High dose of Toprol XL...?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Just checking quickly in before I get to work on school stuff...

My cardio put me on 100 mg of Toprol XL when I saw him Wednesday and that seemed to work OK despite the ever-continuing PVCs and V-Tach post-ablation. Then, after having a really strange run of V-Tach Friday morning, I put a call in to my cardio's nurse practitioner. She called my cardio and he then increased my dose to 150 mg.

Today I was going to meet one of my girlfriends from work for a grading "date." I felt fine all morning--did my usual routine and then suddenly I felt weak and tired. The Hubster freaked out, grabbed the blood pressure machine and checked my bp--it was 88/58--before calling my cardio. My cardio then instructed Mike to fill me up on water and sodium, and then told me to go back down to 100 mg of the Toprol XL. Imagine Mike's delight at having an excuse to go to In-N-Out for burgers and fries!

Just wondering if any of you have had any weird effects from taking a higher dose of Toprol XL or any other beta-blocker. Up until this past Wed, I was taking 50 mg.

Thanks in advance for your replies!
Debi (debster913)
Sorry, Debi, I don't have any advice. I'm on 75 mg (I think I was on 100 at one point maybe? But it was years ago), but haven't had anything like you've just experienced. I'm glad your hubby was quick to take your BP and call the cardio. I hope everything gets straightened out and you can get back to feeling normal!
I was put on 100 mg of Toprol XL by one cardiologist who told me "that was the Minimum Theraputic Dose" after I complained about feeling "dragged out".

Another Cardio suggested cutting the dose in half for 2 weeks. Felt MUCH better and it still controlled my PAC/PVC issues. Then he had me cut the dose in half again for another 2 weeks. Still felt good and NO issues.

Long story short, ended up staying on 25 mg for a few years.
When I was in A-Fib in August 2005 (this was before my surgery), my ex-cardio put me on 100 mg of Metoprolol a day. I don't know how low my blood pressure was. However, my legs felt like lead when I tried to walk. It was horrible!
I was on 150mg twice a day at one stage before my surgery, my BP was doing crazy things back then with the worry and all...after surgery I took 100mg twice a day for ages...eventually I went to 75 twice daily and now I take 50 each am & pm.

I do remember before they dropped my dose when the BB was working well I was getting quite low readings...thats what prompted the doseage lowering...
I was started on 100mg prior to surgery and ablation ... it was slowly reduced to 50mg and now I am on 25mg which I object to but my cardio will not budge ... he feels I need to be on it to insure I do not go into a-fib ... I am willing to try stopping it all together to see if the ablation fully took care of the problem .... I might add that I do not have BP issues ? At 100mg I felt like I was dragging around, at 25 I feel no effect whatsoever.
Hi Deb,sorry to hear you are still have arrhythmia. When I was having
my bouts of A. Flutter my cardio put me on 250mg/d(125mg 2 x/day).
The only effects I noticed was tiredness like Adrienne said and a little
blurred vision when reading close-to. This effect only lasted for short
periods of time,not continuous,and went away once I decreased it to
150mg/day. Also I don't think this occurs with everyone, even when
taking a high dose.
My best-Dina:)
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I didn't know how bad I must have felt or appeared on Toprol 100 mg until during a routine visit to cardio I was placed on 50 mg. It was during the following appt several months later that my cardio made a comment on why she changed the dosage...apparently she had never seen me so lethargic and worn out and blamed it on the higher dose.