Right Man for the Times

My husband and I voted for Obama; my Dad voted for McCain. That was back in November.

I talked to my Dad the day after the inauguration to see if he had caught it at work. He loves watching these kinds of big events.

Of Obama he said, "I didn't vote for him in November, but now I think he's the right man for the times."

Hi All,

No, I did not watch the Inauguration.

Mr. Obama, is way tooooooooo far, left of center for me!

It also seems to me, that he is a contradiction to himself. He is of a biracial birth, yet he belonged to a racist church for 20yrs. There are other unsettling aspects of his character,and background that I question too.

Lastly, for a "President Of The People", I find it hippocratical to be spending 170Million on the most costly Inauguration in the history of the US.

Just my opinion. Best regards to everyone, Kathy M.
Hi All,

No, I did not watch the Inauguration.

Mr. Obama, is way tooooooooo far, left of center for me!

It also seems to me, that he is a contradiction to himself. He is of a biracial birth, yet he belonged to a racist church for 20yrs. There are other unsettling aspects of his character,and background that I question too.

Lastly, for a "President Of The People", I find it hippocratical to be spending 170Million on the most costly Inauguration in the history of the US.

Just my opinion. Best regards to everyone, Kathy M.

Hi, Kathy. Glad to see you've made yourself at home.;)
I hope we learn as much about your valve status as we do your political views.:p
it is nice they thought about the economy for the dress, but 150 million for the day?

don't think incoming presidents have much say as to arrangements for the hoopla itself. I believe lots of things are paid by private funds.

being a first for the U.S. it was bound to cost a lot, what with all the security involved. Lots of that may have been donated, as well.
I, myself, was so glad to know there was so much hi-tech security surrounding the president. Would have hated to have what happened in Dallas 45 years ago repeat itself in WA!
don't think incoming presidents have much say as to arrangements for the hoopla itself. I believe lots of things are paid by private funds.

being a first for the U.S. it was bound to cost a lot, what with all the security involved. Lots of that may have been donated, as well.

it is ALL up to the incoming people and most of it was not raised by the comittee. BUT I will stay out of this thread from now on
OK Guys, I started this thread, so I own it! You notice the title is Inauguration. It's not about politics, it's about the ceremony. Yes, it cost a lost of money, but the majority of that was probably for security and other personnel. I doubt anybody will ever know the true cost. When he and Michelle got out of the car and walked, I was a little nervous. Think how easy it would be for some crazy to do his (or her ala Squeaky Fromme) thing, even with the security.

To be clear, I didn't vote for him. Unless he is the Messiah that some people think he is, I doubt I will vote for him in 4 years. That doesn't mean I can't appreciate the pomp and circumstance of the ceremony, and it certainly doesn't mean that I can't wish him and his family well. I believe that they, like the presidential couples before them, are bringing their own style to the White House. I heard that J. Crew stock was up after it was announced that family members were wearing pieces from their collection.

So, since this is my thread, I'll give the order and y'all can be pissed with me, instead of Ross! Let's either stay on track, or keep silent!
Here's what the AP said, "Two other previous presidents have repeated the oath because of similar issues, Calvin Coolidge and Chester A. Arthur."
Good thread Lisa..

Good thread Lisa..

it is ALL up to the incoming people and most of it was not raised by the comittee.

Just to set the record straight.. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) plans and executes all Inaugural activities at the United States Capitol, including the Inaugural swearing-in ceremony of the President and Vice President of the United States and the traditional Inaugural luncheon that follows. Upon passage of a concurrent resolution, the JCCIC is established and the members appointed. The Vice President appoints Senators and the Speaker of the House of Representatives appoints House members. The JCCIC is usually comprised of the Senate Majority Leader (at the time of appointment), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Majority and Minority Leaders of the House of Representatives. Suffice to say, there are six members of the committee with four being Democrats and two being Republicans. Easy to figure out..

With the help of donations, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (a different entity) consisting of 432 members worked to put together the most open and accessible inauguration in history and has raised about $45-million (U.S.) to go toward, among other things, several inaugural balls, a few large TVs installed along the National Mall for the viewing pleasure of a couple of million people, and one inaugural parade.

The federal government expected to spend about $49-million on the inaugural weekend, and the City of Washington and the states of Virginia and Maryland asked for an additional $75-million for police, fire and medical services. I understand there was not one single arrest.. Amazing..!!
When he and Michelle got out of the car and walked, I was a little nervous. Think how easy it would be for some crazy to do his (or her ala Squeaky Fromme) thing, even with the security.
I know ,I keep thinking about JFK,how he was loved and hated. And how
he ended up. JFK was also more of a pacifist like Obama,and we all know
why these are the ones who are assasinated.
As a mother of teenagers, it was very interesting to me to see my almost 16 year old be glued to the TV watching something other than MTV. She literally sat and watched the whole thing from the time she got up until she went to bed. It was touching to me to see her try and grasp the historical significance of the day. Of course, looking at and commenting on all of the fashion along the way didn't hurt either!
As a mother of teenagers, it was very interesting to me to see my almost 16 year old be glued to the TV watching something other than MTV. She literally sat and watched the whole thing from the time she got up until she went to bed
Good for her. Maybe there is hope yet.
Why is it that, only after negative Obama comments, do we see posts that claim things are turning political? When there are pro-Obama posts, everything seems to be okay. There were quite a few pro-Obama posts that were out there for awhile before Kathy and Dyna's posts but it was not until they posted that the call went out to stay on track. Inquiring minds want to know.;):D
I keep thinking of Michelle's mother who is 71 years old and who is going to be living in the White House with the rest of the family. Can you imagine how surreal this must be to her?!! Not in her wildest, craziest dreams could she have ever imagined that she would live in the White House one day!!
Hi Mary

Hi Mary

MARY , I have been a member since last year, just before I had my valve surgery. I will be celebrating my anniversary on Feb. 11th. I had an aortic valve replacement with a Medtronic Mosaic valve. I am still dealing with Pericarditis, but other than that, my valve is working fine.

I have posted a number of times, quess you missed it.

Best regards, Kathy
Hi Lisa in Katy,

Hope you are doing well. I guess it just kind of turned into a political blog.

I sure am sorry if I offended some people, but I have a tendency to be very opinionated at times, especially when I think it's right. Maybe your right. Lets stick to health related issues? (ha)

Best regards, Kathy