Hello everyone, here's my Introduction :)

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May 1, 2012
Melbourne, Australia.
Hello everyone, :)

So, I'm new to the Forum and I'm looking forward to reading all the provided information on here!

I wasn't 100% sure if I should join this website, as I won't be receiving Valve Replacement, but instead, ohs to
fix a bidirectional ASD, and a few other problems that I have under the hood. :)

A little bit about me,

I'm a 26 year old guy living in Melbourne, Australia and I'm a Uni student in my third year.

A few years ago I became aware, within myself, that something wasn't right and honestly I've had this feeling since I was about 15
and have undergone every test with no real successful results. So after test after test after test and after a few misdiagnoses later,
I'm finally here where I am today, awaiting ohs.

As time went on and after all the medical tests were complete from the Royal Melbourne Hospital in Melbourne, I was told I have the following:
Pulmonary Stenosis, Hypoplastic RV, Tricuspid Valve Incompetence, PFO/PDA, Secundum ASD with bidirectional shunt. (Congenital Cardiac Disease)

After a few months wait, and a shocked phone call a few days ago, I have my date for my open heart surgery, which is in two weeks. :eek2:
But in all honestly, I'm looking forward to it, so that I can finally get on with my life and do everything that all my mates could do, but me, myself couldn't,
but I'm also very unsure of everything; I'm having the usual thoughts which I'm sure everyone has, when they face this type of thing.

I'm looking forward to reading all of your stories and getting to know you, and in saying that, I did read a story in the Herald Sun :biggrin2:
a good few months ago regarding Allisoninoz and her story! So I thank her for that!

So, with all that said, and in trying to keep the post short, I'll leave it there! :biggrin2:

Michael :)
mICHAEL, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you found the site , there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8494&d=1276042314

what to ask pre surgery http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...68-Pre-surgery-consultation-list-of-questions

what to take with you to the hospital http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?13283-what-to-take-to-the-hospital-a-checklist

Preparing the house for post surgical patients http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...Getting-Comfortable-Around-the-House&p=218802

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op
Welcome!!!! What a fantastic attitude you have! Keep it up and keep us updated on everything.
Welcome to the club! We are here to answer any questions you might have or to provide any other sort of support you might like. I think you'll find that there is a really good group of people on the site with a wealth of experiences.
Welcome aboard, Michael.

What a relief to be properly diagnosed after such a long time!

Best of luck, wishing you a successful surgery and hoping you will catch up on what you lost in the past years and enjoy your new you.

I was not sure what ASD was; so I looked it up and found the following Two websites. Good formation and optimistic news:)

1) The New England Journal of Medicine:


2) http://www.merckmanuals.com/profess...cular_anomalies/atrial_septal_defect_asd.html

Thanks for all the responses and support everyone!

And as the surgery date approaches, I'm sure I'll have more questions that need to be answered, so thank you! This sure beats Yahoo Answers. :biggrin2:
Hi Michael,

Welcome, I'm new to this forum too and have found a lot of helpful info and great people here! I was also shocked when I found out that I needed OHS (found out March 2011). After 3 months of research and seeing doctors I finally had an appointment with my surgeon, he scheduled OHS within 12 days of my visit with him. Surprise! (So I went shopping for all kinds of really cute PJ's that I could wear in the hospital....yeah, I quickly found out after surgery that I didn't care what I wore - the hospital gown was just fine)! I know that you won't do what I did, that's just how unprepared/unaware/naive I was. Even so, everything went really smooth, I felt better than I expected, and I was fine.

Like you I was looking forward to surgery because I knew it would save my life. You've got a great attitude and that's going to help you a whole lot!!!!

I'll be thinking of you,

Hi Micheal and welcome to the boards :)
I'm glad you've finially got an answer but sorry to hear you need OHS,
But WOW!!! with a CHD and getting to 26, thats briliant :D
Im 18, and was born with a complex CHD and im currently waiting for my 6th lots of heart surgery,
Good luck for your op, if i can help just shout :)
Love Sarah xxx

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