Ian day 3

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
I am so happy to say Ian is doing much better. I phoned the hospital late last night cause I couldn't sleep and they said he was sleeping well and doing good. That made me feel so much better... And today he looked great!!! He is off all IV meds and his catheter is gone... he is free to move about . They are giving him a strong anti nausea medicine and seem to be changing his pain meds (suppository)and it is making a difference. They moved him to the regular heart ward at about 4 this afternoon. He looks so much better today, good color, not as puffy, little pain, little nausea... if all goes well he will come home Wed or Thursday Thanks for caring about us...it is soooo nice ....Rose
Sounds much better. you must be so relieved, I hope you can get some sleep to night and rest up before he comes home. Thanks for the update
Thank-you Rose for the update,we are always glad to hear.

zipper2 (DEB)
Way to go Ian.Sounds like the worst is behind you now and you'll continue to recover quickly.Hope you get home soon!!!!!