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Aug 23, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hi everyone! A big thanks to Jim for keeping you all up dated on my surgery. I was released from the hospital late Friday and made it home about midnight. I slept part of the time during the drive - I was exhausted. Today is the first day I have felt human again due to extra sleep on Saturday and Sunday.
My surgery was larger than expected, but went well. I original surgery plan was to replace my ascending aorta and root but when Dr. Coselli inspected the aneurysm he noticed the stitching around my Medtronic Hall valve was becoming deformed and was unstable. The decision was made to also replace my valve during surgery. I was on the OR table at 7am and my surgery was finalized at 4:30 pm.
After the new valve was placed, the new root and ascending aorta were sown in, it was time to start my heart. Due to heavy scar tissue and the stretching of the heart tissue from the aneurysm, my heart became pacer dependent. My own pacer was working intermittently and the cardiologist wanted to wait before moving forward with a pacemaker to see if my own pacer would start working again. After 5 days in ICU it was apparent I needed a pacer. When the external pacemaker was turned off, I would flat-line and blackout.
Anyway, I am back on the road to recovery, with my new St. Jude valve w/Dacron tube and Metronic Pacemaker. Thank you guys for all of your prayers, notes of support and goodwill sent my way!
Best Regards,

Scott in Austin
Congratulations! What a long day for you, my goodness! You will really have a terrific new lease on life now. Sending you wishes for strength and continued good health and recovery.
Good Lord, you got the kitchen sink! So glad all went well for you and you are home resting. Take it easy, don't do too much too soon. There's nothing like your own bed or recliner to recover.
Glad to hear your surgery was successful, even though it was very long! :eek: Best wishes for a smooth recovery.

Scott,glad to hear your home now and feeling human again

(WOW) over 9 hours of those legal free drugs:p upon surgery

i'm happy your getting back to normal and you have every right

feel exhausted........go easy and rest.Good to see your post.

zipper2 (DEB)
My goodness, Scott, thank goodness Dr. Coselli performed your surgery! You needed the best of the best this go-a-round!:)
Congratulations on being home!:)
Glad you are here on the other side !! Pretty wild when they turn off the external pacer...pretty incredible sensations..at least for me... I ended up like you but I got an On x Aortic Valve and a St jude Pacemaker about six months ago. Not a lot of fun recovering for the first couple of weeks but now I feel great !
I'm glad you are home, Scott and although you got a little more than you expected, it sounds like you were in excellent hands and are well on your way to recovery. Wishing you a bump-free recovery.
FLAT LINED! Don't like the sound of those words!! So glad you are better and back home now to rest and take care of yourself. Where again was the surgery with Dr. Cosselli???