How often to test?

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I'm sure this has been talked about before, but I was just wondering how often others get their INR tested. I have been going on average every 10 days since my surgery, give or take a few days depending on my range. I had a scare back in January where it was too low and had to go on lovenox. Then a month or so ago it had gotten up to 4.0, which I know isn't terrible but I don't want it higher than that. Since it came back down I have been steady at 3.2-3.5 for the past month or so. I started testing at an office that is closer to me (same practice), and they call in my numbers and a nurse calls back and gives me the thumbs up or whatever is appropriate. It's never the nurse I used to deal with at the main office, who knew I am a complete worrier and like to test often. I still go in about every 10 days, but when the last time the nurse called me back she said it's 3.5, great, so come back in three weeks, and after that you can start testing once a month. Now that just doesn't sit well with me. I can't see how I can manage my INR by ignoring it for a month. I don't plan on following her advice and will go back at 10 days, but I was just wanting to see if others actually test once a month. I would love a home monitor and got approved for one but since I haven't met my deductible would still have to pay for the whole thing out of pocket. We are going on new insurance Aug. 1 so I'll just keep trying.
I test every week to two weeks. I home test, so I can test whenever I want. Have you looked into home testing?
I don?t home test so I go in once a month?..I have skipped a month when it was inconvenient to get there:eek:....not recommended?..but I?m always stable (INR that is:rolleyes:)??if I?m between 2 and 5 I?m a happy Chimp:D
Two weeks for me. It was suggested to go once a month, but I too felt uneasy about that. Oh by the way.......I don't have a home monitor..........YET!
I go to the lab once a month unless something happens and I get out of range.
Been doing it for almost twelve years with few problems.
There's hope

There's hope

Two weeks for me. It was suggested to go once a month, but I too felt uneasy about that. Oh by the way.......I don't have a home monitor..........YET!
Hi Freddie,
The manager of my husband's cardiac rehabilitation clinic and myself just finished a very interesting conversation about home testing. Last week he was given some very bad advice about warfarin and home monitoring in general.
She is looking into home monitoring, this site, ISMAAP and will contact my manager at Toronto General Hospital.
One little step and a beginning. If you attend cardiac rehab maybe someone could do the same for you

Not to hijack the thread, I check every two weeks.
After ten years of successful testing once a month, my husband had some very serious problems that would have been avoided had he tested more frequently. For the past 8 years he has been testing weekly.

We have our own home monitor. It takes about less than 10 minutes for him to test at home.

I usually test monthly at the lab (occasionally once in six weeks when I'm a bit a lazy;)). My INR is usually consistent, but if it's out of range, then I usually do the next test about a week later. I've been doing this for 10 years with few problems! Good luck!
I'm not comfortable with 1 month. Mine can go out of whack to an extreme in that time. I now test weekly. Home test and self dose.
Weekly for us here in the South. It's just easier and we do it every Friday morning. Evelyn
I was worried when I first started getting tested less frequently...but after a few turns of forthightly then 3 weekly with my INR remaining in-range I was confident enough to leave it a month between tests...I have been in-range for as long as I can remember and will only have an extra test if I change medications that interfered with my INR like my Cholesterol pill does or if I go out of range . I too have inadvertantly left it 6 weeks between tests and have still come in on target.
I tested weekly in the lab post surgery.

By the time they wanted to bump me out to fortnightly/monthly i'd purchased a home tester (CoaguchekXS).

I try to test every week but at worst every fortnight.

However, we are currently in a seasonal change from summer to winter now and so i'm testing strictly weekly as my dose is being slightly adjusted downwards by a few mg.

I used to test in a lab as a double check every other month but havent done that for some time....just been to see the doc and got another script to start that up again as its not that smart to just rely on one source for your readings.

Home testing is essential from my perspective....after 3 months i was completely over the arm stick method....
I test monthly at my Coumadin Clinic because my company's insurance doesn't even know what anti-coagulation is and .... (long story). So far, so good.

IF I had coverage for the test strips,
I would follow Marty's recommendation,
every 2 weeks if in range, every week if not.

'AL Capshaw'


I home test weekly (every Thursday morning). I could probably test evey two weeks instead, but given my active lifestyle it seems to work better I monitor my INR more closely.

I test once a week on my coagucheck xs
did lab tests forclose to 16 years and had to
go to lab sometimes twice a week cus the inr's
were so out,depending when the lady that transferred th blood
vials from having daily coffee at Tim Hortens.
they'd sit in her car for hours,cant be good and it finally
took 16 years for a home testing machine when i heard about it
on the news,so i'll never regret the purchase of it
finally am able to rest the two dents in both arms from the lab draws
16 years is along painful time getting poked for a vial of blood
Got my machine in jan.2008 at lab since avr 1992 (SUCKS)
more you lab it the more painful,doesn't get easier.

Thanks, everyone. I know all of you home-testers can test anytime (lucky!) so I appreciate the feedback about in-office testing. I think I am going to stick with every two weeks for now. Hopefully I'll be able to get a home testing machine one of these days.