holy ****!!! (scared out of my mind)

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
hey guys,

called my cardio on some issues I've been having lately (should have called a long time ago) and long story short, I have an appt at 2:00 today, I am about dumping in my pants right now, just got off the phone with them 15 mins ago, and am still processing it, I will update later when I can. I am going alone, yet again, so we'll see what happens.



Morgan, 21
We'll all be with you on your appointment in thought. So you will have us all along with you.

We'll be waiting to hear what has happened and what they are going to do to help you with the issue.

God Bless.

I hope all is well, or at least manageable. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

I know the feeling!!

I know the feeling!!

I'll keep my fingers crossed!! I know only too well how you feel as i've been there so many times myself. Some of them turned out to be nothing though. I have to go and see mine again, and get an echo done early next month and I'm already worried he might have bad news for me once again. As the saying goes: ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY!!
Let us know what he's said??
All your surrogate parents here are anxiously awaiting your post!
hey guys

first of all, thanks for the well wishes/prayers

I'm back, it went ok I got in about 1:50 and never got out till like 4

had the usual ekg and echo, nothing fancy

nothing has really changed, same thing, shortness of breath and light headdedness are from bad valves, my mitral and aortic, this is probably the reason I passed out in June. he also mentioned the blood backing up in my lungs again, and that causing my shortness of breath (funny how knowing respiratory therapy stuff can help you out, I understood what he was saying, and can apply it! from what I understand he was saying this creates a restrictive effect on my breathing, basically by engorging my lungs and making them stiffer). he said they (valves) werent bad enough to deal with (again, basically the same thing as last time) yet. He mentioned going in with balloons, and valve replacement, but he said those would be pretty drastic right now for my situation. he said seeing a change within 2 years would be pretty fast, deterioration of my valves is gonna be slow, more like over the next 5 -10-15 years or so. I have to call in 2 weeks so they can fax me some paperwork so I can get my appt records, I will know more then, but I think I overheard the tech tell Dr Yeager my ejection fraction is 39%

he thinks I am working too much, and need to slow down, he will give me a note for work if need be, he really wants me to slow down! he thinks my exhaustion is a combo of overworking, and some of the heart issues

he thinks the chest pain is from scar tissue, he really highlighted how much scar tissue is involved post OHS.

he also mentioned transfer to adult congenital care, wants to wait till after school is done, and I get into my job.

(side note, he seems extremely proud of me, and wants to see me in the hospital/cant wait to see me/basically tells me I'd better be looking for him, LOL)

the bottom line is that I need to learn to cope with this stuff. I really dont know how thats gonna work, but I am just starting to see a counselor, and will talk with her about this.

My mother was very supportive of me when I called her after my appt, but my father was less than supportive, pretty much down right insulting. . .he said something along the lines of "sometimes you work hard, but sometimes all you do is chat" and my sister said that I was trying to be handicapped, and asked why I would want to do that. so, basically according to my cardiologist of 21 yrs, and my mother I am doing too much, but according to dad and em, I'm not good enough

good thing I've got a freaking counselor appt on thursday, I'm holed up in my room right now, I cant even look at dad or em right now without wanting to cause some serious damage to someone or something

(maybe its because I started my period this morning, called the cardiologist because I am having issues, ended up in their office within 3 hrs of my call, on top of trying to get some paperwork done, and now that I have all that done, and made it through my appt alone, by myself, ok, and dad and em are being totally unsupportive, and now, its 7 PM and all I wanna do is SLEEP!!!)

ok, I dont know if I got everything I wanted to in here, but I am really tired, and need to go to bed I'll check back in and add if I need to or fix it if I need to in the morning, I am in a total daze right now, still trying to process everything, I think sleep is my best friend right now, I feel kinda numb right now



Morgan, 21
Hi Morgan,

Sorry to hear that your dad is being such a PITA!

Could / Would your Dad go in for a consultation with your Cardiologist so that the Cardio can 'explain' your condition in terms he will comprehend?

I'm surprised your Cardio didn't recommend putting you on a diuretic to help manage your Mitral Stenosis and symptoms of 'SOB' (Short of Breath :) A Low Salt Diet also helps.

Did your Cardio check your ankles / lower leg for signs of Fluid Retention? (Just press your shin bone slightly above the ankle and watch to see how quickly the 'dimple' disappears. If it is too 'slow', you are probably retaining too much fluid.)

'AL Capshaw'
Wow Morgan, sounds like you had a day and sleep in definitely in order.

You shouldn't rush to change doctors if you are comfortable with this one after 21 years. Since he is trained in general cardiology, as well as pediatric cardiology, he should be capable. I saw my pediatric cardiologist at TCH until I was over 30, and the only reason I changed then was because I worked at the hospital where my current cardiologist was located. He had told me that he would continue seeing me until I was 99, although he did retire a few years ago, so I guess I would have had to change anyway! After my daughter was born, I took her with me to the Pedi Card, and they presented me with a very tiny blanket to cover up with. I laughed and said, "Well this might cover up my knee!" I think they were embarrassed because they hadn't looked at the chart and thought my baby was the patient. Anyway, I miss seeing all the cute little kids. Instead I get to look at lots of really old and often grey people!
Sorry to hear of the bad day you have had. How sad for you that your own family (dad & sister) are being so unsupportive of you & your situation. Sending hugs & prayers your way.
Hey, what a day you have had!
Cardio visits can be very tense, these are serious discussions and its hard to absorb everything. I think it's great that you have a counsellor to help you sift through your emotions and help you to focus and relax. Take care of yourself:)
Morgan. You sweet thing!!

Sorry you are having a difficult time. You are so young and my heart goes out to you.

Do not give what your father and sister say another thought. You know who you are. And you are young and trying to mature and be responsible and get it together the best you can. Often I wonder if the ones who are the meanest to us aren't the ones who are so painfully sad about us that they just have to get angry and mean so they can cope. It sucks, whatever the case.

My cousin used to say....just pull the window shade down. In other words, just close it off. My father used to say, let it slide off like something in a teflon pan (you know, the coated pans where nothing sticks to it). I kinda liked that one. You know it's touching you, but you can just tilt yourself and let it "slide" right off. Just say no to the hurt you feel from them. Just let it go by.

I hope when you awaken you are having a much better day!

Best wishes.
