How long does an automatic coffee maker last you?

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How long does an automatic coffee maker last you?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Coffee drinkers, how long does an automatic coffee pot last you before it breaks down?

I'm only getting about 2.5 years out of them.
Ross, our coffee maker does'nt get used everyday now. We have change to a French Press coffee maker. Enjoy the taste alot better. So our other coffee maker which is a drip kind, has lasted us almost 6 years. For company that enjoys drip coffee. :)
mine goes everyday,always and some didn't last 2 years

we have gone through alot of pots(drip type) and some

just couldn't keep up.Finally bought 3 years ago a tim hotins

drip pot and i hate tim hortins coffee,but you can use your own

ground coffee. Finally it is hitting third year and going strong

(WATCH NOW IT WILL DIE):rolleyes:cus i said that.:D

zipper2 (DEB)
Coffee drinkers, how long does an automatic coffee pot last you before it breaks down?

I'm only getting about 2.5 years out of them.

3-4 years here Ross. Although my 3 year old coffee pot is now leaking...time to get a new one! I drink 1/2 of a pot every day. I have a French Press coffee maker, but honestly, with an hour commute, I just don't have the time to mess with it. I need my coffee to make itself while I get ready.
We had one for close to 10 years. We'd probably still have it if my son hadn't emersed the glass pot into water while it was still hot. It wasn't an expensive one but I thought it made excellent coffee. The new one we got just doesn't taste the same.
We use a Braun. It seems to make the best coffee, compared to a Krups, Mr. Coffee, Cuisinart, and several others. The only real difference I've noted is that they use a metal tube for the hot water, instead of plastic, which must give off some kind of chemical or taste.

They aren't made anymore, so I scout Ebay for them, and have several used ones in the wings...

Best wishes,
Coffee drinkers, how long does an automatic coffee pot last you before it breaks down?

I'm only getting about 2.5 years out of them.

Well, I'm fixing to find that out Ross! I just went & bought us one of those 1 cup Turig Coffee Brewers w/the different flavors of coffee. I have been using an old fashion, glass coffee makers for years. But since I'm the only one that drinks coffee first thing in the morning a lot of it goes to waste so I got the 1-cup machine.:)
Proctor-Silex drip coffee maker over here. Its used every day and sometimes twice a day when there's company during the holiday season.

Had this poor old machine for at least 12 years........and its starting to show its age........but hay it still works.
They don't make Braun anymore? I have had 2 and they are good. I think
Bob must be right about the plastic affecting the taste. Right now I have
a Hamilton Beach 'brewing station' - the one that doesnt have a pot, you
just press the mug against the button and it streams out. I have had this
one for 3 years now and while it still works, the inside of the machine
has coffee gunk stuck on it that I can't get to--time for new new one.
Most of the others I had lasted close to 3 years too, but none of them
actually stopped working except for one(a Mr. Coffee),with the others I
broke the glass pot:rolleyes:
So 2-3 years for me.
Put me down in the more than 10 year category.....we have a couple of machines, including the little single mug version.
Hubby goes in phases and uses it and then forgets about it, so they last a LONG time.
I don't touch the stuff.....I prefer a very milky hot chocolate with a pinch of decaf instant coffee.
3-4 years I use a Cuisinart both here and home in CT. Like it, but find that none of the pots I have had over the years keep the coffee hot enough for very long.
The only one I've ever owned lasted about 15 years before I gave it to Purple Heart. Of course, I only used it for guests, and not very often even then.

My mother is a daily coffee drinker. She inherited an under the counter pot when she bought her house 10 years ago. I'm not sure how old it was, but it certainly wasn't new. It gave up the ghost about 3 years ago, so she got another one that shows no sign of slowing down. The longevity probably has something to do with the water. We are on neighborhood wells here (Municipal Utility Districts). She uses filtered tap water. She also cleans her pot with vinegar and lemon juice every couple of months.
The Mr. Coffee coffee maker I bought at Walmart

The Mr. Coffee coffee maker I bought at Walmart

lasted about a year, and I only had it because my mom is a huge coffee drinker, and I am not, however, it started to leak from the bottom and soon it got to the point that the minute you filled the resovoir with water, it leaked out of the bottom and flooded the counter. Needless to say, I don't by coffee makers from Walmart any's either Home Depot or Lowes....

It's aweful, you pay good money for something (I paid 45 dollars for it) and it dies on you even though you hardly used it...:eek::eek::mad::eek::eek:
Coffee drinkers, how long does an automatic coffee pot last you before it breaks down?

I'm only getting about 2.5 years out of them.

You're lucky if you can count it in YEARS, around here it is usually months that we count :D Once, we went looking for a GOOD one, and all the really expensive ones (DeLonghi, Cuisinart etc.) that we could find were made in China, so we gave up and got another cheapish one. We've been married 7.5 years, and have gone through aboaut 10 coffemakers.
Braun was out of my price range when they were around, but honestly, I've probably replaced enough of them to have bought one. Anyone in here have a Bunn? I'm wondering if they're worth the money or not.

My last one was a Mr.Coffee and the thermal limiter went out causing the hot plate to stay on all the time. Burned my counter! :mad: