hey guys, positive update

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
Hey guys

Just wanted to give an update. Its been a long couple of weeks, but I am doing a lot better emotionally. You could probably tell I was pretty depressed the last few weeks. I was pretty stressed out about that cardio visit, and stuff. I?ve been going to a counselor, she?s been great, we?ve talked through a lot of stuff surrounding my heart issues, and a lot of other things. We talked about parents needing their kids to be ok, and how my dad probably doesn?t want to see me laying around because of that. She thinks this is why he was acting the way he was about things.

I had a really long/emotional talk about things with him last week, I told him what my counselor said about parents needing their kids to be ok, he admitted that that was part of his problem, he agreed and was saying things like ?well, if you need a new heart valve, we?ll get you one, and everything will be ok? he admitted that the doctors told them when I was 4 that they sent my parents home and said I was fixed. Then I told him how frustrating it is to get out of breath walking from my car to class with my bookbag, and he finally ?got it? he asked if I told the Dr. about this, and looked/sounded concerned. He told me that he wonders if its not my heart because sometimes I am able to do a lot and sometimes I cant do much at all, and he says that this is why he questions things sometimes, he claimed that he never doubted that I was having issues, and has always supported me and will continue to. I explained that this is the way things are, I will have good days and bad days, Dr. Yeager said this is normal. I talked to him about doing the hard stuff around the house, like bringing in wood, and dealing with wood pellets and stuff, and told him how frustrating the situation is, and that it wears me out to have to do this stuff. I explained to him that I can do a lot more around the house if I don?t have to deal with the physical labor type stuff.

I felt like dad finally ?got? it when we had this talk, and he hasn?t asked me to do anything stupid since (9 days now). He has been much more understanding about things, and listens to me when I need to talk about it, and understands when I say I am tired/don?t feel well.

As far as everything else, I am doing pretty good, its taken a while, but I am learning to accept things the way they are, I?ve just gotta go start kicking butt and taking names as a respiratory student and take things as they come, yea, things aren?t perfect, there?s nothing that?s gonna change that right now, but what I can do is live, I can do my best at living my life, and getting as much out of it as I can right now. I know I had the whole ?carpe diem? epiphany last year after my appointment, but I lost it, I lost it big time when I started being more symptomatic. I?m getting back there now, slowly but surely. One thing I realized is that this isn?t something I can just accept and move on, it?s a lifelong learning process, its not something I?m just gonna accept and get over and forget about. So, over the last weeks I have been working on this, and actually getting somewheres!, I'll keep updating as it keeps happening!

Anyways, I?m starting to lose my train of thought here, been a LONG week with school, so I?m gonna end this, but thanks if you?ve gotten this far
Good to hear you're doing better. Just hang in there and do the best you can.
Best wishes,
Morgan, I am so glad that you have found someone to talk to and have taken the steps to talk to your Dad. My Dad used to block alot of things out also and it was only when I got older that I could really understand the depth of it. Pace yourself and try to keep a clear head.:)


I think a BIG Congratulations is in order here!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to hear that Dad is trying really hard to "get it", have you given him a hug lately?

I'm so happy for you to have found someone to talk to.
Keep up the positive attitude girl, I'll be thinking of you.


Good to see that things are going better for ya!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
"A heart that's hopeful" ... Michael W Smith ... 'Place In This World'
Morgan, I was so happy when I read this post! One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in life is to stand up for ourselves and for what is right. You summoned the courage, stood your ground and came out the winner.

Your counselor sounds like an excellent person.

Big congratulations! This is a positive turning point for you!
Congratulations on climbing over that hurdle. I was really relieved to read that you are getting through to your Dad. I'm so glad that he not only heard you, but was listening as well. Don't get frustrated if he is the "old" Dad from time to time. Its very hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Best wishes!
As the mom of two girls, I applaud your maturity and courageous attitude. I am so glad you have a counselor on your side. As parents, we love our children more than life itself and it hurts when we can't personally make things better. I am cheering you on your journey...........you go girl!
I was happy to read your post. It sounds like you have things under control now. That was a good move a see a councelor and it looks like you found an excellent one.
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