Ian is a bit better

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Ian is a bit better.. the ultra sound showed that the bleed around the heart has stopped so they removed the catheter drain from his heart...His hemoglobin has climbed up a bit so they have decided to hold off on the blood transfusion..
His heart rhythms are good, colour is good, spirits are good he,s still weak but better.. will stay in CCU a bit longer..
on the other hand ..he has a bit of a fever, fluid in his lungs..and they have resumed anti-coagulant to thin his blood because of the valve replacement ....that might start the bleed again....I sure hope not.... It is so hard to stay optimistic... but he is feeling so much better....thanks ...Rose
Sorry Ian is having to deal with these bumps, glad he is doing a little better. Sending continude best wishes and hugs to you both.
I'm glad Ian is better. Stay positive and try to get some rest. My prayers continue.